Fallout: New Vegas

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Fallout: New Vegas

This is too weird. I started thinking of playing New Vegas a few days ago, so I installed it. After being spoiled by Skyrim, it just looks horrible. So, I came here to see if there was an ENB that was compatible, and what did Boris just post? A message on the front page saying that New Vegas is the next ENB exclusive and that it is in production. That made my day.

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Re: Fallout: New Vegas

I've been meaning to jump back into Fallout 3/NV as well. But the lack of dynamic shadows in those games has always been a major let down. I don't think there's anyway to add them as that particular feature is completely disabled in the gamebryo version the game runs on, but a healthy dose of SSAO might suffice. A while ago, when I still played that game regularly, I actually considered modifying all the game weather types to be super foggy and overcast to conceal the lack of shadows lol.

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Re: Fallout: New Vegas

Shadows are possible (and thinking about them at first), but at much more performance cost and a lot of tricks to reduce artifacts. I'm trying to research which mods already exist for this game, is it possible to edit weather (like in Creation Kit).
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Re: Fallout: New Vegas

Yes it is possible and the method is nearly the same (if you're thinking about correcting reflected light color). As for dynamic shadows, I think most people would be willing to accept the performance hit. I enjoyed the game at 20 fps on my junk laptop when it came out, so it's no big deal for me.

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Re: Fallout: New Vegas

Amazing. New Vegas is one of my favorite games and I had recently started playing it again after being absorbed into Skyrim. I admit, I've been spoiled by Skyrim's more advanced graphics. The lack of shadows in New Vegas is almost painful to look at now. Lo and behold I come to the site today and see the update about New Vegas being next in line. Wonderful! I can't wait to see what you do with this, Boris.

I also agree with Trillville, the performance hit for shadows would totally be worth it for a lot of people. New Vegas isn't particularly demanding to run anyway.

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Re: Fallout: New Vegas

Борис, как насчет обновления старых версий мода? Это же значительно проще и быстрее, чем разработка под новую игру. Я уже очень давно, уже несколько лет жду обновления для версии enb для hl2, для source движка. Разработка для скайрима была безусловно актуальна и своевременна, это была новая игра, которая была разрекламирована всеми возможными способами, имела потенциал для моддинга, и так далее. Но возвращение к такому дерьму, как фолаут3 - это даже не шаг назад, это шаг в никуда, в бездну интеллектуальной пропасти.

Я очень прошу отложить/отсрочить моддинг фалаута, и обновить версию для source, потому что в противном случае ты завязнешь в разработке мода для фалаута еще на полгода минимум. А обновление старых исходников для hl(если они конечно остались) методом копипаста займет значительно меньше времени. Этот вопрос уже поднимался тут:
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Re: Fallout: New Vegas

Я не могу быстро обновить старые версии, потому что нет возможности сейчас на компе запускать крякнутые игры и приходится покупать, а значит и по полной программе моддить, чтоб компенсировать. К тому же мне интереснее самому делать полноценные версии, а не универсальные. Fallout в отличие от Skyrim уже имеет финальную версию патча, мне не нужно психовать и ждать, когда чего-нибудь поправят, да и посмотрю популярность мода, если толка не будет, то и напрягаться не стану. Говорить о том, что игра старое дерьмо не имеет смысла, ведь на сурс движке игры тоже старье. Мне сложно найти игры с большим количеством фанатов, которые продолжают играть, а Fallout поддерживает моддинг и следовательно гораздо больше живет.
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Re: Fallout: New Vegas

I can't wait for the Fallout's enb !!

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Re: Fallout: New Vegas

deadense wrote:Amazing. New Vegas is one of my favorite games and I had recently started playing it again after being absorbed into Skyrim. I admit, I've been spoiled by Skyrim's more advanced graphics. The lack of shadows in New Vegas is almost painful to look at now. Lo and behold I come to the site today and see the update about New Vegas being next in line. Wonderful! I can't wait to see what you do with this, Boris.

I also agree with Trillville, the performance hit for shadows would totally be worth it for a lot of people. New Vegas isn't particularly demanding to run anyway.
I agree completely that Skyrim is much more advanced that FONV.

I've started a new playthrough on Fallout 3 and it looks alot better than FONV. With the latter I had to download Imaginator, Dynavision, Cinematech and Directors Chair in order for it to look decent. It has the horrible putrid yellow tint and yellow HUD.... so so yellowish, bland and no signs of depth in the enviroment due to lack of shadows. Fallout 3 had much more time spent on the world and art design and looks fantastic playing on just Ultra with HD textures.


Will the ENB for FONV also be compatible with FO3? I think it is generally agreed upon that Fallout 3 is more widely liked than the other. Barring ironsights and a couple of features which are added to Fallout 3 with mods, FONV cannot touch FO3.

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Re: Fallout: New Vegas

No, it will not be compatible, but if required, i'll develop for Fallout 3 too.
i9-9900k, 64Gb RAM, RTX 3060 12Gb, Win7
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