Agent XXX wrote:No one is innocent! That's why I don't respect anyone!
You're disrepectful words are full of intelligence! Mankind at its best!
You're just another internet cowboy hero who deserves a punch straight in your face. The day will come!
To all of you ladies and gentleman here on these forums: What I have displayed above is a perfect example of "trolling." The best way to deal with a troll is to simply not feed it. I recommend everyone cease responding to this ingrate's comments, completely ignore it, and it will go away. This concludes the Public Service Announcement.
Anyways, just wanted to say everyone's shots are looking great.
To be honest, I've never been a huge fan of the Tamriel Reloaded Textures (personal opinion) except for the flora and grasses mod, but what you've posted recently I really like. Another Tamriel Reloaded mod, or perhaps one page to put all of your current mods on (like Cabal120's Book of Silence) would, I think, be very well received and would also remove the unnecessary burden on you of creating additional description pages. Just a thought. There are some, who I shall not name but you all probably can guess, who post an absurd number of texture mods, delete them and reupload a slightly updated version on a new page multiple times a week and keep getting in the hot files. Your Tamriel Reloaded mods are nowhere near that level of flooding and they are all quite good, so if I were you, I wouldn't hesitate to go put out a new mod, or an All-in-One page, maybe with a FOMOD installer. All just thoughts. It's of course up to you and what you want to do. Just keep up the good work
And as an aside, just wanted to let you guys know I haven't really been taking any screenshots because Dragon Age:Inquisition is stealing pretty much all of my free time right now (already almost 90 hours into the game!) but once I get over that I'll be back, working on Lumen again, and finally get those DLC weathers completed. Solstheim, Apocrypha and the Soul Cairn should be entertaining