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by JCDoe
02 Apr 2012, 18:18
Forum: Bugs
Topic: Problems with ENB and Resident Evil 4
Replies: 5
Views: 4286

Re: Problems with ENB and Resident Evil 4

Disregard--I downloaded a packaged update for the whole game with a different version of ENB, and now it looks great. So . . . I guess that's a bug in the latest RE4 ENB??
by JCDoe
02 Apr 2012, 14:39
Forum: Bugs
Topic: Problems with ENB and Resident Evil 4
Replies: 5
Views: 4286

Re: Problems with ENB and Resident Evil 4

Attached are some screenshots I took from in game. Please help!
by JCDoe
02 Apr 2012, 13:46
Forum: Bugs
Topic: Problems with ENB and Resident Evil 4
Replies: 5
Views: 4286

Problems with ENB and Resident Evil 4

OK, I got RE4 for PC for the HD texture packs and the ENB upgrades. However, when I play the game, most of the textures are this color, and things like leaves are about this color. ENB works for GTA IV on my pc, so it can't be a driver issue. I got the latest ENB for RE4 on the ENB site. Now am I ju...
by JCDoe
01 Apr 2012, 13:03
Forum: Presets
Topic: Is there a preset for res evil 4?
Replies: 2
Views: 2676

Re: Is there a preset for res evil 4?

Are you certain? I use enb for GTA IV and works just fine. Could it be the d3d9.dll (or whatever its called) that came with the current ENB?
by JCDoe
01 Apr 2012, 01:33
Forum: Presets
Topic: Is there a preset for res evil 4?
Replies: 2
Views: 2676

Is there a preset for res evil 4?

I downloaded the latest enb for res evil 4, put it in the folder, fired it up, and everything is all kinds of jacked up. The ground is bright green, and the leaves are kinda . . . red.

A preset would really help, thank you!