Dark Souls 2

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Re: Dark Souls 2

pralima87 wrote:
ENBSeries wrote: I'm tired to say the same things over and over again. I'm playing games from 1994 and i know what is hard games and what just bad unbalanced shit. Atm i play Dragon's Dogma and die wasting 1-2 hours at same places as i can't beat easily group of bandints or lizards. But still, i play it and don't think that i'll drop it, because when i press the button, result is what expect it to be, i'm not hitting the air as idiot and enemies are not faster than i am. In Dark Souls player moves and acts like 300kg fatman and small pigs kill him faster than giants, i can press 10 different buttons and make many movements to avoid rockets in other games, while DS character only doing a hit. If somebody necrophile this doesn't mean that i like to play entire game as zombie. The only good thing for me is that game prooved that any crappy game must be very hard to be popular, so if i decide to make my own, i will not bother with balancing and making smooth animations fully controlled by player, it will be same bullshit as DS, because it's simple. From technical side as developer i see tons of crap in the game which players simply unable to see and i don't care what those blinds scream about, shorty it is bad (but DS1 was much worse, with such progress DS3 will be similar to the most modern games by code quality). I tried to play other games by "From Software" and they are all very bad, DS series was just a luck for them, this studio is one of the worst in Japan, because i love japanese games and know how nice many of them.
I also love Dragons Dogma.
But it would be really bad using a Keyboard and mouse.
Just like DS is very bad with KB/M.

You complains about the character "300kg fatman" are very true and one of the reasons the next FROM game being made is gonna be faster and more fluidly them DS1/2 but is a PS4 exclusive.
Also DS2 uses the "Agility" stat that when below 95 makes you kinda of unable to properly dodge.
So is more like...shield all the time and only hit when there is a opening.

A lot of people don´t like DS1/2 for the same reasons that you boris.
Not sure of any of you guys see IGN videos but some editors don´t like the game for those reasons.
People even call it a Stockholm syndrome.. like you spend so much time with the game that you tend to like it in the end :D.

I love DeS, DS1 and DS2.
But for me the ENB as it is is already more them I have hoped.
And in DS2 nexus site the 1st and 2nd most downloaded and endorsed files are ENBs.

Playing Dark Souls 1 before 2 would of being a better thing to do for Boris to get used to the game in general
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Re: Dark Souls 2

wickfut wrote:
spanian77 wrote:
wickfut wrote:@Boris.

Your d3d9.dll wasn't to blame for the AO flickering. I've just found that the game does it without an ENB installed.

AO was forced on in the nvidia drivers.

I don't remember if the game it's self is responsible for AO flickering but your are totally WRONG that Nv drvs are forcing AO. Check the default profile for DS 2.You'll see that it's "off" . Maybe you've messed with default settings. However when I's playing this game with ENB I didn't bother about this tiny issue because I was playing and enjoy the game without looking for AO flickering,everyone should try to simply play and enjoy the game.Nothing more.
what are you on about?

I forced AO to be on in the nvidia control panel and doing so caused AO flickering without an ENB being installed.

To clarify;
Users had reported to Boris that his .dll file had a bug which caused AO to flicker on and off depending on camera angles. Boris, thinking it was a bug within his file had tried to fix it but couldn't, which lead to frustration and him quitting further development of the Dark Souls 2 ENB .dll.
My video, which shows Dark Souls 2 running without any mods but with AO turned on in nvidia control panel, shows that the AO flickering bug exists without any ENB running and so cannot be a bug introduced by Boris's d3d9.dll file.
I have AO set off in Nvidia control panel and still get AO flickering when using the ENB only. The issue lies with the .dll, and is different from the AO flickering caused by Nvidia control panel AO as it only occurs when wearing a full head helmet, unlike in your video.
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Re: Dark Souls 2

You're not getting it. There was NO enb installed on that video.

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Re: Dark Souls 2

wickfut wrote:You're not getting it. There was NO enb installed on that video.
I understand. But what I am saying is that the only time I, and most people get flickering is when the ENB is being used. The issue you are showing in the video has nothing to do with the ENB, yes. But there is still an issue with the ENB.
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Re: Dark Souls 2

hey guys did you see that in the latest nvidia drivers http://www.guru3d.com/files-details/gef ... nload.html ,a hbao+ profile for dark souls 2 has been added. I didn't try it yet, but i think that's the best solution to your AO flickering (at least for nvidia users)

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Re: Dark Souls 2

CyberPunked wrote:
wickfut wrote:You're not getting it. There was NO enb installed on that video.
I understand. But what I am saying is that the only time I, and most people get flickering is when the ENB is being used. The issue you are showing in the video has nothing to do with the ENB, yes. But there is still an issue with the ENB.
Nvidia AO doesn't flicker on any other game I've tried.
ENB AO doesn't flicker on any other game I've tried.
Dark Souls 2 + Nvidia AO produces flickering AO
Dark Souls 2 + ENB AO produces flicking AO

So it's either both Boris and Nvidia have the same bug in their AO code, or the fault lies with Dark Souls 2. Which one is more likely?

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Re: Dark Souls 2

midhras wrote:
pralima87 wrote:Wow midhras these are some great screenshots!
Any plans on releasing your ENB for DS2?
Thanks! I think my ENB is nothing all that special. In fact, with the limited controls we have, many of the ENBs are bound to seem like variations on a theme. If you like what you see in my shots, I hope it's mainly the composition. If you get for instance Wickfut's, Confidence Man's, or Kalicola's ENB's, you'll probably have a game that looks a lot better than mine does.
I would release but writing up an introductory page and doing support is daunting. It's exam time where I'm teaching and I've little time to spare. I'll see what I can do.
Hello Midhras, lovely shots, they look absolutely stellar. I was wondering if you could upload your preset somewhere, I would love to do a playthrough of the game using your preset. Would you mind terribly? I have tried PM'ing you, but I was not able to find a PM button.

I also have a few questions. What are you using for downsampling? Nvidia GPU? Something Else? I've been using GeDoSaTo, but it is not compatible with ENB I believe. I have an AMD graphics card, so I don't know what other options I have :( Do you have some suggestions maybe?

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Re: Dark Souls 2

dark souls isn't for everyone, period. i adore it, i bought my best friend demons souls for his bday and he had zero interest in it, i get it.

Boris has given a great gift to dark souls fans with his enb despite not even liking the games.

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Re: Dark Souls 2


Restarted Dark Souls 2 with ENB this time, and it seems that there's still a form of light that ENB doesn't touch (apart from the sky).

There's a rimlight effect visible, skin seems to have no change with low / no ambient lighting (higher values will affect skin), reflective objects will still be bright, and there's some sort of either lightmap or spotlights, I dunno. Anyone find a workaround for this?

I have to increase brightness through Colour Correction or else the sky will remain very dark.
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Re: Dark Souls 2

You know, meshes for the character can also have a property called "emissive color" which basically means it's a light source that will only emit light when ambient is darker.
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