TES Skyrim v0.102 Tatsudoshi

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Re: TES Skyrim v0.102 Tatsudoshi

i set the depth of field effect to true and it's nice when walking through trees and bushes, but when talking to characters, their face is blurred, that's a side effect that should be removed. dof should be applied behind the characters when talking to them.
He can't detect whether you are talking or not with hlsl.
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Re: TES Skyrim v0.102 Tatsudoshi

AmbientOcclusion doesn't seem to do anything for me. I have an ATI Card (5770 HD).

All I did was change EnableAmbientOcclusion=false to true, the message of SSAO being enabled comes up but in game I don't see any difference.

Without: http://steamcommunity.com/id/asskicker/ ... 259548991/?
With: http://steamcommunity.com/id/asskicker/ ... 8259570828

I am not running any other Injectors, I have FXAA,AA,FFAA disabled. The only thing I'm doing is forcing FFAA through the catalyst centre and I think that shouldn't interfere?

Edit: Sorry, turns out I had to put

Code: Select all


Code: Select all

It's working now. Thanks for the great piece of work :)

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Re: TES Skyrim v0.102 Tatsudoshi

I'm a complete noob in this kind of stuff. What should I change in my ini file? There is to much light (at fires, etc.) and in dark places, I think it is too dark. I have a ATI HD Radeon 6790.

I changed nothing to the files. (only DeviceID and VendorID) It looks brilliant, but which parameters should I try to change to get less blinding lights or darkness.

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Re: TES Skyrim v0.102 Tatsudoshi

If fire only, it's decrease:
If lights as small range lights, then perhaps you mean these:

>I changed nothing to the files. (only DeviceID and VendorID)
:? These parameters only for patch and this topic is for graphic mod.
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Re: TES Skyrim v0.102 Tatsudoshi

Are these parameters you gave the good ones?

Because when I use those I get this. What should be the parameters for the things. You see other things that aren't right?
http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/7656 ... 8640282162 IN A DARK PLACE WITH A FIRE (too bright?)
http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/7656 ... 8640285748 OUTSIDE WITHOUT FIRE (too dark?)

Oh yeah, the sky is orange. What can I do about that?

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Re: TES Skyrim v0.102 Tatsudoshi

The mod is not working for you from what i see in first screenshot. May be you are using another enbeffect.fx or fxaa together?
i9-9900k, 64Gb RAM, RTX 3060 12Gb, Win7

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Re: TES Skyrim v0.102 Tatsudoshi

Oh, really? I had FXAA Post Process Injector installed. I deleted that one. I've now ENB 1.02 installed with a little bit tweaked version of Yaddas config file. (I'm awaiting other ones in the config thread)
I'll post screens in a minute.

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Re: TES Skyrim v0.102 Tatsudoshi

I can't even start the game now! I get a screen of Steam that my files aren't compatible with those on my Steam Cloud!

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Re: TES Skyrim v0.102 Tatsudoshi

I just copied all the files into my exe folder, didnt make any changes as I'm not sure about this sort of stuff:

1. The jerky lag has not ocurred since. Great thanks!
2. The graphics quality somehow looks poorer, not as detailed, although i'll have a closer look later in case i have dome something wrong.
3. Same as mentioned before on the loading screens the mist/fog looks really low quality

thanks for your work ENB :-)

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Re: TES Skyrim v0.102 Tatsudoshi

ENBSeries wrote:Flow
The mod is not working for you from what i see in first screenshot. May be you are using another enbeffect.fx or fxaa together?
Ok, I completely uninstalled the game and now I use ENB 1.02 and Yaddas config
I get this. (i've got a feeling i have something mixed up in my files... :( )
http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/61497 ... B5E848EFC/
http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/61497 ... 0F7FBD781/
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