TES Skyrim 0.198

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.198

0.198 is phenomal. Great job Boris, this is fantastic. Cheers ~ (tried a longer praise but kept getting a 'too spamy' message)

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.198

omuerteSA wrote:Just get a copy of VLC and never look back. MPC has a place along with winamp, in the year 2000.
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.198

Same i could say to you for using a Codec Pack ;)

sooo Noob ;)
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.198

Boris, I think you mentioned looking at CPU utilization at some point? Any chance of improving CPU usage or improving thread performance in the future?

Cheers on 0.198, it works really well :D
Samurai_Smartie wrote:
omuerteSA wrote:Just get a copy of VLC and never look back. MPC has a place along with winamp, in the year 2000.
Why would you ever bother with this when you can install one robust and well-supported application that just works? Over-complicating your software stack for no reason doesn't make you some kind of elite hax0r, it makes you foolish.

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.198

Hi there. This version is doing a phenomenal job and reducing RAM usage, but I am still getting crashes. I'm not sure if this is the cause, but I came here to ask my question about it anyways. I have my suspicions that it is high VRAM causing the crashes, since my card has 2GB of VRAM and prior to crashes I see that my VRAM usage reaches 2030-2035MB. Would that make since that my card is too weak and causing the crashes?

I have a GeForce GTX 670 FTW, should I consider getting a 4GB GTX 680? OR a GTX 670 FTW with 4GB instead of 2?

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.198

Guys, i'm using kl codec pack already, but the problem only appear only with new videocard, the same drivers and my old card don't have this, so it's not because of codecs or player. I can use different one, but the problem not solved.

I don't want to improve anything for performance and bugs of the game, it's a lot of boring work. May be once when will be less depressive.

Completely filled up vram don't make crashes, search other problems. it's same silly story as some users reporting that crash was previously with 3.1 gb and now 2 gb, problem is not in memory itself (if you not set madness in skyrimprefs.ini).
i9-9900k, 64Gb RAM, RTX 3060 12Gb, Win7

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.198

Haven't tried .199 yet but I have noticed a couple problems I'm having with .198. I get no sun during the day except a faded corona unless I put a value in SunIntensityNight. Also my sky texture and clouds have totally disappeared a couple times after a weather change, just the sun is there.

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.198

ENBSeries wrote:--JawZ--
With current GUI groups can't be made easily from my side, because they are per shader file, so if i'll make them as annotations ("UIGroup" for example), each shader must be choosen in dropdown box or something like that. Very boring programming procedure which not give much improvement. I'm working on the mod while it's interesting, but writing docs or reply the same questions to users on nexus makes me feel negatively and turn to more interesting things, so basically i'm just complaining and don't want to do. May be something else important to GUI exist, then i can do at same time, but at this time i'm very much tired.
Thanks for the explanation and if it's that boring and/or tedious work I don't want to push you into doing something like that.
Yeah Nexus is good at making it feel like that from the general user population.

Oh and I'm wondering if the effect.txt is included to have the GUI feature? Just wondering if it is and not asking for you to implement it into that file if it isn't.


The clouds disappearing has happened to me too, both with and without ENB activated so I highly doubt that it's only ENB related for you as well.

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.198

Also, did something change with the way the sun or bloom works as my sun seems massive compared to 168.

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.198

Nothing changed as i remember, complare different versions and post which have bug and which don't.

Effect.txt also support annotations
i9-9900k, 64Gb RAM, RTX 3060 12Gb, Win7
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