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Re: TES Skyrim 0.110 KAGE

Posted: 12 May 2012, 11:51
by cairmen
This new update looks AMAZING.

The shadows are a huge - subtle, but huge - improvement.

No visual problems I could see, and I'm running at what appears to be a decent framerate with shadows, indirect lighting, SSAO, complex indirect lighting all on. (i5 CPU / GEForce 560Ti)

Thanks, Boris - you've knocked it out of the park with this one.

Re: TES Skyrim 0.110 KAGE

Posted: 12 May 2012, 11:53
by ENBSeries
Water unchanged. When i found that for ATI users shadows not work and it's not an easy to fix, decided to release as it is, in bad mood now.

BeyongCompare tool will help to find difference. But it's only bloom mixing changed to proper (internal bloom code modified, external is old).

what information do I need to put into the [MULTIHEAD] section again?
Don't change there anything.
The bugs on screenshots are because complex indirect lighting turned off (old version, for new you need at least decrease ILamount). And i told many times that weapon or hands in first person can't work correctly, not with ssao, not with shadows, not with depth of field, it's game (and fix isn't easy). The bug with texture mapping stretched saw myself, but it appear for vanilla game at same place (perhaps bug of latest patch).

Инжектор и враппер это одно и то же, работают одинаково. Там не должно быть никаких изменений в DOF или еще каких-либо. Может DOF вообще не работает в SLI вне зависимости от враппера или инжектора (если я правильно понял проблему)? А вообще ни разу не слышал, что слай имеет проблемы с враппером.

Re: TES Skyrim 0.110 KAGE

Posted: 12 May 2012, 12:48
by Megerko
возможно есть какие либо настройки для СЛИ которые стоит проверить ?
не могу запустить игру если в корневой папке присутвует d3d9.dll
появляется черный экран и тут же выбивает на рабочий стол :roll:

Re: TES Skyrim 0.110 KAGE

Posted: 12 May 2012, 13:26
by ENBSeries
Не имею сего девайса и поэтому не могу ответить, что там менять. Пробовали другие d3d9.dll модификации? Например 0.108 или AntiFREEZE патч, либо вовсе fxaa? Может принципиально d3d9 не поддерживается.

Re: TES Skyrim 0.110 KAGE

Posted: 12 May 2012, 13:32
by nordikwolf
Oyama wrote:@nordikwolf :
yep mate !
More exactly, I'm 43 and I stopped practicing 20 years ago :D
Now, I'm teaching the basics to my kids ! ;)

Was practicing Shotokan and Shotokai, studied Wado Ryu a bit, but never went KyokushinKai...

I greatly admire Mas Oyama !
Very cool dude! Yeah, keep your kids in the true way of life, the way of the karate. Someday I'll do the same!

I practiced only shotokan in all my life, but the tradicional, not the sportive. I'm away from training karate for 7 months right now because I took an arrow in the knee (lol, but almost, my knee was hurt in training, I almost lost it. Thanks God my knee is healed, but for a little bit I don't needed to make a cirurgy in it). Nice, Wado Ryu is probably very nice, and I love Kyokushin, someday I will experiment it. I too do admire Mas Oyama. A legend!

Regarding the topic: uhuuul! I will test it right now. Couldn't test yesterday, and couldn't stop to think about it lol.

Re: TES Skyrim 0.110 KAGE

Posted: 12 May 2012, 13:35
by Vond
BeyongCompare tool will help to find difference. But it's only bloom mixing changed to proper (internal bloom code modified, external is old).
Thanks, was very easy to find the differences using that (compared it to the enbeffect.fx from 0.109 as mine had a lot of other differences aswell). Now for the odd part - adding the bloom fix below breaks depth-based effects for me somehow. If I remove it again then DoF and SSAO works fine. I'm obviously doing something wrong and can use my old file for now, but it seems a bit odd to me :)

Code: Select all

//apply bloom
	float4	xcolorbloom=tex2D(_s3, _v0.xy);;, 0.0);*EBloomAmount;
Also, I've noticed what appears to be a pretty big increase in texture "shimmering" and z-fighting with this version, anyone else getting this? It might simply be I need to change some ini-settings for Skyrim or NVIDIA Inspector settings ofcourse.

Re: TES Skyrim 0.110 KAGE

Posted: 12 May 2012, 13:39
by nordikwolf
Boris, I have 2 questions: will the shadow enhancement work if I let my game's shadow on Low? If not, what is the minimum for it to work? And do I need to let UseIndirectLighting=true for UseComplexIndirectLighting to work properly?

Re: TES Skyrim 0.110 KAGE

Posted: 12 May 2012, 15:31
by Ou.
Хм, у меня творится что-то непонятное после установки инжектора:
Ноутбук, gt555m, настройки - ультра, но фильтрация х8 и сглаживание х4.

Re: TES Skyrim 0.110 KAGE

Posted: 12 May 2012, 15:39
by Wolfstryder
Done a little testing with my ATI 5870.

SSAO - works but I have to turn it up more than I used to for same effect. Still have fuzzy black aura around character in 3rd person.
DOF - works.
Indirect Lighting - is very fuzzy, less when I UseComplexIndirectLighting=true, but still very fuzzy. I may need to turn IL down. Not really playable though, lowers fps too much.
Underwater - not solid green but looks the same as if you just set bDoDepthOfField=0 in SkyrimPrefs. It's clear with no fuzz or Bethesda DOF.
Shadows on grass - not sure yet, I'll let you know.

Re: TES Skyrim 0.110 KAGE

Posted: 12 May 2012, 15:46
by Vond
I believe I found the issue with the texture shimmering mentioned in my previous post, it seems that AA is forcefully disabled with ENB 0.110. Looking at the gate in Whiterun (I often use this as a comparison as it's easy to see SSAO effects on the gate itself and AA on the bars in the "windows" above the gate itself).

Without ENB (as in d3d9.dll renamed so it doesn't load at all, simply turning it off via Shift+F12 still leaves AA not working and textures shimmering):
With ENB active:

Both screens are with AA enabled (4x) in launcher aswell as enhancing the image with 4x4 SSAA and 4x SGSSAA for Transparency Supersampling via NVIDIA Inspector. Can see quite clearly that it doesn't work in the second screen. :)

Edit: Should mention that the screen with ENB active is using the files that came with the 0.110 package just to make sure the issues were not related to my old ENB settings at all.