Kalicola Enhanced Graphics ENB

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Re: Kalicola Enhanced Graphics ENB

Ive only used the latest beta a short time but what ive seen so far i love, its very vibrant and its even got rid of that brightness i was talking about during the day. I still have quite dark shadows so sending me your config files would be a great help. THANKS.

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Re: Kalicola Enhanced Graphics ENB

I could be MY monitor that is not calibrated properly, now that I think about it... I actually don't think I have ever calibrated it.. I will look into it.

I did alot of work in my config yesterday.. I will post it soon.
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Re: Kalicola Enhanced Graphics ENB

I also hadn't calibrated it since just a week ago or so when you recommended it to me. Sweet thanks man.
Also now that iv'e had more time playing Skyrim with your beta 42 i actually think i prefer beta 24 even though i thought i preferred 42 as it got rid of that brightness i had. I just feel that beta 24 has a more realistic colour pallet.

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Re: Kalicola Enhanced Graphics ENB

benjanini: I don't agree on the beta 24 part. I think it looks too washed out. My favorite so far is still beta 4 I think, that's what I keep aiming for. Beta 4 unfortunatly had too many bugs like white mountains and dark waters. And when I fixed that, the config changed :(

And now my config is a mix of alot of different files, that I totally lost track of the origin.

Speaking of my lates config. I did alot of changes to it. I brought back eye adaptation, and this time I actually think it adds alot to the config the way I set it up. it made me able to keep alot of contrast in the image, and still being able to see when you're in the shadows. I must admit, that it brings a nice dynamic into the game. I was always a bit afraid of eye adaptation, as it felt very uncontrollable, and was destroying my base ligthing. But once you get to know it, it opens up a whole lot more possibilities.

For this beta 46, I also tried to bring back lensflares. I really would love lensflares to spawn from metal weapons, but for some odd reason it also spawns from things like carpets and wood chunks more than from my shiny metal sword. Definatly something funky going on with the lens flare code or bethesdas specularity maps, I don't know.. I put lensflares back in, and tried to ballance it as good as I could..

I also brought the SSS up higher, cause it gives more life to the trees, and does nothing for skin (not seen in these screenshots). Many configs I see have very dark trees, even in bright sunlight.. I don't like that very much.

And about my config being too bright or too dark, I really don't understand how to fix that problem. I'm trying this config out on 2 computers, and they both look like they should.. My screenshots looks too dark when I view them with windows photo viewer, but when I open them in photoshop, they look fine.But I can see that when uploading to flickr, the images is ALSO too dark. And if it looks dark as on those dark screenshots on other peoples computers, then I definatly have a problem that I don't know how to fix :(

Anyways, here's the link to the config. Check it out, and feedback will be much appriciated :)

Kalicola Enhanced Graphics ENB BETA 46









Too bright white, I know.. Fixed :)


VANILLA comparison



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Re: Kalicola Enhanced Graphics ENB

Hey Kali i have once again changed my mind and i much prefer the latest config now :D i just needed more time to play it to see the real difference. Would you be able to send me your Skyrim.ini and SkyrimPrefs.ini files please, as i think from your pics that yours looks much better.
These pics helped change my mind:D

Also im pretty sure im getting lower fps with the 46 beta, did you change anything that might lower fps. Which textures are you using on your mountains?

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Re: Kalicola Enhanced Graphics ENB

thanks. I believe I have upped the quality on SSAO, because it was flickering when I increased the radius.. I have decreased the radius again, but forgot to decrease the quality also, that might be the reason for worse frame rate, I will look into it.

I also just found, that in bright snow the eye adaptation is going nuts and makes everything very dark to compensate for the very bright snow. I will look into that also..
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Re: Kalicola Enhanced Graphics ENB

May be min and max adaptation parameters should be changed for areas with snow.
i9-9900k, 64Gb RAM, RTX 3060 12Gb, Win7

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Re: Kalicola Enhanced Graphics ENB

The snowy areas are always such a huge problem with strong adaptation. I actually made myself a stupid enbeffect.fx hack to increase screen brightness in the extreme bright areas, it's half-assed and difficult to set up, but it seems to do the job without any nasty side-effects as far as I can see.

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Re: Kalicola Enhanced Graphics ENB

Since the new beta ive noticed that pretty much everything in the distance flickers very slightly when im sprinting, its not that noticeable but when i do notice it, it gets annoying. Could you tell me what lines to change in the .ini file to lower the SSAO quality?

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Re: Kalicola Enhanced Graphics ENB

Boris: Yeah, but then it truly never ends right. Then we need special cases for every weather type, and interior split up into dungeons and houses and so on and so on.. It's just about finding the right ballance I guess. I'm still tweaking on it, we'll see where it goes. Otherwise I'm just rolling back to my non-adaptation version and go from there I suppose.

Mindflux: I know nothing of coding at all, I can only tweak numbers that are already there :)

Benjanini: Don't know what causes the flickering in the background, I don't see it. Or maybe I've just gotten used to grass and trees that always flickers a bit when SSAO is ON? Don't know. Lowering SSAO quality won't help, but it will give you some extra fps.

In enbseries.ini look for this

SamplingQuality=0 <<----- Change to 2
FilterQuality=0 <<------Change to 2

EDIT: I might have found a sollution for the adaptation.. will upload new beta within 24 hours I hope :) I feel like I'm spamming new configs out like a madman.. But hey, I like the feedback, so I will just keep sharing whenever I have changed enough
Ronnie Stormly Ree
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