TES Skyrim 0.155

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.155

What about downscaling? EX render at 3840x2160 for a 1920x1080 monitor. It provides superb AA/AF and brings out a lot of details in specular details, reflections, etc. Would probably be a portable feature too, meaning it could get added to Fallout and GTAIV. Performance hit varies, being lightest on a card with lots of VRAM and a high bus width.

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.155

I did supersampling in gta4 already and don't like performance of it, users with high end gpus said that they use it already (don't know how, option in drivers probably), so it's not no.1 feature by importance and to develop anything just to release new version is not my choice.
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.155

Self-done method is a hard to set up driver hack and does not work with all GPUs and monitors. Mine for example are incompatible with the ATI/AMD method.

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.155

Boris, would it be possible to do the image based lighting effect angled upwards? I mean to simulate the effect of bounced light from the ground even with low ambient light values. Not sure if it can read the color from the Z+ ambient setting, but if not even just a general lightness could be applied.
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.155

Ok, but it's not enough to release new version.

I can't read data from ground without drawing once more from different camera. Tested that and it's possible in skyrim, but very slow. And have no idea how to draw only important objects and not each frame (without lags when drawed). Also when camera is changed, shadow do not work properly (it's deffered prepass), so lighting from ground will look strange with invisible darkness or ignorant to shadows at all. Restore shadow from screen projection to new camera is bad solution as require changes in many shaders. Ignore shadow and project it as post pass may help with huge amount of errors, but for sure something else will appear. Generate such data only when ground visible on screen - buggy and may ignore changes in weather. This feature was in todo list, succesfully... failed.
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.155


I am also interested on that idea from confidence man about the underneath lighting thing, but. I would prefer to have clarified which objects are important as boris mentioned.

My reaction is that the character appearance, particularly of face. Is the important object, and the purpose would be to allow more flexibility in ambient lighting settings. If this is the case the objects that are configured to and have a _sk.dds file in the vanilla game are singled out. this would include humans of male, female, child, but also some (maybe not all) creatures like werewolf, horse, skeever, troll, reindeer.

(i guess that would make it a subsurface scattering effect instead of an image based lighting one...)

Some of these items, the human bodies, and all of child i believe are painted entirely black and unfinished in the vanilla game. It was someting i had been interested about as a possible modding target actually.

Anyway tho. This could just be a case of me pointing out the obvious to boris. and his artistic judgement on what would ultimately result from it i will defer to.
Please try my new speculars and normalmap for ur head and let me know if its bugs or whatever.

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.155

I was experimenting with reflections in K Enb 155 and noticed that when I had SMAA or FXAA enabled it made the reflections look like noisy stripes (kinda like the shadow stripe bug), EdgeAA worked fine of course :) , has anyone else noticed this or is it just me?

Also this got me to thinking, in order to cover all enb effects without any compatibility issues, enb's own AA would be best wouldn't it?, and maybe that could be the new feature as well. We all know how great enb's SSAO options are, wouldn't it be great if it had AA that was just as configurable to go with it? You could adjust the quality and performance of the AA to suit your own tastes in performance and quality, just like you do with SSAO. For example, noise filters, amount of blur, whether it covers transparency, maybe shadows(?), sample size, quality levels etc. Just throwing it out there. :)

Please don't hate me too much if this is a really dumb suggestion or if you are already happy with the current options, it just popped into my head while I was typing this and thought it couldn't hurt to mention :mrgreen:

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.155

Борис, на мой взгляд, не помешала б отдельная настройка тумана в снежную погоду (если это возможно). Так как видимость должна быть ограниченней, и плюс он бы скрывал некорректный в этом же случае горизонт.
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.155

Борис, на мой взгляд, не помешала б отдельная настройка тумана в снежную погоду (если это возможно).
Для этого есть канстракшн кит. Снежных погод в игре всего пара-тройка, никакого труда в том, чтобы их отредактировать и добавить тумана\убавить видимость нет.

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.155

How performance-intensive would an Anaglyph 3D (Red/blue) effect be?
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