Here's an experimental preset that uses FXAA shaders: http://www.mediafire.com/?eelc7igrnxtdlc9
Remember to download .118 binary and copy over just the d3d9.dll or injector.
You'll also want to download this mod and use the "starlight" variant.
1. Disable all hardware AA.
2. Put files in "ENB" folder into main Fallout 3 directory (backup your existing files before you overwrite).
2. Merge "Data" folder with existing Fallout 3 Data folder.
3. Enable "ENB_Lighting.esp" in launcher.
4. Enable "starlight.esp" in launcher. (optional)
1. DO NOTE DELETE SHADERS FOLDER IN FALLOUT 3 DATA DIRECTORY. Remove only the FXH files and the fxaa2 folder.
2. Remove "ENB" files from main Fallout 3 directory, including d3d9.dll or wrapper (whichever you downloaded).
Boris Vorontsov / ENB
Matso / Bokeh code & enbbloom.fx modifications
Tapioks / Enhanced Shaders
Andrej Dudenhefner / injectSMAA
.116 Notes:
1. Users must download .116 FNV Beta first. Read release notes carefully.
2. To control intensity for anamorphic lens flare, look for relevant parameters in enbbloom.fx file.
3. Nights need work. Way too bright for my taste, but darkening them has dramatic affect on interior cell visibility. Of course, users can easily change settings by altering ambient lighting values for night.
4. Grass is also very bright at night, but this is normal because of nighttime ambient lighting settings. You can fix this as well, but prepare for very dark interiors.
Black and White settings uploaded for those interested in taking unconventional screenshots. Effect file is the same as Old B&W TV file Boris posted a while back, but without noise enabled. If you want it to look like an old television broadcast, just enable those parameters.
Obviously this is not intended for actual game play.
All taken with 8x MSAA and NMC's texture mods. Sky textures imported from Fellout, although I do not recommend activating the mod itself.