TES Skyrim 0.119

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*blah-blah-blah maniac*
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.119

No, dungeons are interiors in the game and i can't do anything.
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.119

understood :)

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.119

Just a heads up for people who will be upgrading to Windows 8 in the following weeks.

The wrapper doesn't work (crashes after the spinning bethesda logo), but you can use the injector with "windows 7 compatibility mode". Also using proxy dll's (like SMAA) doesn't work so you have to use hardware anti aliasing.

This is on Nvidia (GTX 670) with the latest drivers.

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.119

Win 8 is not be supported by me, ever. Even if it will work, somehow.
i9-9900k, 64Gb RAM, RTX 3060 12Gb, Win7

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.119

najt wrote:Just a heads up for people who will be upgrading to Windows 8 in the following weeks.

The wrapper doesn't work (crashes after the spinning bethesda logo), but you can use the injector with "windows 7 compatibility mode". Also using proxy dll's (like SMAA) doesn't work so you have to use hardware anti aliasing.
Scratch that. MSI's Afterburner was interfering, more specifically it's OSD feature. Make sure you turn it off in the settings. This also applies to any Riva Tuner based apps.

Now the wrapper works under Windows 8, including proxy dll's. Happy gaming! :)

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.119

I have a preset HERE for people to have a peak at if they feel bored. It uses Realistic Lighting as a base instead of the Vanilla colour scheme. Details are there and on the mod page posted in the link.
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.119

Sorry if this has been answered. I've been having 2 issues with enb 119. I get sky flickering when I use the "wait" command. And the enb effects sometimes do not work on the loading screens. I have Radeon 5870 if that matters. Also skylighting is false.


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Re: TES Skyrim 0.119

It seems that the deepest part of shadows turn a blueish color at night, any idea what settings to look at?
I can't get a good screenshot of the issue, but its almost like they glow faintly instead of being just black.

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.119

Don't know what "wait" command is and don't think this need attention. Mod at loading screens must not work, because increase loading time.

There are many properties for the mod and external mods, i can't suggest anything in general, except to decrease AmbientLightingIntensityNight in enbseries.ini file.
i9-9900k, 64Gb RAM, RTX 3060 12Gb, Win7

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.119

I'm betting on a palette issue.
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