ReduceSystemMemoryUsage=false - enbhost not working then, it not started by the mod at all with this value set to false. Try ReservedMemorySizeMb=32 and ReduceSystemMemoryUsage=true.
This seems always the same.I'm playing full screen, and alt-tab behaves same where I have to do select Skyrim twice from desktop to see the game again.
If you came here to complain and still prefer to not say what hardware it is, don't waste my time, i'll not reply next time and nobody will.
To all
Let's summarize results for ReduceSystemMemoryUsage=true.
1) 0.200 have less stuttering and fps in general.
2) 0.200 don't differ from 0.201 by stuttering and fps if VRAM amount is huge (2gb+).
3) free vram key elliminate stuttering and fps drop.
4) 0.201 allow to load saved games which was infine or freezed in 0.200.
Is this correct?