TES Skyrim

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Re: TES Skyrim

Hi To all and happy new year. i need a help. before i had installed enb 119 with vibrant enb + shaders and the colours was fantastic. now i have updated my enb with 126 version with gui. now the parallax mapping is fully implemented and it looks great but i met 2 troubles:
- DOF doest work, the images are blurred
- worst, the colours. where before the colours were deep and real, now are poor, extremly cold and near to grey. the yellow is not shining. the same for green and red.
please help.
ps is it ENBmote - A quick-key tool compatible with enb 126?
thank you. if you want i could post some pictures

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Re: TES Skyrim

thenannymoh wrote:Just out of curiousity...I'm getting pretty frustrated with hair/eyebrow colours, particularly with ENB on. I love everything else about ENB, can't play without it...but I just can't get the hair to not look overly plastic or washed out. Most, the hair colour just gets washed out...I can't keep a really dark hair colour...and the beard/eyebrows always have grey in them. This is happening pretty much any ENB preset I try. My screenies here are an example (note...the problem remains regardless of indoor, outdoor, intense lights, whatever...).

I've seen screenies here from other people who don't seem to have this problem...do you fix this problem through particular hair mods, or are you tweaking your ENB for it? Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks!! :) :)
Play with your SpecularAmountMultiplier and SpecularPowerMultiplier values. It will change more than the hair, so play with them a bit in different areas and with different armors.

See how they affect the hair, skin, and leather armor plates on the shoulders. Also, some objects in the background, as you can see with the growing lights.

Shine Area
SpecularAmountMultiplier 2.0
http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8075/8337 ... e77a_o.jpg

SpecularAmountMultiplier 0.0
http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8358/8337 ... ef17_o.jpg

Shine Power
SpecularPowerMultiplier 4.0
http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8215/8337 ... 53c8_o.jpg

SpecularPowerMultiplier 0.4
http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8081/8337 ... bc89_o.jpg
Chan ENB

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Re: TES Skyrim


I sincerely like the path you're walking here lad. The play between highlights, mid-tones and shadows is very pleasing for my eyes. Not too much.. yet not too little. Golden middle road.. I like that.

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Re: TES Skyrim

Looking at what my performance is with a couple of heavy mods...

Torch shadows work inside, but not outside. I am using that Torch Shadows mod. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/5848

Also playing with DOF using Sprite Depth of Field from Michael Tichenor (IndigoNeko).



Chan ENB

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Re: TES Skyrim

@ Unreal
Very pwetty pictures. Nicely done, mate.
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Re: TES Skyrim

Yes, I'm using HD6 derived enbeffect.fx, although I've customized it to my own needs. Regarding my approach, I've actually disabled the vanilla tint but keeping all the rest of the imagespace controls, this way I can adjust the brightness, contrast, saturation and some other stuff with CK for each weather. I don't think I have any major issues anymore, and in my opinion this approach is pretty much the only viable one at the end if you want to have full control for every weather type - important for 'special' weathers such as fog in particular.

What exactly do you want to do with adaptation? The way it basically works is that min value determines how bright the screen will get when looking into the shadows (lower is brighter) and max determines how dark the screen will get when looking into the light (higher is darker). Naturally contrast varies depending on the screen brightness.

Cool disco vibe from the bokeh sprites, by the way.

I'm betting on high ColorPow and EIntensityContrast.

You're welcome, it's actually a vanilla game bug that's been bugging me for ages as well.

ENBmote is compatible with all ENB versions, although it's missing some of the stuff added in more recent versions such as Reflections. Better to use the new GUI in my opinion.

Hey old chap, it's been a while. Thanks, I'm trying to keep the look consistent across the whole game, all weathers and interiors included. I still have some issues with the dungeons as some of them are too contrasty while others look washed out, but I'm sure they're solvable. I'm setting up everything for Enhanced Lights and FX because it seems to be mostly very balanced with the vanilla game and it adds some groovy lighting effects.


Re: TES Skyrim

chan wrote:Looking at what my performance is with a couple of heavy mods...

Torch shadows work inside, but not outside. I am using that Torch Shadows mod. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/5848

Also playing with DOF using Sprite Depth of Field from Michael Tichenor (IndigoNeko).
Amazing shots there Chan! I saw your older posts back then and your settings are indeed coming into fruition--they're looking better and better!

Off-Topic: How did you make that little girl character? O_O;;. If you don't mind me asking. Thanks~. ^_^.

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Re: TES Skyrim

mindflux wrote:chan
Yes, I'm using HD6 derived enbeffect.fx, although I've customized it to my own needs. Regarding my approach, I've actually disabled the vanilla tint but keeping all the rest of the imagespace controls, this way I can adjust the brightness, contrast, saturation and some other stuff with CK for each weather. I don't think I have any major issues anymore, and in my opinion this approach is pretty much the only viable one at the end if you want to have full control for every weather type - important for 'special' weathers such as fog in particular.

What exactly do you want to do with adaptation? The way it basically works is that min value determines how bright the screen will get when looking into the shadows (lower is brighter) and max determines how dark the screen will get when looking into the light (higher is darker). Naturally contrast varies depending on the screen brightness.

Cool disco vibe from the bokeh sprites, by the way.
I was just wondering. The enbeffect.fx file I am using is like the one that comes with the binary. The HD6 versions look like they are easier to modify.
I am working with a version of Opethfeldt's file and tweaking it to get where I want, but learning as I go.
The values I put in the enbeffect.fx file, are those the hard limits of the ranges, and then they can be further tweaked with enbseries.ini or is it the other way around?
I guess I still have some trouble understanding exactly how all of the files work together...
What I really want is for the cloth and leather textures to look more realistic. Need to tweak brightness in enbeffect.fx I think, and then speculars in enbseries.ini
Also sort out SSAO :roll:

DarkENB wrote: Amazing shots there Chan! I saw your older posts back then and your settings are indeed coming into fruition--they're looking better and better!

Off-Topic: How did you make that little girl character? O_O;;. If you don't mind me asking. Thanks~. ^_^.
A lot of experimenting hahaha. I had a nice Nord character before, and a Redguard, but for some reason they grew on me, almost like if you put player.setscale 1.2
Then I tried an Ashen, and I liked that I could modify the race and not affect other characters, so I started doing that.
This character, the skeleton and base mod I am using is from the Children of the Sky mod on LL. The skeleton is x117.
Face mod is Enhanced Character Edit, with Univision face, and FSC textures.
In the last screens I have changed the face .tri files for those from another mod to make the nose smaller. I also used a different texture map for the face to make it more porous, but kept the old color and specular dds files.
I think I will stop using this mod soon because it is difficult to edit due to it using multiple directories for files...or I can stop being lazy and learn how to use the CK to make my own race :P
Chan ENB

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Re: TES Skyrim

Well, HD6 enbeffect.fx is not necessarily easier to work with, but it does have some additional controls that help out especially in the beginning when you're still learning and don't necessarily know how to do certain things yourself. Like for example it has an day/night RGB control, luminosity-independent saturation control, palette mixer as well as some cool stuff to control bloom in an efficient way. The caveat is that HD6's code is pretty messy and he had more of a mad scientist way of doing things, like for example he was constantly increasing and decreasing brightness after snippets of code, all instances of which affect the resulting image after post-processing code is computed, so there are a lot of opportunities to mess up. Also, most people will probably say that with HD6 enbeffect.fx the result is less HDRy and less ENBish, which is probably true with straight out-of-the-box file.

With the values in enbeffect.fx I take it that you mean the adaptation values? Yes, but I think you can set the 'range' in enbseries.ini, I'm guessing those values act pretty similar to a percentage scale. To be honest I guess I should give them a try myself as well, so far I've only used the controls in enbeffect.fx as I haven't really felt a need for anything else.

Speculars and bloom will probably help with leather and fabrics, but they will probably never look really good without a dedicated fabric shader.

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Re: TES Skyrim

Thank you mindflux for your information. is it GUI the on screen enb menu settings? i understood that is it.
i wish to post my images but i dont know how..
can someone explain me? i wish to upload directly from my pc
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