TES Skyrim 0.266

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.266


Could you clear this up since i see conflicting reports on what settings should be used concerning Bilateral Shadow Filter.

If "BilateralShadowFilter=true, Then iBlurDeferredShadowMask=1 correct? Or does it matter?

I know you state to leave it at "1" and then change the blur range parameters under [SHADOW] but i see people having
Bilateralshadowfilter=true but iblurdeferredshadowmask=3, which is skyrim's default shadow setting i believe..

Sorry to rehash an old topic but shadows have always been big discussion with this game...

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.266

Default setting must be used and default for iBlurDeferredShadowMask is 3. Though i did a fix which may handle some cases of this value set not to 3, result is different, but better than no filtering at all. iBlurDeferredShadowMask parameter just means how many times shadow filtered, default filter is simple blur (4 pixels) in two passes. How many passes when value set to 2 or 1, i don't know, may be both 1.
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.266

ayvis wrote:Hi there, just wanted to know if this bug ("black eye" eye shadowing bug) is known of, in case it is known to be unfixable. I searched in the forum quickly and didn't find anything about it.
Disabling Transparency AA in the drivers usually fixes this, if I recall correctly.

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.266

No, it's not dependent from driver setting, game do not draw eyes to deffered shadows. Maybe just removing alpha properties of eyes let the engine draw them to shadow, i don't know (normally engines have properties for shadow casters and recievers).
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.266

I've never seen this effect as it appears in the screenshot with the eyes completely black, so I'm not sure how to test this. I looked at the BSLightingShaderProperty settings of the mesh and it's set to cast (?) and receive shadows. It has an alpha property with 4845 blend mode which is typically used for partial transparency (blending) - and it has a threshold of 0. This is likely due to the eyelashes being part of the mesh and they require transparency in order for the texture to render correctly so I don't think removing the NiAlphaProperty is an option. Although someone who can see the effect could try changing the blend mode.

flag 4844, threshold 128 works for textures that have a clearly defined region of transparency (e.g. alpha channel for clothing textures used to "hide" parts of the texture)
flag 4845 is often used for hair textures with a varying threshold
flag 4846 allows hair meshes to show shader effects (e.g. dragon frost breath)...hair meshes that are not set correctly (most hair mods) will show the hair mesh through such shader effects unless this is changed

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.266

Try remove the SLSF1_Cast_Shadows on the "...Eyes..." NiTriShapeData node. If this was on Lydia, edit the 000a2c8e.nif file. Make sure the eye texture has the all mips generated. For 512x512 dds file, 10 layers required or randomly the black color would shown. Also, the top part has the eyelash, so it must have the correct alpha. Some dds file viewer shows this part complete black, but GIMP or Photoshop with the dds plugin will show the eyelash if it had the correct alpha.
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.266

Back to Bloom Topic

Boris, prod80
Thank you both for the bicubic filtering trick, works wonders :D
No, seriously, the quality gain is really palpable, for all imagespace as for bloom-based effects.
No performance loss at all on my side (really depends on the system I guess).

I would suggest to port that code to default enbbloom.fx, and to known alternative bloom shaders as well, for users to build their preset with this addition on.
Then, publish it as alternatives here, and on a Nexus separate page.
Maybe we should team up, us coders, (if I eventually consider myself as one), in making separated resources available, or join --Jawz-- in his own...

I really wouldn't be in your socks sometimes, trying to set your mod in a way that fits all kind of systems and configurations... while staying correct code-wise....
As we're saying in french, it's a ' quadrature du cercle '....

Boris, still OK eventually for reflections splitting ?...
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.266

Maeldun wrote:I've never seen this effect as it appears in the screenshot with the eyes completely black, so I'm not sure how to test this. I looked at the BSLightingShaderProperty settings of the mesh and it's set to cast (?) and receive shadows. It has an alpha property with 4845 blend mode which is typically used for partial transparency (blending) - and it has a threshold of 0. This is likely due to the eyelashes being part of the mesh and they require transparency in order for the texture to render correctly so I don't think removing the NiAlphaProperty is an option. Although someone who can see the effect could try changing the blend mode.

flag 4844, threshold 128 works for textures that have a clearly defined region of transparency (e.g. alpha channel for clothing textures used to "hide" parts of the texture)
flag 4845 is often used for hair textures with a varying threshold
flag 4846 allows hair meshes to show shader effects (e.g. dragon frost breath)...hair meshes that are not set correctly (most hair mods) will show the hair mesh through such shader effects unless this is changed
Sorry, maybe my images were a bit misleading : I chose the most extreme example possible, normally you wouldn't have the full eye black, just some shadowing that makes no sense (still I think it's quite annoying), but it's not very hard to test once you have found a spot where it's very prevalent, then you just tfc 1 around. I test it in the "Shadow Play" room of the Aether Suite mod, but of course I've had it happen in vanilla locations plenty of times as well.
skysan4298 wrote:Try remove the SLSF1_Cast_Shadows on the "...Eyes..." NiTriShapeData node. If this was on Lydia, edit the 000a2c8e.nif file. Make sure the eye texture has the all mips generated. For 512x512 dds file, 10 layers required or randomly the black color would shown. Also, the top part has the eyelash, so it must have the correct alpha. Some dds file viewer shows this part complete black, but GIMP or Photoshop with the dds plugin will show the eyelash if it had the correct alpha.

As for the potential fixes : I first tried importing an edited eye mesh on my character (with Racemenu) with entirely deleted NiAlphaProperty block. As expected, it seems to have fixed the bug. Not as expected, the eyelashes were still correctly drawn. Strange but good news I guess :p
Then I tried the same thing on Lydia's facegen file and there it went as expected : no shadow bug, but eyelash part of the eye mesh is full black.
Removing the Cast Shadows flag on the eye mesh does nothing as I thought, the problem comes from the shadowing of the headmesh (A few days ago I tried removing the cast shadows flag on the head mesh and that more or less fixed, but obviously that does help much).

All in all, I don't know, if the trick I did actually works (seems to) and you can fix it on your own character then I think that's not too bad. Otherwise I don't have ideas for a general fix, maybe making the eye orbit part of the head mesh transparent, but then you might get the bug in a weaker manner from the shadowing of the hair mesh... (plus if you need new facegen files for all NPCs that's a pain).

Thank you everybody for answering me ;)

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.266


I wouldn't mind teaming up to create some sort of shader suite, or given permission I could work on them myself, to make them similar in the layout as my current Modular Shader Library.

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.266


Of course, no permission needed when it comes to a team work ;)
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