TES Skyrim

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Re: TES Skyrim

Last edited by Rubber-De-Flubber on 26 May 2022, 03:19, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: TES Skyrim


I'm glad it improves things for the better for you :) Have you noticed any weird looking stuff while running ELE? I haven't done a ELE preset since my last one, the one I released just before I took my break.


Ok well then it shouldn't have the same amount of vanilla issues at least ;) That has been my plan since I started working on OLSE way back last march :D

When I'm done with the ELE mod I will focus my attention on the .fx files again and see what I can do to improve them, and not just the enbeffect.fx file. After that I will be done with modding in general for a good while.


That was a pretty high AOamount setting you are running with there. I would lower the amount settings and increase the intensity settings until you achieve a good blend between those two settings. Just my own personal input take it or leave it you know ;)

At least you can run with some of the effects activated, I run at Ultra low Skyrim settings and a ENB vanilla preset with only Detailed shadows enabled and I'm stuggling with a 15-20 fps average :lol: Can't wait to get a hold on a new graphics card :roll:

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Re: TES Skyrim

Last edited by Rubber-De-Flubber on 26 May 2022, 00:58, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: TES Skyrim

Well have you used the optimizer program for the textures? it might help you gain some FPS if you do some good comparison work while applying the settings from that program to your texture files.

I mean this program - http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/12801//?

The environment texture files are where you would gain the most of using that programs features.

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Re: TES Skyrim

Last edited by Rubber-De-Flubber on 26 May 2022, 00:57, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: TES Skyrim

I can highly recommend a 2500K processor then, but as the new Ivy-bridge motherboards are out you might want to upgrade both motherboard and CPU that way you will be sure to have a good enough CPU + Motherboard for a long time in the future ;)



Those are two of the motherboards I have kept an eye on for possible future upgrade.

Intel Core i5-3570K

Intel Core i7-3770K

And the processors. I would not personally go with a locked processor so the K version of any intel socket 1155 processor is the way to go even if you don't overclock. Better to have it and not need it than not having it and needing it ;)

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Re: TES Skyrim

Last edited by Rubber-De-Flubber on 26 May 2022, 00:57, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: TES Skyrim

Me too :lol:

But seriously though it's better to wait and spend big once than buying it just because you can afford it now ;)

Here you can look at benchmark chart between the different socket 1155 Intel CPU's

Last edited by --JawZ-- on 07 May 2013, 03:33, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: TES Skyrim

EvoFq3o0 wrote:Insomnia: Thank you :) I'm averaging 20fps @ 2560x1440, I can loosen the ssao and get 30 of just drop to 1080 and get over 30 :)
Saltr: Thank you :) is this a new dark look your going for? I like how the sky can go white. different to what many presets are.
Saberus: Looks really good. Love how the fire and lights look. is this due to your dof file or the bloom or combination of both. would love to try your dof.
symphonicjohn: Cheers mate, I don't think there is anything i can do about the orange sky unless it weathers with ck or use RL. awaiting for Jawz to release EWE so I can have a play :)
Confidence-man: Really amazing!!! Just had a quick play with your setup. looks just as your pics. Please tell me you can export your weather tweaks.
Mindflux: it's snowwwwwiiinnggg!! Really nice work. would be nice to see some more of what your upto :)


I first came to...
your is Super-RL ENB?

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Re: TES Skyrim

--JawZ-- - I haven't noticed anything odd. I'll probably need to tweak a few settings but so far it looks great. I'll post some shots tomorrow.
Rubber-De-Flubber wrote:I'm thinking it may just be time to upgrade, though, as my CPU is from around the time the first Crysis was released and I only have 4GB of RAM. Not to mention only a single GTX 580.

Yes, it's time for an upgrade. My last build was around 4 years ago, except for my graphics card which I bought 2 months ago, and it's still doing great. You don't need top of the line, just the best you can afford. But I would get at least 16GB of RAM. And make sure it's compatible with whatever motherboard you are getting. Makes a big difference in system stability.
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