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by zzjay
13 Oct 2024, 09:23
Forum: Bugs
Topic: FNV ENB Glitching
Replies: 1
Views: 2988

FNV ENB Glitching

Hi, runing lates version of ENB and ENBHOST AA AF and water displacement disabled. Steam overlay disabled, and not much else running besides discord. I heard many talks about the transparency bug, but i'm not really sure this qualifies, or if it's so...
by zzjay
18 Oct 2020, 04:03
Forum: Download
Topic: TES Skyrim 0.436
Replies: 18
Views: 12082

Re: TES Skyrim 0.436

Anybody knows what effect causes these weird reflection on the water?
by zzjay
13 Apr 2020, 22:17
Forum: Download
Topic: TES Skyrim 0.414
Replies: 101
Views: 23441

Re: TES Skyrim 0.414

Im not familiar with armors cause dont play game, so i better check bottles. But you see, many mods setup such textures as benefit, i even saw improved bottles long time ago. So expect without even static cubemap some objects will look unnatural. Anyway, not a big deal to patch shaders with multipl...
by zzjay
12 Apr 2020, 22:28
Forum: Download
Topic: TES Skyrim 0.414
Replies: 101
Views: 23441

Re: TES Skyrim 0.414

Can someone exlpain why comple particle lights doesnt work well with alteration light spells... they just glow... also i need help set up wetsurfaces...i dont know wher eam i suposed to check for i get the rain one should have rain weathers enabled ,right? but the othe rone? how does ...
by zzjay
27 Feb 2020, 18:07
Forum: Other
Topic: Weather system ENB
Replies: 1
Views: 839

Weather system ENB

Hello...i'd like to go on and make myown weathers for an old enb..iis it possible to start adding only the rain weather for the "wet effects" and leave all the others as default,and add them gradually while i see them ingame?
by zzjay
27 Feb 2020, 18:06
Forum: NVidia
Topic: ENB and screenshots
Replies: 3
Views: 4863

Re: ENB and screenshots

Hun? I have been using FRAPS for 7 years now. Takes the best screenshots of all the various tools I have used. Saves them as PNG. Does an excellent job. Every shot I have ever posted here, on flickr, or on Nexus, was with FRAPS ... and that is quite a lot :) EDIT: It has been a while since I ever h...
by zzjay
25 Feb 2020, 19:02
Forum: NVidia
Topic: ENB and screenshots
Replies: 3
Views: 4863

ENB and screenshots

Anybody knows how to capture the real version of the screen while ingame? They always looka little bit brighter,than what they actualy do ingame...and that's because ingame brightness change is not read in enb screenshots i even tried fraps,but it doesnt even take e a screenshot lol. NAy way to capt...
by zzjay
08 Feb 2020, 01:10
Forum: Download
Topic: [Skyrim/SSE/AE/FO4] FreeFlyCam plugins
Replies: 262
Views: 747622

Re: [Skyrim/SSE/FO4] FreeFlyCam plugins

maybe late to he party but how do we change kays in the SKSE version?

i mean not everybody uses WASD to's pretty unfair that it forces us to use them

i checked the values and those keys do not correspont to javascript i have no clue where to look for source numbers...
by zzjay
14 Jan 2020, 16:45
Forum: ATI/AMD
Topic: AMD 5600 series + ENB
Replies: 2
Views: 4553

AMD 5600 series + ENB

Getting a new pc soon...
heared 5700 and enb dont work together cause amd shitty drivers.

Does anyone have 5600 + enb and is there any driver issue on them?

My alternative is 1660super by nvidia,which is ok,but always trying to spend less :c
by zzjay
14 Jan 2020, 16:35
Forum: Other
Topic: ENB and Win 10
Replies: 4
Views: 1328

Re: ENB and Win 10

for what i understand i kinda agree with you...i am sad i have to give up my win7 (but win10 keys are way cheaper,and my motherboard is too old) And don't even get me started on OLD GAMES...I still play 1998 games and find em actually better than newer games. The witcher 3 was a massive disappointme...