I'm pretty sure the loose files are loaded after since for BSA armor mods the retextures are in loose files. I have installed the ESO nord armor from the nexus :https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/6701 and i also installed the rustic retexture : https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/...
I'm also on a custom preset right now, might post some pics later, as the one early were just to show Pfusher his textures.
I still need permission from CoT's author to publish it though as i'm using his clouds texture in my NLVA weather plugin
That's just the effect of the sky parameters in the enbseries.ini you can tweak.
You can use any texture and tweak the values to achieve the look you want.
I forgot to mention i'm using the better UV mod which modifies the Imperial forts UV maps.
With the vanilla meshes the stones should look bigger and the pattern will seem less redundant.