TES Skyrim

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Re: TES Skyrim

Not a bad idea the 10px stroke on the pictures.


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Re: TES Skyrim

Dorak wrote:Not a bad idea the 10px stroke on the pictures.
I made an action is PS that increases the canvas size by 20px in black the resizes it down to 1450 wide so it fits on most monitors better. That's how I process all my screen shots.

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Re: TES Skyrim

From my latest Pure ENB release, using the new screenshot tricks I learned from Unreal:

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Re: TES Skyrim

Only wished the hair wasn't aliased

My pics on Flickr

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Re: TES Skyrim

Dova Core!

Fallout 4 ENB Video Series | Skyrim ENB Video Series | My YouTube Channel
Intel i7-4700HQ @ 2.4GHz | NVidia GTX780M 4GB | 24GB RAM


Re: TES Skyrim

ENB EvoFq3o0 + "enbbloom.fx" of Skyrim Visual ENB Immersion, From Matso (thanks dorak). some small changes in bloom (enbseries.ini)


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Re: TES Skyrim

Привет, не могу найти на скайрим нексус твой мод енб, ты его удалил чтоли??
И имеет ли смысла ждать от тебя нового конфига для скайрима??

P.S. And where do you get those beautiful new clothes and armors from your screens???

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Re: TES Skyrim

Dorak: Share your config NOW :) Or at least give os the link to the original config you're working from, thanks

Happyken: Those screens look quite good, exept for the bluriness and all, looks like you got some good color and lighting going on..

ALL: I need you help. after trying alot of configs and taking alot of screenshots. I keep coming back to this screenshot I did, the lighting and color on those trees look amazing. Awesome looking sky and lighting, and just a bit of bloom on those white spots on the rocks.. I just can't remember which config this is. It could be enhanced shaders, or gionights, but I'm not quite sure... Can any of you guys see which config this could be from?

Ronnie Stormly Ree
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Re: TES Skyrim

Привет :)
Because of some moron I was banned on Nexus (by the way, it was my first ban in my entire life ) than I created another
account and asked admin to delete my preset and pics from their shity site, I won't upload anything on Nexus from now on. I
just didn't know how pathetic they are, so Fuck them 8-)
About new armors and clothes.
Here is the site where you can find that "armors". be careful someone posted there is too much popups, site can
potentially infect your system with malware do it on your own risk , personally I hadn't seen anything bad in this site and
sometimes check it for a new stuff.
Check your PM for my main 0.99v preset.

I have no idea sorry, but It's defiantly not my preset .

Great pics everyone and especially Tapiok's ones
Last edited by Gionight on 10 Feb 2012, 10:52, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: TES Skyrim

I'm stopped to publish new versions of the mod to skyrimnexus, there is no sense to do that, players too lazy or just fools to read description and all i have is "too bright and too slow, how to uninstall?". Thinking now about changing terms for skyrim version to dissalow binary files to be hosted in there and leave it only for presets. That site is only done for earning money and nothing else.
i9-9900k, 64Gb RAM, RTX 3060 12Gb, Win7
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