Suggestions regarding forum | Пожелания насчет форума

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*blah-blah-blah maniac*
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Re: Suggestions regarding forum | Пожелания насчет форума

Не пойму для чего, ведь форум на поддомене находится. Я ж не обновляю каждый час, чтоб на сайт возвращаться.
i9-9900k, 64Gb RAM, RTX 3060 12Gb, Win7

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*blah-blah-blah maniac*
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Re: Suggestions regarding forum | Пожелания насчет форума

Из-за соображений безопасности отключено все лишнее, в том числе автологин.
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Re: Suggestions regarding forum | Пожелания насчет форума

I would suggest a front page forum thread, every time you update the front page, so people can comment on whatever you wrote on the front page. I never know where to go to comment on your front page statements.

As for the 4GB patch with ENB, I believe the current patch of Skyrim has the 4GB (Large Adress Aware) included inside of it already, so the 4GB patch isn't so necessary for people using that version.

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*blah-blah-blah maniac*
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Re: Suggestions regarding forum | Пожелания насчет форума

Hm. What i'm writing on front page except news and what could be commented?
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Re: Suggestions regarding forum | Пожелания насчет форума

Yeah like for example, if you post on the front page "19 january 2012
Added new version of Dx8 to DX9 Convertor 0.035. It developed for Silent Hill 2, but should work with other games"

It would be nice to be able to say. "Congrats Boris on getting it working! Testing it now!" etc...but there's currently no special place
to talk about front page news.
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