[UPDATED] TV-ENB for Fallout 3 (.118 NV Beta)

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[UPDATED] TV-ENB for Fallout 3 (.118 NV Beta)

TV-ENB .118 for Fallout 3

Here's an experimental preset that uses FXAA shaders: http://www.mediafire.com/?eelc7igrnxtdlc9
Remember to download .118 binary and copy over just the d3d9.dll or injector.
You'll also want to download this mod and use the "starlight" variant.


1. Disable all hardware AA.
2. Put files in "ENB" folder into main Fallout 3 directory (backup your existing files before you overwrite).
2. Merge "Data" folder with existing Fallout 3 Data folder.
3. Enable "ENB_Lighting.esp" in launcher.
4. Enable "starlight.esp" in launcher. (optional)


1. DO NOTE DELETE SHADERS FOLDER IN FALLOUT 3 DATA DIRECTORY. Remove only the FXH files and the fxaa2 folder.
2. Remove "ENB" files from main Fallout 3 directory, including d3d9.dll or wrapper (whichever you downloaded).

Boris Vorontsov / ENB
Matso / Bokeh code & enbbloom.fx modifications
Tapioks / Enhanced Shaders
Andrej Dudenhefner / injectSMAA










.116 Notes:

1. Users must download .116 FNV Beta first. Read release notes carefully.

2. To control intensity for anamorphic lens flare, look for relevant parameters in enbbloom.fx file.

3. Nights need work. Way too bright for my taste, but darkening them has dramatic affect on interior cell visibility. Of course, users can easily change settings by altering ambient lighting values for night.

4. Grass is also very bright at night, but this is normal because of nighttime ambient lighting settings. You can fix this as well, but prepare for very dark interiors.


Black and White settings uploaded for those interested in taking unconventional screenshots. Effect file is the same as Old B&W TV file Boris posted a while back, but without noise enabled. If you want it to look like an old television broadcast, just enable those parameters.

Obviously this is not intended for actual game play.


All taken with 8x MSAA and NMC's texture mods. Sky textures imported from Fellout, although I do not recommend activating the mod itself.




TV_ENB B&W.zip
Black and White version. Use with .116 FNV Beta. Very high contrast.
(49.79 KiB) Downloaded 2559 times
TV_ENB FO3.rar
Use with .116 FNV Beta. Designed for Fallout 3 (not New Vegas).
(36.21 KiB) Downloaded 7335 times
Last edited by trillville on 08 Sep 2012, 03:40, edited 4 times in total.

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Re: TV ENB for Fallout 3 (.116 NV Beta)

Thanks very much for this! I can't wait to try it out in NV. Saw this posted on Kotaku and I saved a ton of your images as desktop wallpapers. Amazing stuff!

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Re: TV ENB for Fallout 3 (.116 NV Beta)

Oh Fellout! Dang, forgot I had that activated. That WILL effect how things look of course. Do you need the CK to extract those textures, by the way? I can only find the one dds (fluffyclouds) for Fellout. Did you just replace some other texture with that? I'd hate to lose the way my clouds look right now...

Thanks for sharing your config.
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Midhrastic WIP ENB for Fallout
More current and archived shots on my Flickr. Selected shots via Flickrock or Fluidr.

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Re: TV ENB for Fallout 3 (.116 NV Beta)

Everything that's included in Fellout's data>textures>sky folder is transferable. You don't need the CK. In fact, you can pretty much import any cloud texture from any Bethesda game you want so long as you re-name it correctly...though I haven't tried this yet.

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Re: TV ENB for Fallout 3 (.116 NV Beta)

Have you made any INI tweaks?

My game is crashing a LOT to the point where it's unplayable. I've cranked up the view distance for a lot of various things and I turned my ugrids up to 7. Nothing i couldnt handle in skyrim, but fallout NV cant go 5 minutes without crashing.

Was there ever a large address aware patch for Fallout 3 \ NV? So that the game can use more than 2GB? I know Bethesda eventually added that into Skyrim, but I'm not sure if it was added to Fallout 3.

Aside from the crashing, the ENB config looks amazing so far...

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Re: TV ENB for Fallout 3 (.116 NV Beta)

Dude, I get the same exact thing. It doesn't seem related to ENB either, because it happens just as frequently with everything turned off. One thing I did find was that you can reduce the crashing considerably if you use the FPS limiter in ENB series (set to 60, 30, whatever). Also turning really quickly seems to be a major issue lol. Maybe new drivers are responsible...I have no idea.

EDIT: I should also say that I reduced the crashing in FO3 to like once every hour by installing a large address aware patch. There should be one available for NV.

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Re: TV ENB for Fallout 3 (.116 NV Beta)

thanks so much ENB and TV! i have it instaleld and it looks great! i did see a bug where i used mousewheel to exit first person and everything turned transparent, so my FPS tanked, but, after a few seconds it went back to normal. now to find something to make people not look ugly, and a good texture mod.

gonna see if TV did any presets for skyrim! edit: well lookee here! :) http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/11930 of course yours are the best imo, but, cinemascope ones are pretty rad too.


Re: TV ENB for Fallout 3 (.116 NV Beta)

I install everything as told, but should the sky and room lights be this bright or is it something i did wrong, if not is there a way to tweak it?
Here are some screenshots to show you:

Any help will be appreciated!!

P.S This are screenshot from Vanilla Fallout 3 GOTY, without any type of mods.

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Re: TV ENB for Fallout 3 (.116 NV Beta)

That looks about right. Lowering LightingIntensityDay and LightingIntensityNight in enbseries.ini will help reduce the brightness produced by direct lighting. Night parameters will affect interiors. You can also try lowering bloom which will cause global reduction in brightness, but especially around glowing objects, like lights or fog.

i5-2500k 4.3 Ghz, GTX 580 1.5 GB, 8gb RAM

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Re: TV ENB for Fallout 3 (.116 NV Beta)

I'm getting some mixed results. Some good, some bad, some horrible. I tried tweaking the lighting but I found I wasn't doing any good and kept going back to the original settings. I should mention that I'm also using Fellout.

Some indoor areas turn out amaaazingly well. However, that's only when there is good lighting. Like this place:


There are some indoor areas where it's just impossible to see anything. I imagine that will be very difficult to balance =\

Outdoor areas are a mixed bag. Sometimes I get perfect lighting and it looks nice...





Sometimes it's really dark depending on which way the camera is facing and it's hard to make out details even when it's right in front of you





And sometimes, it looks way too overexposed


I suspect it will take a while to get a really balanced Fallout 3 config.
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