TES Skyrim 0.109 BETA

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.109 BETA

edit: meh...nevermind....i was feeding trolls...

Anyhow, I am seeing some issues with ENB 109 with certain dungeon levels that use odd lighting, like the shrine dungeon just south of Solitude...the one where you get the fancy sword. Without having any screenshots, I know this is next to worthless, but has anyone else visited the shrine with 109? Its really not a huge issue, I tend to overlook most bugs, but I was worried that this was perhaps a more magnified issue in other areas. It seems that ENB just exasperates existing bugs, more than creating new ones, and I suspect this is the case here, so I didn't want to sound the alarm just yet.

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.109 BETA

Cataxu wrote:I don't appreciate the curtness of your response to my inquiry. If you are not supporting other software then why did you release the injector? I never had a straight-up CTD upon loading with your previous versions, I'm not sure why it should change now nor have I ever given you cause to respond to me in such a manner. It says right on the download page it's for people who use monitoring software. I use Dxtory for streaming so other people can see your work and hopefully take a look at it.

You released a broken injector, I understand this is a BETA. I am telling you what is not working so you can fix it for the release candidate. Unless this is the release candidate and it's just a waste of time to tell you anything. You really think Dxtory or any other licensed software developer is going to fix bugs associated with your hacks? If you believe that I've got some waterfront property to sell you in Nebraska (That's in the USA, Boris).
ENBSeries wrote:Cataxu
You released a broken injector
That's not right, injector is not broken, it's DXtory ignore fact that other software can do injections, similar with XFire, EVGA, Afterburn, etc, etc, etc (but as i heard last update of Afterburn did a fix). You may like or hate what i said, it's a fact. If you think that software by someone without company with 100k$ budget always do buggy coding, just don't use it, okay?

I'm with Boris on this. To quote one of the modders who I look up to, about a similar issue:
"I'm not interested to micro-manage problems, bugs and stuff that users have with their game or their load order. I felt that I gave enough of my time as it is that I shouldn't have to be a tech support at the service of anybody that have problems with their games, and even less so if those problems are due to other mods, or worse for people that don't read the read-me and info provided. My work was done with a very limited load order to ensure that what I worked on was working with the game itself. The fact that it will/would be played alongside other mods is irrelevant here, as if I had to take that into account I wouldn't have been able to change one thing in (the game) due to the several thousands of mods out there already. I have taken note of the bugs that are from (my mod) itself and I'm grateful to everyone of ye who took the time to write about it here, and I tried to address those in the next release.

But for anything else like compatibility with other mods I couldn't care less, it's not my problem. We are talking of taking (more of) my time to be sure that the free work I give away should be patched so it work with other free work? Get real! I only have one life, same as you. "
It's great that Boris takes the time out to provide such high quality work to us (FOR FREE), and its cool that you brought up it's incompatibility with DXtory. But you can't really make demands out of Boris as if he has to accommodate for every possible problem or glitch that anyone has, especially if the problems come from other people's work. He already does a great job with that by allowing proxies, and making the injector to begin with. I'm sure if he had a better method for handling it himself that was within his realm of what he wants to do, he'd do it. But if he says no, why would you be upset at him? He doesn't have to do any of this work you know? It's important to be appreciative of the hard work of others, especially when they're done freely without forcefully asking for compensation. If he says no, it should be no, and you should respect that. Plus should Boris have to accommodate for every single software that pops up on the map? What if another program comes up that someone else likes and its not compatible, should he change his work every time? It's silly to think that in my opinion. Why not try to ask DXtory to accommodate for ENB series instead?

That's how I feel anyway.

Thanks for all your hard work Boris.

Side note: I saw the shadows on the Facebook Page, and they look incredible! How'd you manage to do it? Does it overwrite how Skyrim does shadows altogether and replaces it with your code or what?

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.109 BETA

Hmm, seems I'm way late to the party. The download is no longer on the OP. Do you still plan to release this version Boris?

Thank you
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.109 BETA

@Boris :
Two kinds of people in life (u know it already) :
first one act, second one talk about the first kind. Period.
Let's say, you act, and everybody talks.
Makes me laugh that some can come here and go "you made a mistake here, that's broken there..." :lol:
... well... do the same, then talk. ;)

Congrats on your detailled shadows idea... I can't even figure HOW you did this with game engine ? :shock: ...impressive !..

Are u stilll planning to update 0.109 with these ?
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.109 BETA

Version 0.109 will not be updated any more, new version 0.110 is in progress. Don't know, shadows are done, but i know one more shadow shader is not applied, but can't find where it's used, so can't test it, guess it's some indoor scene (or may be it's from old versions of the game). Btw i tried to fix problem with lines on the shadows inside interior, but this shifted them a bit, don't know if it's matter much or not. And i saw long time ago bugfix to this problem, don't know how it work, so do i need to do this or not, have no idea.
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.109 BETA

@Boris :
Sorry for sounding newbie, but can't we still tweak shadows via game inis ?
Really don't know nothing about the way you did this, but will it kinda "bypass" game engine's treatment, or stack on it ?

Mean, to be more clear, as you made shadows crisper on interiors (if I understand well), maybe we can counterbalance via increasing shadows distance to slightly increase blur ?
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.109 BETA


just watched videos.

! :shock: ! :D
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.109 BETA

No shadow distance changes or anything else. But this is based on original game shadows, so if you turn them all, my own also will go to nowhere. New shadows are for small objects and ranges, original mixed with them together (and they are also modified to make them smoother).
increase blur
Forget this, it's idiotic "feature" by bugthesda, it must be reseted to default.

PS: i don't see much sense to talk in the thread of this version.
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.109 BETA

@Boris :
awright !
So, waiting for new thread you would open about this and 0.110 test version.

Keep up good job, thanx for all you're doin' :)
Lian Li PC011 Dynamic, Corsair AX 1500i PSU, i9 10850K @5.0 Ghz, Aorus Z490 Ultra, RTX3090 MSI Gaming X Trio, 32GB Corsair Vengeance Pro RGB RAM@3600, Corsair MP600 1TB NVME System Drive, 10 TB Storage, W10 Pro 64, Custom Hard Tubing Watercooling Loop

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.109 BETA

@Shingouki, the difference being Dxtory is licensed software and ENB Series is a collection of hacks. I don't think we'll ever see *Fixed ENB Series incompatibility* in any of Dxtory's bug reports or any other software like it. I apologize for the tone of my post, but I was simply submitting a bug report. "I'll look into it" would've sufficed. Instead I was treated as if I'm ignorant to what ENB is and what developers think about it. The only way such a bug would be fixed is by Boris himself, to think otherwise is laughable. As far as demands go: suggesting he take down the broken injector is not a demand, why include broken, half-assed software that you have no plans of fixing? Save people some troubleshooting hell like we both experienced attempting to get Dxtory to cooperate with V109; and yeah he does it for free, but he's accepting donations and along with that comes to expectations. I don't know how it works in Russia, but internet "donations" is a way of circumventing taxable income here.

Every other version has worked for me in the past, I have since went back to V12 which cooperates fine with Dxtory (Strange isn't it? I suppose Dxtory is responsible for V109's crashes like Bethesda was supposedly responsible for the grass ghosting bug. If this were the case the bug would not be resolved in V109. Still waiting on an admittance of fault from Boris on that. :roll:) and gotten used to Boris' grass ghosting bug since the benefits of patches since 1.5 far outweigh the visual discrepancy. I'll continue directing people who are interested in the shaders to this website, but will do so with the caution that its creator has a poor grasp of social interactions with foreigners and the concept of a beta test.
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