TES Skyrim 0.126

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.125

Press ~ key to show console and stop gameplay. I can't interrupt game only for editing mod properties.
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.125

deadense wrote:Is there a way to use the GUI without moving the game camera around/attacking?
Use console, then type

Code: Select all

to toggle the menu. Press enter. Menu disappears and you can see the whole screen. Just press 'up' arrow and enter to bring the menu back.

If you are in combat, use

Code: Select all

tfc 1
to stop all action.

You can fine tune camera control with

Code: Select all

sucsm 2
and clear the screen of blood with

Code: Select all

Chan ENB

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.125

Seems idea with simple water mask drawing for ssao failed. It working properly for removing transparensity, but underwater do not have ssao, so it's much brighter. And can't draw ssao before water rendering, it's bring more artifacts for objects which drawed later. Of course draw ssao twice even worse. Don't have ideas now, except to edit all water shaders and apply ssao depending on deepness, but instead water transparensity artifact it will be more like non refractive water near shores.

Current in all versions:

Modified by mask in development:
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.125

chan wrote:
deadense wrote:Is there a way to use the GUI without moving the game camera around/attacking?
Use console, then type

Code: Select all

to toggle the menu. Press enter. Menu disappears and you can see the whole screen. Just press 'up' arrow and enter to bring the menu back.

If you are in combat, use

Code: Select all

tfc 1
to stop all action.

You can fine tune camera control with

Code: Select all

sucsm 2
and clear the screen of blood with

Code: Select all


Well thank you for the informative response! :)

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.125

I am having another issue with SSAO in the latest version 0.125. It seems that the detail at night is largely lost. As you can see here, the shadows behind the sign are gone, as are those on the cart, etc. To me the ones in v119 looked more natural:

v0.119 nights:

v0.125 nights:

Changing AOMixingType and AOType do not effect this.

It IS possible to turn up AOAmount until it looks close, however this causes the effect to be WAY too strong for interiors and mountains, among other places. The only way around this I can see is to separate AO like you have other settings, with separate configuration for Interior, Day, and Night.

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.125

I will not return to old ssao, it was computed per triangle. Use old version or wait when ssao code will be improved, but no way back.
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.125

ENBSeries wrote:Phinix
I will not return to old ssao, it was computed per triangle. Use old version or wait when ssao code will be improved, but no way back.
I understand completely. Always better to move forward, and I wasn't suggesting going back. I was just hoping to impress that these sort of issues could be resolved by doing interior/day/night separation for AO.

In general, I like the new SSAO better as well. It is just harder to strike a balance between different environments, hence the request. I will patiently await whatever you choose to do next. :)

EDIT: Just noticed you posted a new update, so looking forward to testing it out. Your work is much appreciated.

EDIT EDIT: Wow, you already managed to separate the SSAO interior and exterior. Very nice! I am only having one strange issue. It seems that randomly after restarting Skyrim for a while testing different settings that outdoors the shaders will get "stuck" and start to flicker between darker than normal, regular Skyrim without shaders, and the correct settings for ENB, causing a strobe like effect with adaptation.

It used to be restarting the PC would fix it (thought it might be something stuck in the video memory) but that is not the case.

It seems to only happen outdoors.

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.126

ENBSeries wrote:including GUI to simplify editing
Better Late Than Never.
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.125

mindflux wrote:jonwd7
I guess no one has tried to create _sk textures for foliage etc., but I guess it should be possible and not even too much work since you can most likely use the same file for all objects of certain type.
Well, I give up for now. For some reason no matter what edits I make to the tree NIFs they do not show up in game. I can't even view the vanilla NIFs in the Creation Kit preview without it crashing (apparently the CK Preview does not support the tree format)... And it seems like the game always uses the BSA version of the trees. Shrub and plant edits work just fine though. I'm just turning down my SSS to almost off, because of the tree shadows issue.
ENBSeries wrote:Seems idea with simple water mask drawing for ssao failed. It working properly for removing transparensity, but underwater do not have ssao, so it's much brighter. And can't draw ssao before water rendering, it's bring more artifacts for objects which drawed later. Of course draw ssao twice even worse. Don't have ideas now, except to edit all water shaders and apply ssao depending on deepness, but instead water transparensity artifact it will be more like non refractive water near shores.
Thanks for trying at least. It looks to me though that you are masking out the water before the SSAO calculation, as there is a black edge against the water, and a white halo (AO artifact) on the other side of the edge. This hard edge is probably seen as a depth difference / geometry edge so it applies AO to it. The AO should be computed first, and then the mask subtracted from the AO texture. There still may be a hard edge against the water line, if the coast/ground has some AO applied to it underneath the water surface where it is still transparent. This might be expensive to fix, but you could mix the world space height with the water mask to fade the edges along the water line. And then subtract that from the final AO texture.

You may find this interesting: OBGE people did some cool things with water, namely proper specular occlusion, and underwater light scattering (light gets darker with depth). They also have a moving shoreline and caustics (Video). I helped implement the caustics a long time ago, though my version was different than what ended up being implemented.

I'm still not very great with writing my own shaders, but I know enough to at least suggest how to fix that water issue.

Thanks so much for the recent update. ENB just keeps getting better and better!

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.126

Thanx so much for all the recent improvements, Boris. :)
Would it be possible, now you started it, to separate more parameters for SSAO, especially range ?
I assume scales and qualities can't be separated, right ?
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