TES Skyrim 0.251

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.251

assuming your not totally against it boris try dragons dogma, it has an online element but its totally optional. You don't directly interact with other players. Its by no means a perfect game but it is enjoyable if you get into it.

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.251

No thanks, i clearly understand now that don't like mmorpg. Interesting locations were interesting for me in FF14, but i'm tired to death from all standart fantasy places, it's like going each day the same way to the job and back to the home.
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.251

We'll like I said it isn't really a mmorpg cause interaction is totally optional but fair enough, with as much as you've had to have put in to games like these I'm sure they do get dull after a time.

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.251

http://www.gametrailers.com/reviews/xkr ... -ii-review
Ugliest game of the year :mrgreen: damn.. this needs enb, but only if they gonna optimize this shit.
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.251

ENBSeries wrote:No thanks, i clearly understand now that don't like mmorpg. Interesting locations were interesting for me in FF14, but i'm tired to death from all standart fantasy places, it's like going each day the same way to the job and back to the home.
I cancelled my subscription too, though I have some time left and may stay with it if conditions improve. For me it really is a case of a few bad apples spoiling the whole experience. I know I should expect a certain level of immaturity as a lot of spoiled kids likely play, and I should be more tolerant as many of these kids probably come from troubled families in these difficult times. For the most part, I just try to ignore them. Still, it is becoming increasingly aggravating trying to just enjoy the game without some offensive intrusion, as if there is an organized force out there that believes gamers must be punished for their lifestyle choices, much like the wealthy elitists who think only of themselves in the short term, who honestly believe in Malthusian propaganda that the majority of humanity must be killed off to prevent "global warming" or some other such nonsense, and take their ignorant hatred out on those who are most in pain.

It seems so many things are becoming a depressing reminder that the same archaic intolerance that led to countless genocidal wars over dirt or vanity or harmless differences of beliefs throughout our history still clutches with desperate jealous fingers at our future. I am just sick of it. I sometimes feel like humanity will NEVER evolve, and MMO's just remind me too much of this depressing fear...

EDIT: I've cleaned up my original post as I realize I made it in anger. I've been under a lot of stress lately; people I love are in the hospital dying, and it seems like the greedy world is doing everything they can to block medical advances if they can't make it proprietary and patent it to turn a profit. I should instead remind myself that there are still good people out there that choose to share their talents with the world, people like you Boris, and so many others here. Besides, this is hardly the place to express feelings of anger over something none of us can do anything about.

I can only do my best to remain hopeful for the future, and work to create examples in my own life and work on ways things could be done better and sustainably so that these types that seem to look forward to the destruction of humanity can't say they didn't see it coming, or that there were no alternatives presented. In any case it hardly helps matters to maintain a negative outlook, so I apologize if I have offended anyone.

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.251

Hello Boris, I am new to the forum so please forgive my noobness.

I have a request/suggestion with regard to the new error messages for incorrect settings in the latest version.

Would it be possible to make the new error message for “bFloatPointRenderTarget=0” time-out after a few seconds like the other enb error messages, such as the error messages for deferred rendering being disabled and hardware antialiasing being enabled? Or even add an option in enblocal.ini to allow people to disable the error messages.

The reason I ask is because I do not have a great computer, I use a performance enb preset and only use a few of the effects like bloom, but I also like to use MSAA. The problem is that with both bFloatPointRenderTarget=1 set, and MSAA enabled the performance impact is enormous to the point where the game is unplayable. If I disable bFloatPointRenderTarget then I am stuck with the error message about it being disabled on the screen permanently. I would like to continue to use those great enb effects but I would prefer to use them with MSAA enabled and I therefore need to set bFloatPointRenderTarget=0 on performance grounds.

I am sure that this does not affect those guys that use enb’s advanced effects for screen shots, but for people like me that just use the more basic effects it is a bit frustrating having to choose between turning off MSAA or having an error message on the screen. Any input from you would be welcome, Boris.

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.251

GTA 5 will be great for ENB as of when it gets to PC...

When ever that is..

(easier to mod I hope to as GTA4 was fiddly)
CPU : Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600K CPU @ 3.40GHz (4.50GHz oc)
GPU : AORUS 1080Ti (2012MHz oc)
Nvidia Driver : 430.86
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Obsidian Weathers and Luminous ENB.
ENB 0.402

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.251

Right guys and girls.

Sorry if this has been covered before but with latest wrapper, and I have 'volumetric rays' ON, I get this...


I have this issue with just Aspens (and some bunting around skyrim). I use Vurts Flora and he does not know at the moment why.


Seems to tie in with MIST, when enabled in ENB and at certain angles the tree's become see through. OFF and they are solid.
CPU : Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600K CPU @ 3.40GHz (4.50GHz oc)
GPU : AORUS 1080Ti (2012MHz oc)
Nvidia Driver : 430.86
RAM : 8GB DDR3 800MHz
Sound : HyperCloud 7.1
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VR : Rift

Obsidian Weathers and Luminous ENB.
ENB 0.402

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.251

Sorry to hear that, let the power be with you.

bFloatPointRenderTarget=0 means mod do not work, including bloom, so i will not do any changes.

This can't happen because of mist, the bug is in nif properties of that trees, they do not draw to depth. Or you don't have setting in skyrimprefs.ini which draw trees to depth (or shadow? don't remember).
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.251

It's no ENb bug. just a3d model where the author forgot to switch off a alpha tag on the modell. The autor of Skyrim flora Overall from where this tree is already knows about this.
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