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Re: TES Skyrim 0.265

Posted: 12 Jan 2015, 05:39
by ENBSeries
Sorry, i will not use Win8 ever. It is installed on virtual machine and from time to time i'm starting it to do S&M fun. There are changes which normal users never notice, but they are extremely annoying or unacceptable for certain work. Me and friends coders did not found any single improvement by usability or performance, it worse, so Win7 is the last OS i could use. Will wait for Win10, but don't think miracle will happen unless all MS managers will die. Btw, regarding that bullshit about fast loading of Win8, it takes 17 sec to start winxp, 26 sec for win7, 42 for win8, so that fast start is just hibernation, which is very unsafe and must be never used for data safety.
Shipping big pieces of something is not worth it, size and weight does matter. Recently i got small lens package from 700 miles city distance and it was 20$ for post services, i'm afraid to even try out computing how much it will be for heavy and huge things like pc hardware. Russians prefer to ignore that ussr post service and using many local transport companies, which are cheaper and 10 times faster with no chance to corrupt anything, but these are local only. For e-bay or asian markets cheaper to get in the packs with devices ordered by other people, but it's not on same way in your case. At last, i feel unconfortable when someone gives me like that.

Re: TES Skyrim 0.265

Posted: 12 Jan 2015, 05:51
by charlievoviii
ENBSeries wrote:charlievoviii
Sorry, i will not use Win8 ever. It is installed on virtual machine and from time to time i'm starting it to do S&M fun. There are changes which normal users never notice, but they are extremely annoying or unacceptable for certain work. Me and friends coders did not found any single improvement by usability or performance, it worse, so Win7 is the last OS i could use. Will wait for Win10, but don't think miracle will happen unless all MS managers will die. Btw, regarding that bullshit about fast loading of Win8, it takes 17 sec to start winxp, 26 sec for win7, 42 for win8, so that fast start is just hibernation, which is very unsafe and must be never used for data safety.
Shipping big pieces of something is not worth it, size and weight does matter. Recently i got small lens package from 700 miles city distance and it was 20$ for post services, i'm afraid to even try out computing how much it will be for heavy and huge things like pc hardware. Russians prefer to ignore that ussr post service and using many local transport companies, which are cheaper and 10 times faster with no chance to corrupt anything, but these are local only. For e-bay or asian markets cheaper to get in the packs with devices ordered by other people, but it's not on same way in your case. At last, i feel unconfortable when someone gives me like that.
you gave so much to gaming community, most kids just leech and leech whine and cry like you owe them something. You deserve it man. Just think this way, im not giving it to you for free, im giving to you so you can do better stuffs making ENB series :lol: :D. So technically is not free ;)

I could paypal money for the tax too, so nothing out of your pocket.

Re: TES Skyrim 0.265

Posted: 12 Jan 2015, 11:56
by DanielCoffey
On the subject of fund raising, Boris - would you consider adding your PayPal Donate link to the Forum header somewhere so that it is visible. Many of us come directly to the forum and therefore never see the existing link on the main website.

You could also look at Patreon - it is a good way for creative professionals to receive regular contributions from folks who appreciate their work. Users of Patreon have the opportunity of making single or regular contributions. We can change the amount, frequency and recipient at any time during the month.

You have MANY appreciative users of your ENB and you need to make it easy for them to say thank you.

Re: TES Skyrim 0.265

Posted: 12 Jan 2015, 17:24
by ENBSeries
I don't want to think about money, sorry.

And i'm again unlucky, as always. That usb sound card have noise for one channel, it's very annoying and seems from some external source or pc itself, not all the time i can hear it, turning on/off in discrete manner rarely and continue 0.5-2 sec, make me turn head like it's from analog phone near by. If will not find why this happen, again exchange.

Re: TES Skyrim 0.265

Posted: 12 Jan 2015, 17:48
by Uriel24
This sh$t always happens to USB powered devices. Grounding your rig might help.
Also, if my headphones are powered from PC, i can hear scratching when disk operations occur. If i power them with power adapter, it produces rhytmical clicking that drives you nuts in like 10 minutes. I switched like 4 adaptes and finally found The One Adapter that produces no noise. My precious.

Re: TES Skyrim 0.265

Posted: 12 Jan 2015, 18:33
by ENBSeries
Allright, found the issue, it's wifi router. But i can't turn it off and moving cables aways did not help much. Well, relax, relax, deep breath, calm down and die.

Re: TES Skyrim 0.265

Posted: 12 Jan 2015, 18:56
by mindflux
Damn, sounds exactly like the issues I was afraid most USB interfaces would have. I need multiple analog inputs + robust ASIO as well so I'm in the market for a bit more higher-end card but it's hard to know which one to get, they all have their horror stories...

Thanks for the tip, wish I had known about the hacked drivers earlier. Now the card is already out of my system and I'm not going to plug it back in anymore :D

Re: TES Skyrim 0.265

Posted: 12 Jan 2015, 19:01
by ENBSeries
Asio sucks with usb sound, it have about 25 ms delay for most cards as i've read. Anyway, external card is ok for laptop and slim case which i'm planning to build soon only for music listening with remote control/display via android smartphone.

Re: TES Skyrim 0.265

Posted: 12 Jan 2015, 19:09
by mindflux
Yeah, I've read about most of them having pretty bad lag. Too bad it's nigh on impossible to find a proper internal card these days.

Re: TES Skyrim 0.265

Posted: 12 Jan 2015, 21:47
by Samurai_Smartie
mindflux wrote:Yeah, I've read about most of them having pretty bad lag. Too bad it's nigh on impossible to find a proper internal card these days.
If you dig around long enough on HeadFI it basically boils down to either an ASUS Xonar Essence STX II or a Creative Sound Blaster X-Fi Titanium HD (which seems to have gone off sale in favor of the Creative Sound Blaster ZxR that didnt go well with the people on HeadFI).

Both have swappable OPAMP's and similar hardware quality (Xonar is said to be a wee bit better). The matter of choice would be wether you prefer CMSS3D or Dolby Headphone (look on Youtube for comparison Video) for your Gaming.

I liked CMSS3D more so i got the Creative Card about a year ago. Running on Windows 8, with unmodified drivers. I listen to music via Foobar2000, ASIO, Bitmatched playback and the driver in audio-creation mode. Never got WASAPI to work with foobar, most audio files just give an error. Only thing i could ever play via WASAPI was LOTR The complete Recordings 5.1 that came in 48000 Hz / 24bit FLAC. Thats prolly some driver issue with resampling or i dont know what.
Cant hear any difference between ASIO and WASAPI anyways.

If you listen to stuff in Foobar2000 take a look at this. Its doing the 3D job much better for stereo sources than CMSS3D or Dolby Headphone.

All in all the Xonar STX II seems the better bang for the buck. Its actually avaliable for ~200€ (Titanium HD is out of stock almost anywhere) and you even get 3 OPAMPS to swap for free, although that might only matter if youre the kind of freak to start soldering resistors on your soundcard, i've never even thought about swapping out my OPAMP's, mostly because the lack of information (comparison tests or user opinions, dont want to buy stuff like this blind)and the HeadFi thread is a fucking mess.

Sorry for being absofuckinglutely offtopic.