TES Skyrim 0.155

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.155

ENBSeries wrote:Miguel
SLI is a hack and nobody guarantee it work, so stop pointing on my code, it's annoying. Use different configuration/profile of SLI, that's all you can do.
I was not pointing your code, just saying that as another "hack", it could be possible to avoid this performance problem by temporary disabling the Bilateral shadow filter when there is no shadow to filter.
I'm not judging your code or anything else, you're doing so great work for all of us :)

Nevertheless, I tried different SLI Profiles with NvidiaInspector, I found that the Far Cry 3 one was the best for now, it does not have the huge FPS drop with the bilateral filter in non-dynamic shadows area, but I don't get 60 FPS in cities, and the game is stuttering sometimes.
For now the Skyrim SLI profile is the best, but there so much to try that maybe another one is doing great.

I kinda like the detailled shadow without the bilateral filter though, it's still sharp at distance and I like that distant shadow detail, maybe I'll stick with the default SLI profile and let the bilateral shadow filter off, I enjoy more the game when FPS are stable, otherwise it's kinda stuttering.
far327 wrote: PM me if you want to get into details of SLi and ENB configs. I've done a bit of testing lately while making my ENB config.
I also did some SLI profile tweaks but did not find one with the same performances as the Skyrim one, except one but the sunrays where all over the place.
So if you found one, you can PM me :)

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.155

Patken007 wrote:So anyone could give me a good suggestion for a good enbseries.ini that i could use with my amd card?
Try the one in my sig (Unreal Cinema). It was developed on a HD6870 and supports the latest binary.
Unreal Cinema ENB

ENB Binary Archive

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.155

Okay, i did the code to disable my filtering if shadow not rendered.
i9-9900k, 64Gb RAM, RTX 3060 12Gb, Win7

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.155

ENBSeries wrote:Miguel
Okay, i did the code to disable my filtering if shadow not rendered.
Oh I did not expect that after your messages here :o

Thanks a lot, can't wait for next update now :)

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.155

Hi. Thanks for explianing ur raindrop making way boris. I made a oval raindrop and its weird and bumpy but.
it is upside down, i mean the rain in the game is upside down from the tga, good to know if ur gonna make a tapered one.
My one looks like the amoeba and it was real big, i left it at 1024x1024 just to see if it wokred.
Also I tried using object space normalmap but i got the shadowy stuff like narphous, so i made tangent one.

since the larger resolution raindrop seems to work okay, is it reasonable to have a rain size option?
u know for if u are going for a fantasy or surreal kind of look in the game. or rain speed?


for the pic i have setting of:


here i put the tga I made it 128x128 tho cause it didnt seem to matter to have it bigger.


Ok anyway its made with blender and i just did regular way for baking the map with uv map to control where the shape is.
I didnt know how to use the render nodes properly to make the alpha mask so i did that afterward. maybe i learn later. So different way a little.
Please try my new speculars and normalmap for ur head and let me know if its bugs or whatever.

Current version is 0.4b

Bryn's SPF 42

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.155

Can't make rain size parameter, because it's single geometry, i simply don't have any data to separate each quad, where the center of it, etc. Also performance will degrade too much with antialiasing enabled.
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.155

Here is your rain texture in action
Using the following -

Code: Select all

From your post, what does TransparencyCompensation=1.0 do? It did not generate in my enbseries.ini using 0.155
I like the texture. May i use it for my game?
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.155

DigitalPrinceX wrote:Baduk
From your post, what does TransparencyCompensation=1.0 do? It did not generate in my enbseries.ini using 0.155
I like the texture. May i use it for my game?


I duno what that does actually i guess it gives some darkening to rain to keep it visible ?
That parameter is present in the default inis since 1.53 or 1.54 duno whar i put 1.53 ...
But boris said that if ur rains not working right the compensation becomes too dark so i put it at 1 to show if it was working or not.
Could be tho u gota have transparency on to have compensation turn on or something.
in that case i would be not acomplishing anything :lol:

Not sure if this rain offers much compared to original ones. but anyone can use it if u want.
Please try my new speculars and normalmap for ur head and let me know if its bugs or whatever.

Current version is 0.4b

Bryn's SPF 42

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.155

Is there any way to avoid the shadow bleed between sharp angles? Usualy very visible @ exterior when there is sunny with bright background, between fingers, legs sometimes, hair got plenty angles @ neck so its kinda frequent there but very small (sometimes around the head kinda glowing thru the hair I think). Around the throat "front" at angles when hair is covering it, creating sharp angles. It also seem to darken alot more on very sharp angles:> It is very "bleed" like , reminds me o the shade in 1.54 Proudspire in look. Deep and sticks to the background texture "oil look" and also goes away when turning off SSAO/SSIL. Difference from 1.54 Proudspire one is I get it with 1.53 and 1.55 and the shade sticks and do not move (pop back). If this is a natural bi-effect of the way SSAO/SSIL is added I will ignore it:)
I have not changed much on it, like to think I got very subtle SSAO/SSIL settings but i am not 100% sure on that^^


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Re: TES Skyrim 0.155

Ive come to some kind of conclusion that i cant use any enb with my computer because i have a amd card and it doesnt work :( Ive been trying tones of enb, it always come to the same thing, too much blurry.
Last edited by Patken007 on 14 Mar 2013, 02:45, edited 1 time in total.
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