Kalicola Enhanced Graphics ENB

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Re: Kalicola Enhanced Graphics ENB

benjanini61: Thanks for the screenshots, they look good :)

legacyy: Yeah, I kind of lost track of what files I got from where. Got confused by matso and HD6, which are the same person right?

kajisensei: I think you are right in your analyse of my config :) Yes I have tweaked the enbeffectprepass.fx. But only the dof part.. And I will revisit that again and bring the bokeh intensity up a bit.

And thank you all for your help and support, even though there's just a few of you. Your feedback is clearly making my ENB much better. The new Beta5 I'm working on, is turning out pretty damn nice (of course, it's not too different than my other Betas) :) I went to the Riften IN, and that IN has some very wierd lighting going on, it's very different compared to other interior that I have been to (and that's actually not many). I'm pretty sure that it is bethesta's lighting setup in that room that is wierd, and not something in my config.. I find it hard to believe that a enb config can fuck up a few specific interior spots.. I haven't tried other enbs in that room, so I don't know..

Took two screenshots during my tweaking. I'm really liking the results I'm getting with my Beta 5. I will make sure to share it with you soon. I don't like releasing a new version every day, like I've been doing so far. Beta 5 will get the love it needs :)



Tell me. Is flicker adding some kind of sharpening to the images, or is it just my eyes because I'm tired?
Ronnie Stormly Ree
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Re: Kalicola Enhanced Graphics ENB

Don't know about matso and HD6... kinda same coding skill but that doesn't mean anything...
U have no idea what an enb collection i have... at least 15 to try the different configs and what fits best to my style.
Play a bit with the other stuff as well, Bloom and tonemap are really interesting ;)

Flickr doesn't add something as fas as i know... maybe other sites just have bad conversion.

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Re: Kalicola Enhanced Graphics ENB

Bloom and tonemap. Where? In enbeffect? I've been wondering how to change the overall colors of the game and the bloom.. Is that what tonemap and bloom does? I'm still a bit noobish when it comes to digging deeper into those code files.
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Re: Kalicola Enhanced Graphics ENB

Hi kalicola, beta 5 is looking really good, your config looks better every day, I've been playing using beta 4 since release, and might upload a few shots just for fun =)


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Re: Kalicola Enhanced Graphics ENB

InExile: Glad you like it :) And your welcome to upload images if you want, that would be nice :)
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Re: Kalicola Enhanced Graphics ENB

kalicola wrote:Bloom and tonemap. Where? In enbeffect? I've been wondering how to change the overall colors of the game and the bloom.. Is that what tonemap and bloom does? I'm still a bit noobish when it comes to digging deeper into those code files.
Open enbbloom.fx
There are these values a few times: "bloom.w=1.0;"
Try to lower them (ALL of them have to be the same) a bit. Maybe 0.95 or 0.9 should be fine.

Couldn't find the tonemap right away need to check that again. maybe it's been another file. (u can use the enbbloom/enbeffect from GTA IV too, did you knew that?)

After 1 Year i still can't really work with all the codes. it just takes time to learn. Adding a tonemap, black/white or negative effect in a effect.txt are some good training methods to start with^^ (screen examples are HERE)

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Re: Kalicola Enhanced Graphics ENB

Legacyy: Thanks, I will check it out :)
Ronnie Stormly Ree
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Re: Kalicola Enhanced Graphics ENB

And about color settings, fund this in enbeffect.fx
// Nighttime Saturation, Red, Green, Blue
float3 dnsatn = float3( 0.8, 0.8, 0.85 );
// Daytime Saturation, Red, Green, Blue
float3 dnsatd = float3( 0.97, 1, 1.05 );

helps with color tint of day/night

and a bit further:

... blah blah

there you can define a lot of stuff in real time, no restart needed ;)

for that Post Process you need to change that line, too:
4 gives a really weird look... 5 is the one from HD6

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Re: Kalicola Enhanced Graphics ENB

Legacyy: Thanks, very helpfull, I will check it out, and see if I can improve anything with those settings.. I know about switching postprocess/mode. Been using post 5 for a looong time. Only resently I switched to postprocess 2 for my Beta here, as it gives me a better bloom I think, especially when looking at the sun, 2 is much better defined, less hazy and sharp, if that makes any sense :)

Hopefully I have some hours to spend this weekend. I really want to wrap this up to a final version 1.0. I'm begining to have less stuff to improve, meaning that I'm getting close to final :)
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Re: Kalicola Enhanced Graphics ENB

Hey Kalicola; can you send me your enbseries configuration settings file?
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