TES Skyrim 0.112 KAGE

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.112 KAGE

Tywele wrote:Please please please do implement the new SSAO. I've never understood why you listened. Because why should we stick with an old SSAO if we could have had much better one? That doesn't make any sense to me...
I think it would be great if we had a choice for this. I would really like to see and compare the two ssao versions for myself. Maybe Boris would be so kind as to offer 2 versions of .112? One version with the old ssao and one version with the new? Pretty please?

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.112 KAGE

ENBSeries wrote:Opethfeldt
Are you kidding me? This f*ng ssao is from 0.102 and older versions, i hate it and still keep in all versions, but you tell me it's not the same as before. Okay, i understand, better not listen anybody at all and do what i want and how would be more realistic.
Boris, this is what i understand all this time: You said that you changed the ssao code in 0.103 to old 0.99 code, because Gionight didin't like 0.102, you listened to 1 user. Then you keep repeating that this is what all users want and they deserve it. Now in new latest version we are using 103 with added effects and fixes or not? And yeah, do what you want, its your creation.
Opethfeldt ENB v7

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.112 KAGE

I don't remember such things, just know that when heard that old ssao better, i implemented it and not changed any more, except some minor tweaks like prescaling to decrease precision errors (as it's hdr); post process mixing code to reduce artifacts of water and other transparent objects; fading distance in fog modifed 3 times, latest seems ideal and smooth, but almost invisible if weather presets modified and incorrect. Difference between old version and new is that old is from old mods and computed only by one method, new is partially from tes oblivion version with three computations at once and another part from deus ex 3. Deus ex 3 version is perfect by quality, better than all i ssao i seen in tech demos or games and Oblivion is best for characters and never used in tech demos or games also, it's very unique (and slow).
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.112 KAGE

ENBSeries wrote:Difference between old version and new is that old is from old mods and computed only by one method, new is partially from tes oblivion version with three computations at once and another part from deus ex 3. Deus ex 3 version is perfect by quality, better than all i ssao i seen in tech demos or games and Oblivion is best for characters and never used in tech demos or games also, it's very unique (and slow).
Почему бы не включить все версии ssao в мод? Отдельный квар для переключения. Ведь готовый код уже есть, простой копи-паст с минимальными правками, для тебя это наверняка тривиальная задача, занимающая не более получаса.
Или я неправильно понял, и финальная версия включает в себя все лучшее из трех вышеназванных старых модов? ХОТЕТ perfect quality deusex3 ssao, и плевать на производительность, ведь компьютеры совершенствуются постоянно, а версию для скайрима ты рано или поздно перестанешь развивать, не будешь же ей вечно заниматься.
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.112 KAGE

Thanks for the explanation, Boris. Well is up to you now, I'm all for progress, maybe you can make a poll to see the opinion of ENB users here, but a switch to choose which one to use like you said seems like the best option if performance is a problem.
Opethfeldt ENB v7

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.112 KAGE

Эффект это не просто шейдеры другие, а совершенно иной набор внутренних текстур и методов отрисовки объектов. Кроме снижения производительности из-за лишних переключений я попросту путаюсь в коде из-за кучи вариаций включено/выключено конфига.
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.112 KAGE

I'm going through update withdrawals. Oh well, I guess it gives modders time to complete and release their configs.

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.112 KAGE

About the new video: Disco Skyrim? :D
English isn't my native language

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.112 KAGE

that Sun Ray bug is a awesome side effect :)


It seems there is a resource conflict between ENB Injector and Mirillis Action key hooks http://mirillis.com if Action is loaded @ the same time it seems key pushes get lost to the Injector (enable/disable ENB ingame becomes a lottery game) :(
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.112 KAGE

I'll never do compatible with other software. First, mod is for playing game, not playing with afteburn, xfire, fraps or other bullshit. Second, all these applications use hacks same as me, they can't work together if they hook the same and whatever i do to fix one application compability, another will stop working.
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