Fallout 4 0.291

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Re: Fallout 4 0.291

Resolution of reflections is internal render target resolution, not resolution of textures. Probably it can be changed by some fallout.ini parameters, but i don't think it will look any better, because the way it's done (i've tried to make water displacement, but dropped it till better times as soon as found how bad implementation of water is).

PS: Skyrim testing time from Steam stats is about 1700 hours if i remember, 10k is too much for me :lol:
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Re: Fallout 4 0.291

ENBSeries wrote:PS: Skyrim testing time from Steam stats is about 1700 hours if i remember, 10k is too much for me :lol:
oh well, for some reason I remember you were talking about 10k.. Maybe I just imagined that 0, and it was just 1k back then =D My bad, I apologize for disinformation :roll:
I used to be an ENB tweaker like you, but then I overheat my GPU.

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Re: Fallout 4 0.291

That time i've said more than 1k hours. Nevermind anyway, just don't want to look complete idiot wasting so much life.
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Re: Fallout 4 0.291

ENBSeries wrote:That time i've said more than 1k hours. Nevermind anyway, just don't want to look complete idiot wasting so much life.
You look like dedicated modder to me. No one can judge you how you spent your free time. And just like LucidAPs said:"Time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time."

p.s. we're all here wasting our time making mods\presets\gaming\etc. We're all wasting "life" here xD
I used to be an ENB tweaker like you, but then I overheat my GPU.

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Re: Fallout 4 0.291

Xilandro wrote:
MonarchX wrote: 1. A whole lot of people care, talk about it, make threads about it. There are even "mods" dedicated to trying to re-create reflections. Its a flat texture, its ugly, its far worse than Skyrim's water, it stands out, and it would be great to see that change with new ENB version.

2. Boris mentioned "...resolution is somewhere 128*128 with some strange math applied." Thus, I assumed texture resolution might've had something to do with reflections, but originally I applied them just for the sake of having better water textures. I simply noticed they don't improve reflections and mentioned it.

I am not going to fall down to your level and start calling you names, but I admit about being ignorant when it comes to deep expertise on how game graphics engines work and what/how ENB can change/improved upon that. There aren't any specific places where you can get all the necessary info at once and probably requires programming background, which I do not have.
1. So there's a whole bunch of people trying to enhance reflections by changing texture resolution? =D That's cute. But 90% of fallout landscape is not water. And player will spend most of his time running around ugly looking ruins of Boston, looking for loot, not for reflections. That's why most people don't care about water reflections. They care about ugly looking ruins more. And this is imo highest priority =D
2. It might be anything, but reflections quality. Why? Logic. Math and one small texture just doesn't make reflections =) Here, check out this site https://simonschreibt.de/game-art-tricks/
it's an easy way to get some basic understanding of how some stuff works.

And I'm not trying to insult you. I'm not saying you're stupid all the time, you're just acting stupid here, like it or not. Because you don't have required knowledge, yet you talk like you're some kind of pro (I don't have good knowledge of it too, but I'm not trying to discuss stuff I don't understand, or don't know enough about). That's it. Want to buzz Boris's ears with reflections? Read about them first. As much as possible. How they work, how they do not work, how they're implemented in different engines, games, tech demos, etc etc etc. You don't need a degree in programming to read all this stuff. After you spent some time on reading and understanding - you'll get some basic idea how easy or hard it is to implement reflections by original devs, and ENB is a lot harder, because no source code available, it's all made via forks and workarounds, through many-many thousand trial and error tests. I might be wrong, but as far as I remember - Boris spent ~10k hours on skyrim TESTS. Now think about how much time he spent just coding. And reflections function isn't that old. And now you're running around yelling about water, while there's a lot more serious stuff to do first.
If you want to fall down to my level and start calling me an idiot, if I'll start talking about something I have no fking idea - you are absolutely welcome, I won't even try to argue.
1. I never said. They try to use .ini settings, which is hard to call them "mods", but they do post them as mods on Nexus forums.

FYI, after 35GB worth of custom textures, my post-apocalyptic Boston looks awesome to me... :D . Anyway, I won't flood this forum any more and will leave it up to professionals.
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Re: Fallout 4 0.291

MonarchX wrote:
l00 wrote:No reflection, none at all ?
Look more closely

Sure, it isn't the greatest reflection we can expect in a 2016 AAA game but...well I guess it's still better than nothing.
I was talking about large bodies of water. I see reflections from puddles and from specular textures during rain, but large water bodies, on which and under which you can swim, produce no visible reflections.

I also tried mods that increase resolution to 2K, but there are still no reflections that I see...
I don't know how you can't see the reflections from the character and the rocks and the bushes into the stream.
So here is a more obvious one.
It's ugly reflection with absurd behavior but still, better than nothing. If you don't stop to look at it and just play the game, it's fine.
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Re: Fallout 4 0.291

Hello, Boris. Image How are you doing? Image

Boris, I can clearly see that your mod is intended to improve graphics and performance on top level or at least decent hardware, but can you implement a small fix for low budget systems? I wonder if it is possible to separate texture mip level setting indoors and outdoors, because game seems to be doing fine indoors with ultra texture quality, but outdoors(in cities especially) it turns into a step-by-step tactical shooter with ultra textures(mip = 0) and runs decent with high textures(mip = 1).

I might be wrong, but from my observation the game reloads all textures when changing cells from indoors to outdoors and vice versa, so if it is technically possible to change 1 game setting(it should be like 1 byte of memory, right?) based on some *.ini settings like InteriorMipLevel and ExteriorMipLevel before loading cell, that would be just great and help a lot for mid-level systems.
Because this is a typical bethesda game with sweeping caves 95% of time.

P.S. Isn't this the same fix as your "disabled character lighting"? The cl off game parameter? I dunno how you implemented that thou, just my guess.
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Re: Fallout 4 0.291


Never tried cl off command, but may be it's the same as turning on character lighting (i don't want to run the game atm to test). Internally i disable it's drawing, not by the patching game (that's why almost all my mods compatible with all versions of the games).
Now regarding mipmap chains. You know, they are square pow of 2 for every previous size of texture, so cost about 1.33 size of vram compared to texture without mipmap loaded. Fallout without mod (or Skyrim with my mod) consume a lot of vram and this depends from screen resolution, so if you have too big or supersampling/downsampling, start from this point and decrease it to compare performance. Second you need to try to tweak streaming options, because game will always try to load some amount resources no matter what and here parameter of the mod which foolish game by wrong vram size is helpful. At last, decreasing texture resolution is an option as it helps at best. Why not to discard mipmaps? Because non mipmapped textures looks worse than lower resolution of them and also no mipmapping have only three possible implementations - first is very ugly sand like filtering, second is hell blurry crap everywhere after few meters from camera, very low performance at more or less average quality. All these modes have lower performance than mipmapped textures, because of cache misses while sampling them and this kind of thing also leads to stuttering with some videocards and locations. Your solution really not worth negative impact caused by it.
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Re: Fallout 4 0.291

Ты меня не понял, или я тебя. Я не предлагаю убирать мипмапы, я наоборот предлагаю опционально понижать разрешение текстур снаружи(то есть использовать мипмапы), чтобы внутри помещений была игровая настройка текстур(в зависимости от переменной 1 в конфиге) ultra(т.е. макс размер, мипмапа 0) или high(половинный размер, мипмапа 1), а снаружи была настройка(в зависимости от переменной 2 в конфиге) high(половинный размер, мипмапа 1) текстуры или medium(размер 1/4, мипмапа 2) или low(размер 1/8, мипмапа 3). Соответственно при входе/выходе из пещер/помещений подгружать текстуры соответствующего размера.

Смысл в том, что мой некроПК для примера, может вытягивать игру снаружи в 30 фпс с high текстурами, но внутри он и с ultra выдает достаточно фпс, а снаружи с ultra получается слайдшоу, вот и хотелось бы разделить настройки.

Сорри за русский, можешь удалить пост, только ответь пожалуйста, я не люблю в личку писать.
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Re: Fallout 4 0.291

Теперь я совсем запутался. Дело в том, что mipmap текстуры это самые обычные полноразмерные (заданные опциями игры как ultra, high, etc) и в них еще содержится целый набор pow of 2 текстур. Например 1024*1024->512*512->256*256 и так далее до 1*1. Если весь этот набор mipmaps chain отсутствует, видеокарта выдает ужасно заблуренное изображение (как при anisotropy=1) и заодно тормозит из-за cache misses. Поскольку игра практически всегда генерирует mipmapped текстуры, проблема со скоростью должно быть связана просто с нехваткой видеопамяти. Возможно я ошибаюсь насчет Fallout и с текстурами что-то переделали по сравнению со Skyrim, но визуально у себя могу сказать, что mipmaps сгенерированы почти везде. С технической стороны, реализовывать это через модификацию процесса не буду, потому что Bethesda уже замучила своими бета патчами, не буду я под каждый бинарник мод обновлять. А только работая с графикой для такой модификации, придется немало попилить кода, лучше заниматься когда займусь новой версией ENBoost для Fallout. Однозначно могу лишь сказать, что понижать разрешение текстур снаружи это крайне плохое решение, потому что придется либо всегда играть с низким разрешением снаружи, либо огромное количество памяти и производительности процессора тратить на то, чтоб делать дубликаты и в видеопамять их постоянно гонять, вычисляя какие именно нужны по расстоянию до объектов или их детализации.
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