Flickr is a nice site for image hosting, but the compression quality they use is noticeably lacking...
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color = 1 - pow(2.718, - color * exposure);
Code: Select all
color.a = dot(color.rgb, 0.333); // max(color.r, max(color.b, color.g)) or luma
color.a *= 1/ (color.a + 1.0);
exposure = lerp(0.9, 5.0, color.a); // this will lerp between 2 graphs shown above, depending on color brightness, adding more contrast to the image 1st value is dark areas exposure, second - bright. However i prefer to use palette to adding contrast to image
color.rgb = 1 - exp(-color * exposure); // this is same as pow(2.718, - color * exposure), however i found that modifying pow basement could be usefull too, yet not realistic.