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Blue light emitted from weapons in shadows.

Posted: 10 Mar 2014, 22:34
by Korgul
Hey everyone, like the title says, i've noticed a strange issue when I have my weapon unsheathed and i'm in a shadowy area. Its almost like my weapon has a small flashlight on it and is emitting a blue light.

I'm using SkyRealism ENB and the latest ENB. When I disable ENB ingame the light disappears?

Any suggestions?

Re: Blue light emitted from weapons in shadows.

Posted: 03 Jul 2014, 23:43
by ninjutsu3D
It's related to the ambient occlusion settings.

If I remember correctly it's a setting from the preset you use that's a bit too strong or something,

Try to fine tune the AO curve or something. :)


Re: Blue light emitted from weapons in shadows.

Posted: 26 Oct 2014, 17:20
by Jay_ombie
OOOhhh that what it is...

Always noticed it sometimes in games and it would come and go with different ENB types.