TES Skyrim

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*blah-blah-blah maniac*
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Re: TES Skyrim

@kalicola - I'm using Skyrim HD 2k textures for the ground.

@tapioks - Those settings in enbeffect.fx are how they were from 102, so I just worked around them. The Adaptation Min/Max are the same I believe at .05, that 0.125 value is //'d out so it's not actually doing anything, right? I fooled around with adaptation but it seemed like it screwed things up in certain ways as much as it helped in others so I just put the values back to how they came. I don't know what half these settings do anyway, I just play around and see what happens.

There were some who felt the last version had some overblown brights (especially the snow), so I sort of used that as a guide to keep things bright but not to the point where textures were getting indistinguishable.
NLA v.2.0 beta - A test version of the latest NLA release.
Natural Lighting and Atmospherics for ENB - A Skyrim weather mod and preset.
High-Res bark textures - Some bark textures I made.
Dark Souls 2 ENB preset - Preset for Dark Souls 2.

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Re: TES Skyrim


Lol, ya, that enbeffect.fx file can be a bit tricky. That being said, I have learned a bit from trial-and-error. I am also putting together comprehensive English-language documentation for ENBseries right now (a 'tweak guide' of sorts). Here's what I have so far on the enbeffect.fx:

(Again, this is all from my personal interpretation of how the settings seem to work)


//post processing mode. Change value (could be 1, 2, 3, 4). Every mode have own internal parameters, look below

VALUES: 1, 2, 3, 4
The number selected ('2' in the example above) determines which PostProcessing algorithm in the enbeffect.fx file will be used. The Post-Processing presets affect a number of attributes of the image, controlling adaptation (eye adjustment) settings and more. Each Preset can be used 'as-is', or can be manually configured as discussed below. The first three presets are suitable starting places for your own tinkering, while the fourth preset produces a very stylized, un-realistic look.


//use original game processing first, then mine

This setting allows you to include Skyrim's 'vanilla' post-processing to be included in the calculation of the final game image, along with ENBseries effects. By default, this line is commented out, as shown, so that ONLY ENBseries effects are used. For those of you familiar with Skyrim Enhanced Shaders, the 'Vanilla Plus' releases have this feature enabled.

This allows that version of the mod to produce an overall look more similar to the original game than with most other ENBseries presets. To enable this feature, simply 'uncomment' the line, so it reads as follows:


NOTE: While there are some benefits to using the original color correction along with ENB, there are some limitations. You have less overall control of the final image, and some of the effects may not be desirable, such as the strong adaptaion effect included in Skyrim by default. Most ENBseries presets for Skyrim have this feature disabled, in my experience.


//use original game processing only, with vanilla bloom

This setting allows you to use ONLY the original game's post-processing, and NO ENBseries post-processing. ENBseries.ini variables still do have an effect. To enable this feature, simply 'uncomment' the line, so it reads as follows:


NOTE: Enabling this feature will prevent the SSAO effect from rendering. Personally, I never use this feature.


//internal parameters, can be modified
//float3 EColorFilter=float3(1.0, 1.0, 0.9);

This allows you to adjust the RGB (red, green, blue) balance of the overall game image. The three values represent red, green and blue respectively, and have a range of 0.0 (0%) to 1.0 (100%). To enable this feature, simply 'uncomment' the line, so it reads as follows, and adjust the values to taste:

float3 EColorFilter=float3(1.0, 1.0, 0.9);

NOTE: The documentation here is primarily for the variables in the '//POSTPROCESS 2' section of the ENBeffect.fx file, though the guidance should be applicable for the corresponding variables in the other POSTPROCESS preset sections. All of the attributes in this section are 'dynamic' in that they shift based on in-game brightness levels, and are tied to the HDR adaptation effect.

//modify these values to tweak various color processing

//float EBrightnessV2=2.3;

Not entirely clear on this one. Somehow affects brightness levels based on in-game conditions. It is disabled (commented out) by default, uncomment to enable.

float EAdaptationMinV2=0.04;

This variable adjusts the low-end threshold for the adaptation effect. If you set this lower, such as 0.3, you will notice that when you enter a very dark area, the image will brighten/saturate/increase contrast over a short period of time to allow for greater visibility (often referred to as 'eye adjustment'). Setting it to 0.1 will make it so that the game image almost never gets dark (not good for fans of dark nights). At the default setting of 0.5 the effect is barely noticeable. I generally set this to 0.4 for a subtle effect.

float EAdaptationMaxV2=0.075;

This variable adjusts the high-end threshold for the adaptation effect, where the game image is darkened/desaturated during very bright scenes, like staring at the sun. The higher the value, the lower the brightness level required for the effect to kick in. For example, at 0.25, you'll notice that the darkening effect kicks in too easily, i.e. even when the scene is not very bright. Setting this to lower values will mean only super-duper-bright scenes will trigger the darkening effect. I find 0.05 to 0.10 to be a useful range to play with.

float EToneMappingCurveV2=7.8;

This variable adjusts the 'curve' of how adaptation effects are applied across dark and light scenes. I'm not entirely clear by how this works, but at higher values you'll notice stronger, more 'acute' changes between light and dark scenes. I find 6.0 to 10.0 to be a useful range to play with.

float EIntensityContrastV2=1.2;

This variable affects how much change in contrast is applied by the adaptation effect across dark and light scenes. At high values, you'll notice contrast increasing too severely in some circumstances. For example, when your screen is filled mostly with landscape and only a bit of sky, a high value will cause this patch of sky to be EXTREMELY bright. Setting this to 1.0 means that the adaptaion will not affect contrast levels at all (i.e. neutral).

float EColorSaturationV2=1.2;

This variable affects how much change in color saturation is applied by the adaptation effect across dark and light scenes. While the effect is dynamic and adaptation-based, this variable can 'basically' be used to set overall color saturation. Setting this to 1.0 means that the adaptaion will not affect color saturation levels at all (i.e. neutral).

float EToneMappingOversaturationV2=60.0;

This variable controls how heavily bright lighting will be 'clamped'. Other adaptation and lighting settings can cause the game image to have areas that are mcuh brighter than desired. By increasing this value, over-brightness is 'absorbed' by the specified amount. At high levels, the game image never gets fully bright, and the color and character of bright and shiny areas is 'flattened'. At low levels, it is easy to have scenarios where the game image gets too bright. I find 40.0 to 100.0 to be a useful range to play with.
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*blah-blah-blah maniac*
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Re: TES Skyrim

In order to get that EBrightnessV2 setting to do anything I had to go down to line 326 in notepad++ and uncomment this line as well: //color.xyz*=EBrightnessV2;

I also found if you put EToneMappingCurveV2 up to some really high number like 50 you get rid of the glowing water at night, then you have to jack up everything else to compensate. Not sure if it's worth doing a whole config for that when it'll probably be fixed at some point though. I have it at 12 for those pics.
NLA v.2.0 beta - A test version of the latest NLA release.
Natural Lighting and Atmospherics for ENB - A Skyrim weather mod and preset.
High-Res bark textures - Some bark textures I made.
Dark Souls 2 ENB preset - Preset for Dark Souls 2.

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Re: TES Skyrim

Hey guys, since I installed Gionights settings I've been getting bad performance and crashes... is his config really that performance intensive?

And it's not my system, I have an i7-3930 with 2x 7970 CFX so my system can handle pretty much anything I throw at it.

I'm going to go and try CM's 1.4v and see how that goes, though I really love Gionights use of colours, it's beautiful, but the crashing and bad performance is kicking my butt.

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Re: TES Skyrim

Also - guys, I love the action shots, is there a way to make the action pause without going to the pause screen and then move the camera around free?

I know to use 'tfc' to detach the camera, but how do I make the action freeze?

*blah-blah-blah maniac*
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Re: TES Skyrim

use the command 'tfc 1'
NLA v.2.0 beta - A test version of the latest NLA release.
Natural Lighting and Atmospherics for ENB - A Skyrim weather mod and preset.
High-Res bark textures - Some bark textures I made.
Dark Souls 2 ENB preset - Preset for Dark Souls 2.

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Re: TES Skyrim

I just use tfc and open the console with tm

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Re: TES Skyrim

Confidence-Man wrote:use the command 'tfc 1'
And that pauses the game?

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Re: TES Skyrim

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*blah-blah-blah maniac*
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Re: TES Skyrim


Yeah.... I think Boris is adding controls for the water foam (which is tied to other 'particle' stuff as I understand, like 'smoke' which is also bright at night) in a future release.

And...some pics of my latest PureENB release (102L). Trying to go for a more 'natural' rather than 'fantastical' feeling. And I can't stand too much 'haze' either ;)

Fallout 4 ENB Video Series | Skyrim ENB Video Series | My YouTube Channel
Intel i7-4700HQ @ 2.4GHz | NVidia GTX780M 4GB | 24GB RAM
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