Fallout 4 0.282 ENBoost

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Re: Fallout 4 0.281 ENBoost

Yes it worked ! Awesome ;)

I now have all benefits from reshade + almost stable 30 Fps thanks to Boris patch.

Great job thanks guys

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Re: Fallout 4 0.281 ENBoost

I confirm that removing the GameOverlayRenderer64.dll solve the crash problem.

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Re: Fallout 4 0.281 ENBoost

Just reporting in, in case any of my info helps.

#1 I don't have any issues like others have with FO4 not starting thus I have NOT needed to delete any steam dlls. So ENBoost works great as always Boris ty.

#2 I don't have the in game ENB UI issue ppl have with it appearing as a texture, its fine as it always was in Skyrim.

#3 I don't use Reshade or Sweetfx so maybe that plays a role in me not having any issues at all. I'd rather wait for the real deal.....ENB :mrgreen:

#4 I'm playing on all high/Ultra settings.

#5 I made no changes to ENBLocal, I just grabbed the one Boris included in the 8gb folder.

My specs below if it helps.

GTX 750 Ti - 353 Drivers
8gb Ram
Asus Z97-K
1 TB HDD 7200RPM


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Re: Fallout 4 0.281 ENBoost

12gb ram
Geforce 970 3,5 +0,5 vram

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Re: Fallout 4 0.281 ENBoost

GTX 970

VRamSizeDX11 tool provides values between 10000 and 18000 so far. I took the lowest value after executing the tool 3 times but F4 wont start with ForceVideoMemorySize=true.

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Re: Fallout 4 0.281 ENBoost

Can also confirm that removing the gameoverlay64.dll file removed the crash when ForceVideoMemorySize=true. Did not work to simply disable it in the Steam software.

PC specs are in my signature. Nvidia Drivers where v358.91 at this test with no Geforce Experience, going to test reverting to 353.30 and see if it makes a change.

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Re: Fallout 4 0.281 ENBoost

1) thank you so much Boris! Excellence as always!

2) I have absolutely no problems with ENB at all. The ENB menu is just like Skyrim, ENBboost is working great. No issues with steam overlay or whatever.

Specs: (updated from my sig) R9 290x, 32gb RAM, i7 CPU.
I7-4750k @ 4.00ghz, Radeon R9 290x 4gb, 32gb Ripjaw RAM, Win 7 x 64 on SSD

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Re: Fallout 4 0.281 ENBoost

As remember, i did something to the Steam setting to disable everything useless like sound and stream capturing, overlay. May be one of those parameters let me run the game fine without deleting Steam file.
i9-9900k, 64Gb RAM, RTX 3060 12Gb, Win7

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Re: Fallout 4 0.281 ENBoost

There is a GameOverlayRenderer.log file which contains the following after attempting to boot FO4. Maybe some clue here?
Also, I tried disabling In-home Streaming and anything else I could find in Steam's options, but nothing has worked.

Code: Select all

Fri Nov 13 17:14:58 2015 UTC - Module file name: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\gameoverlayrenderer64.dll
Fri Nov 13 17:14:58 2015 UTC - GameID = 377160
Fri Nov 13 17:14:58 2015 UTC - System page size: 4096
Fri Nov 13 17:14:58 2015 UTC - Hooking SetCursorPos, GetCursorPos, ShowCursor, and SetCursor
Fri Nov 13 17:14:58 2015 UTC - Warning: hook target starting at 0X00007FFA243B54B0 begins with uncoditional 2-byte jump, skipping
Fri Nov 13 17:14:58 2015 UTC - Failed hooking GetRawInputDeviceInfoW()
Fri Nov 13 17:14:58 2015 UTC - Game is using dxgi (dx10/dx11), preparing to hook.
Fri Nov 13 17:14:58 2015 UTC - Modules at GameOverlayRenderer.dll attach
Fri Nov 13 17:14:58 2015 UTC - 01: Fallout4.exe - (0X00007FF6DBD90000 to 0X00007FF6E3C02000)
Fri Nov 13 17:14:58 2015 UTC - 02: ntdll.dll - (0X00007FFA27830000 to 0X00007FFA279DC000)
Fri Nov 13 17:14:58 2015 UTC - 03: KERNEL32.DLL - (0X00007FFA25EF0000 to 0X00007FFA2602E000)
Fri Nov 13 17:14:58 2015 UTC - 04: KERNELBASE.dll - (0X00007FFA23A80000 to 0X00007FFA23B95000)
Fri Nov 13 17:14:58 2015 UTC - 05: USER32.dll - (0X00007FFA243A0000 to 0X00007FFA24517000)
Fri Nov 13 17:14:58 2015 UTC - 06: ADVAPI32.dll - (0X00007FFA26460000 to 0X00007FFA2650A000)
Fri Nov 13 17:14:58 2015 UTC - 07: SHELL32.dll - (0X00007FFA246E0000 to 0X00007FFA25BF9000)
Fri Nov 13 17:14:58 2015 UTC - 08: ole32.dll - (0X00007FFA23D90000 to 0X00007FFA23F24000)
Fri Nov 13 17:14:58 2015 UTC - 09: X3DAudio1_7.dll - (0X00000000729A0000 to 0X00000000729A9000)
Fri Nov 13 17:14:58 2015 UTC - 10: XINPUT1_3.dll - (0X0000000000400000 to 0X000000000041E000)
Fri Nov 13 17:14:58 2015 UTC - 11: libScePad.dll - (0X00007FFA0AAA0000 to 0X00007FFA0AACB000)
Fri Nov 13 17:14:58 2015 UTC - 12: bink2w64.dll - (0X00007FFA08C60000 to 0X00007FFA08CEB000)
Fri Nov 13 17:14:58 2015 UTC - 13: RPCRT4.dll - (0X00007FFA25C10000 to 0X00007FFA25D51000)
Fri Nov 13 17:14:58 2015 UTC - 14: WINHTTP.dll - (0X00007FFA1FB60000 to 0X00007FFA1FC29000)
Fri Nov 13 17:14:58 2015 UTC - 15: IPHLPAPI.DLL - (0X00007FFA1DB80000 to 0X00007FFA1DBAA000)
Fri Nov 13 17:14:58 2015 UTC - 16: steam_api64.dll - (0X0000000072C10000 to 0X0000000072C47000)
Fri Nov 13 17:14:58 2015 UTC - 17: MSVCP110.dll - (0X00007FFA0AB30000 to 0X00007FFA0ABD7000)
Fri Nov 13 17:14:58 2015 UTC - 18: MSVCR110.dll - (0X00007FFA08860000 to 0X00007FFA08934000)
Fri Nov 13 17:14:58 2015 UTC - 19: WS2_32.dll - (0X00007FFA261D0000 to 0X00007FFA2622A000)
Fri Nov 13 17:14:58 2015 UTC - 20: d3d11.dll - (0X0000000180000000 to 0X0000000180179000)
Fri Nov 13 17:14:58 2015 UTC - 21: dxgi.dll - (0X00007FFA21290000 to 0X00007FFA21317000)
Fri Nov 13 17:14:58 2015 UTC - 22: GFSDK_GodraysLib.x64.dll - (0X00007FFA0A6B0000 to 0X00007FFA0A70A000)
Fri Nov 13 17:14:58 2015 UTC - 23: GDI32.dll - (0X00007FFA23FE0000 to 0X00007FFA2412F000)
Fri Nov 13 17:14:58 2015 UTC - 24: OLEAUT32.dll - (0X00007FFA25D60000 to 0X00007FFA25E21000)
Fri Nov 13 17:14:58 2015 UTC - 25: msvcrt.dll - (0X00007FFA23F30000 to 0X00007FFA23FDA000)
Fri Nov 13 17:14:58 2015 UTC - 26: sechost.dll - (0X00007FFA26140000 to 0X00007FFA26199000)
Fri Nov 13 17:14:58 2015 UTC - 27: combase.dll - (0X00007FFA26230000 to 0X00007FFA26441000)
Fri Nov 13 17:14:58 2015 UTC - 28: SHLWAPI.dll - (0X00007FFA260A0000 to 0X00007FFA260F4000)
Fri Nov 13 17:14:58 2015 UTC - 29: SETUPAPI.dll - (0X00007FFA23BB0000 to 0X00007FFA23D8A000)
Fri Nov 13 17:14:58 2015 UTC - 30: WINMM.dll - (0X00007FFA1EC40000 to 0X00007FFA1EC62000)
Fri Nov 13 17:14:58 2015 UTC - 31: HID.DLL - (0X00007FFA227F0000 to 0X00007FFA227FD000)
Fri Nov 13 17:14:58 2015 UTC - 32: NSI.dll - (0X00007FFA26450000 to 0X00007FFA26459000)
Fri Nov 13 17:14:58 2015 UTC - 33: WINNSI.DLL - (0X00007FFA1DB10000 to 0X00007FFA1DB1A000)
Fri Nov 13 17:14:58 2015 UTC - 34: D3DCOMPILER_43.dll - (0X00007FFA060E0000 to 0X00007FFA0634F000)
Fri Nov 13 17:14:58 2015 UTC - 35: d3dx11_43.dll - (0X00007FFA0A440000 to 0X00007FFA0A486000)
Fri Nov 13 17:14:58 2015 UTC - 36: CFGMGR32.dll - (0X00007FFA23740000 to 0X00007FFA2378F000)
Fri Nov 13 17:14:58 2015 UTC - 37: WINMMBASE.dll - (0X00007FFA1EBD0000 to 0X00007FFA1EBFA000)
Fri Nov 13 17:14:58 2015 UTC - 38: DEVOBJ.dll - (0X00007FFA22430000 to 0X00007FFA22458000)
Fri Nov 13 17:14:58 2015 UTC - 39: IMM32.DLL - (0X00007FFA26100000 to 0X00007FFA26136000)
Fri Nov 13 17:14:58 2015 UTC - 40: MSCTF.dll - (0X00007FFA24580000 to 0X00007FFA246D2000)
Fri Nov 13 17:14:58 2015 UTC - 41: avghooka.dll - (0X00007FFA146A0000 to 0X00007FFA14731000)
Fri Nov 13 17:14:58 2015 UTC - 42: gameoverlayrenderer64.dll - (0X00007FFA075D0000 to 0X00007FFA07779000)
Fri Nov 13 17:14:58 2015 UTC - 43: psapi.dll - (0X00007FFA261C0000 to 0X00007FFA261C7000)
Fri Nov 13 17:14:58 2015 UTC - ----------------------------
Fri Nov 13 17:14:59 2015 UTC - hookCreateDXGIFactory called
Fri Nov 13 17:14:59 2015 UTC - Hooking vtable for factory
Fallout 4 ENB Video Series | Skyrim ENB Video Series | My YouTube Channel
Intel i7-4700HQ @ 2.4GHz | NVidia GTX780M 4GB | 24GB RAM

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Re: Fallout 4 0.281 ENBoost

ENBSeries wrote:As remember, i did something to the Steam setting to disable everything useless like sound and stream capturing, overlay. May be one of those parameters let me run the game fine without deleting Steam file.
Exactly so. (without removing gameoverlay 64.dll)

All possible options in Steam disabled.
It is possible that visible options are not adequate to the latest version of STEM.
Since I let updating STEAM himself a few months ago, when Beth updated CK.

Run Steam in offline mode forever!
In addition, all *.exe in STEAM directory block in firewall.

Everything works without a problem.

Intel Core i7-2600k 4,6ghz on WC
NVIDIA-980Ti and NVIDIA-650Ti
Ram 32 GB

Intel Core i7-2670QM
Asus A53SV
Ram 8 GB
Realtek High Definition Audio

Thank you.
Last edited by InsanePlumber on 13 Nov 2015, 18:23, edited 2 times in total.
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