TES Skyrim

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Re: TES Skyrim

My old 0.119 ENB for CoT http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/23202/

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Re: TES Skyrim


Thanks for the advice! Exactly what I was looking for. Still experimenting but it seems like lowering the ambient lighting curve is what I want. Thanks again!


Those are some excellent screens. Will you share your config?

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Re: TES Skyrim

haints wrote:@JawZ

Thanks for the advice! Exactly what I was looking for. Still experimenting but it seems like lowering the ambient lighting curve is what I want. Thanks again!


Those are some excellent screens. Will you share your config?

Jep i will, after some Tweaks. I think monday or thuesday.
My old 0.119 ENB for CoT http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/23202/

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Re: TES Skyrim

propa wrote:Jep i will, after some Tweaks. I think monday or thuesday.
I thought Thuesday was just a myth @_@














Last edited by jim2point0 on 16 Mar 2012, 07:14, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: TES Skyrim


Very nice screens as well, jim2point0! Seems like everyone here just keeps on improving ...

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Re: TES Skyrim

jim2point0: If I may be a little critical here :) First of all, some of your screenshots looks extremely awesome, like the rain shot on the horse. Other daytime shots looks a bit more standard. I think your bloom and specularity is making your images looks much more like CLENB if you know what I mean, and it seems to ruin the daytime sky a bit. It looks more fantasy yes, but it also destroys alot of detail in the image.. Again I must refer back to the images in your Surreal tread, it seems your moving further and further away from that.. It happens to us all, the more we tweek and experiment, the more our images change, nothing wrong with that at all...

Just my 2 cents.. It still looks really good, and it's still the one preset I'm looking forward to the most :) Keep rocking!
Ronnie Stormly Ree
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Re: TES Skyrim

I've been doing a lot of experimental tweaking to see what I like more. There's a reason that surreal thread no longer exists :P Those settings are still around, as I make backups before going crazy with changes. If you want to point blame at someone, blame Duncan Harris (aka DeadEndThrills). His screenshots have been making me feel inadequate, and I've been endeavoring to accomplish the look he has going on. I think I need to take out the grain though.

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Re: TES Skyrim

Guys got 2 questions see if anyone could give me a hand... is there any way of tweaking ini file and lines and see the result ingame at the same time? im tweaking, launching game, exit game, tweak, launch game etc

And about values in enbseries.ini and .fx files, higher values means high color, contrast, brightness etc etc? or lower values means higher color, contrast, brightness?
Srry for these questions xD i had a bit of idea when i was tweaking gta4 but i forgot mos t part of it


These are made by a enb+fxaa+vanilla i got somewhere i cant remember but i'm trying to redo and tweak things to make it personally my style

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Re: TES Skyrim

R3volter wrote:Guys got 2 questions see if anyone could give me a hand... is there any way of tweaking ini file and lines and see the result ingame at the same time? im tweaking, launching game, exit game, tweak, launch game etc

And about values in enbseries.ini and .fx files, higher values means high color, contrast, brightness etc etc? or lower values means higher color, contrast, brightness?
Srry for these questions xD i had a bit of idea when i was tweaking gta4 but i forgot mos t part of it
Hmmmm... you do not have to restart your game in order to see changes you make to the enbseries.ini, palette, or enbeffect.fx for that matter. However, seeing the changes instantaneously requires that you run the game in fullscreen mode.

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Re: TES Skyrim

Nice screenshots Jim, I'll have to try out some of those angles.

Here's a few from my new release Unreal Cinema.




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