TES Skyrim 0.113

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.113

Thx, amazing Mod

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.113


Should AntiBSOD=true or false for 0.113? Sorry if this has been answered before. If it's set to true and supposed to be false what could go wrong?

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.113

Antibsod is still actual against problems, at least on my hardware it allow to run longer without crashes and crashes almost never turn to bsods. but as noticed here, it removes heat refraction effect.

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.113

Does Parallax cancels the DoF effect? Because after I installed the latest Parallax mods, my DoF stopped to work. Thx.

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.113

Parallax fix is not linked to DOF or any other effect.
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.113

So, with this version, we get simplified sun ray effects.
I don't know the engine as much as you do, but for me, this isn't far from "simplified cloud shadows", is it?

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.113

Realistic Lightning 4 will get very complex Rayleigh Scattering and according to it's author round about 2500 different unique Weather conditions as of this change (no idea how this works or if the Engine is even capable of it) will this still work with ENB, sure it doesn't change the shader replacement but what about the Night Day Lightning conditions and how to adapt to 2500 different when you want to change something (in the overall context it seems pretty undo able manually) ?
Could this become troublesome for ENB or wont this affect anything as you said you use color values for detecting Night Day and Cloud Lightning ?
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.113

Hi guys,

Could you please help me out?

Whats happening here? http://postimage.org/image/7q7ucs67n/

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.113

Shadows from clouds are simple in general, but have no idea how to apply clouds at all distances, now only possible where shadow is, it's useless for shadows from clouds "fx". There are many problems which can be fixed, but in total add a lot of work, so i'm not hurry with such shadows.

Sorry, but with fxaa injector based mods it's impossible to make something complex, per object. And i don't care about other mods, compability and skyrim at all, how they affect day and night or anything else. Already told that skyrim weather is horrible and must be changed, but all weather modifications existing now (realistic lighting also) are based on wrong post processing math of the game and not hdr, so whatever they try, nothing close to photorealistic result. As my mod is hdr and removing game post process, all the work done in realistic lighting (or similar) mod are useless, may be better than vanilla, but not fit. If author(s) modify sky clear color (in CK it's fog far color), then it will affect day/night cycle, but it's not my problem, i attached trigger to this parameter, because it's intuitively correct, bright for day, black for night, if someone do this wrong, why to ask me?

I see SSIL effect working wrong. But why, don't know (and i guess image shouldn't be dark?). May be you have beta drivers or SLI/Crossfire? Never seen that, better ask in bugs section, may be someone give suggestion.
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.113

ENBSeries wrote:CosmicBlue
Shadows from clouds are simple in general, but have no idea how to apply clouds at all distances, now only possible where shadow is, it's useless for shadows from clouds "fx". There are many problems which can be fixed, but in total add a lot of work, so i'm not hurry with such shadows.

Sorry, but with fxaa injector based mods it's impossible to make something complex, per object. And i don't care about other mods, compability and skyrim at all, how they affect day and night or anything else. Already told that skyrim weather is horrible and must be changed, but all weather modifications existing now (realistic lighting also) are based on wrong post processing math of the game and not hdr, so whatever they try, nothing close to photorealistic result. As my mod is hdr and removing game post process, all the work done in realistic lighting (or similar) mod are useless, may be better than vanilla, but not fit. If author(s) modify sky clear color (in CK it's fog far color), then it will affect day/night cycle, but it's not my problem, i attached trigger to this parameter, because it's intuitively correct, bright for day, black for night, if someone do this wrong, why to ask me?

I see SSIL effect working wrong. But why, don't know (and i guess image shouldn't be dark?). May be you have beta drivers or SLI/Crossfire? Never seen that, better ask in bugs section, may be someone give suggestion.
Борис, а в каких числовых выражениях(ргб) лучше делать дневное освещение, в смысле прямое освещение от солнца и теней? Если ставить чисто белый, то получаются засветы и умирают цвета, в оригинале там вообще днем стоит темно-коричневый цвет прямого освещения, я свдинул в сторону желтого и сделал тени голубыми немного(при чистом синем небе). Вообще, освещение в полдень и до 14-15 часов - это самые убогие временные промежутки что в ГТА4, что в скайриме, хотя это скорее проблемы архитектуры, ибо в лесу или в крупных городах, где есть игра светотени, таких проблем нет. может просто амбиент снижать, чтоббы тени более заметными были?
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