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And for Morrowind?
Posted: 10 May 2012, 13:02
by Tyddyner
Hello everyone! I'm using new Skyrim options of ENB in TES3+MGE XE and it looks greater, than just Morrowind with XE shaders. Work is stable, picture is fine, and everyone can be awesome but the shadows of ENBSeries is too dark and SSAO shader work bad - in game interiors I have had some bad-looking features - the one part of objects can be black when other have been normal colors, shadows ran very fast and not correct. Can anyone help me with this problem?
Re: And for Morrowind?
Posted: 10 May 2012, 17:14
by ENBSeries
I can't help in nearest month unfortunately. Post something again here to keep other user's eye on this topic.
Re: And for Morrowind?
Posted: 16 May 2012, 16:45
by vejn
Here is enb preset. I like it more saturated.
Code: Select all
Also, open Morrowind.ini and change LightAttenuation to this
Code: Select all
Also, search for Glare view in .ini file and set all to 0. This will reduce bleach white of the sky.
Re: And for Morrowind?
Posted: 20 May 2012, 06:14
by Tyddyner
Hmm, the ENB version 0.75 for gtasa is make morrowind crashed more times, than version for Skyrim. Can anyone do ENSeries for TES3, using the Skyrimbased ENB?
Re: And for Morrowind?
Posted: 21 May 2012, 06:57
by vejn
Tyddyner wrote:Hmm, the ENB version 0.75 for gtasa is make morrowind crashed more times, than version for Skyrim. Can anyone do ENSeries for TES3, using the Skyrimbased ENB?
I haven't experience a single crash with this enb version. Check if game is updated and also some mods can cause crashes.