r11=r1; //my bypass
and the code itself is:
Code: Select all
float CCBrightness=lerp(CCBrightnessNight, CCBrightnessDay, ENightDayFactor);
float CCGamma=lerp(CCGammaNight, CCGammaDay, ENightDayFactor);
r1.xyz=pow(r1.xyz, CCGamma);
Code: Select all
float EBloomAmount;
Code: Select all
const float CCBrightnessNight=1.0;
const float CCBrightnessDay=1.0;
const float CCGammaNight=1.0;
const float CCGammaDay=1.0;
If you have modified shader, then find where tex2D or tex2Dlod instruction used to to read _s0 and _s3 texture samplers, their output must be modified by math in this example.