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by odineado
31 Jul 2014, 20:34
Forum: ENBSeries
Topic: TES Skyrim
Replies: 22356
Views: 6489439

Re: TES Skyrim

Hey people! New to the community, just started trying to make an ENB preset myself. I am still totally a noob though, so far I'm only able to do enbseries.ini tweakings, hopefully I can learn some here :D This is what I've got: http:/...
by odineado
07 Mar 2014, 17:34
Forum: Performance
Topic: Why is Skyrim chewing through my VRAM?
Replies: 13
Views: 4385

Re: Why is Skyrim chewing through my VRAM?

but then develops in the next area, Trees and Grass also pop in much later than they should on Ugrids 5, even failing to pop in after I've walked past them. I have this issue as well while I ride a horse. Grasses would come out much slower than they should. One time I even stayed in that area for 1...