TES Skyrim 0.120 beta

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.120 beta

mindflux wrote:It's the beta drivers.
Right, thanks. Will revert back to the latest 306 WHQL then. Hope the 310 WHQLs will be fine, cuz the performance increase on my 680 is quite nice in the BETA ^^

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.120 beta

There is an actual performance increase again? Sounds good, fingers crossed then. It seems like they've been making quite a nice progress with their recent driver development.

I'm on 306.97 WHQL and no issues whatsoever as far as I can see.

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.120 beta

mindflux wrote:There is an actual performance increase again? Sounds good, fingers crossed then. It seems like they've been making quite a nice progress with their recent driver development.

I'm on 306.97 WHQL and no issues whatsoever as far as I can see.
There is :) Might not be a lot, but if you're running 55-60 already up to 9% can stable it out to 60.
New in R310 Drivers:

Performance Boost – Increases performance for GeForce 400/500/600 Series GPUs in several PC games vs. GeForce 306.97 WHQL drivers. Results will vary depending on your GPU and system configuration:

GeForce GTX 680:
Up to 26% in Call of Duty: Black Ops 2
Up to 16% in Battlefield 3
Up to 18% in Assassin's Creed III
Up to 9% in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Up to 6% in Medal of Honor: Warfighter
Up to 6% in StarCraft II
Up to 6% in Dragon Age II
Up to 6% in Batman: Arkham City
Up to 5% in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat
GeForce GTX 660:
Up to 24% in Call of Duty: Black Ops 2
Up to 10% in Battlefield 3
Up to 7% in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Up to 5% in Dragon Age II
Up to 5% in Assassin's Creed III
Up to 4% in Batman: Arkham City
Up to 4% in Medal of Honor: Warfighter

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.120 beta

Svarog wrote:There is :) Might not be a lot, but if you're running 55-60 already up to 9% can stable it out to 60.
With everything enabled and configured for maximum quality with ENB? No way :lol:

Seriously though, 9% is pretty nice indeed. Thanks for the heads-up.


Re: TES Skyrim 0.120 beta

Борис, приветствую.
До недавнего времени использовал старую версию игры 1.4, недавно официально обновился до 1.8х. Появилась проблема. Ни одна из ENB-версий, как оригинальных ваших, так и сборочных - не работают. Выражается это в виде вылета игры на рабочий стол. Запускался и через tesv.exe, и через skse_loader.exe - картина одинаковая. Более того - в папке с игрой у меня вообще отсутствовал файл d3dx9.dll до установки ENB, это нормально? Собственно, после удаления из папки игры файла d3dx9.dll - игра запускается и работает. Протестировано на оригинальной игре с последним DLC и на моде ReDone (версия тоже 1.8).
Ранее я использовал 102 и 108 версии на игре 1.4 - всё работало. Есть ли какие-то подводные камни в настройке ENB для игры 1.8, может быть что-то надо прописать в INI или же иначе настроить драйвер? Возможно, разница пошла раньше 1.8, просто все предыдущие обновления я не устанавливал.

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.120 beta

У меня последняя стимовская версия игры и никаких проблем не было и нет. Лучше спросить на английском в разделе ошибок, я не знаю, чем помочь.
i9-9900k, 64Gb RAM, RTX 3060 12Gb, Win7


Re: TES Skyrim 0.120 beta

Извиняюсь, разобрался, оказывается после обновления nvidia-драйвера с 296 на 306 сбросились настройки nvidia Inspector, после чего перестала работать wrapper-версия. Теперь установил injector-версию, всё нормализовалось...

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.120 beta

Is everyone still believe in fairytales of driver developers, how faster games after each update? Isn't it simple to summarize all those 5-9% twenty times? Of course without any per game optimizations in drivers, they will run much slower, but the stable drivers are the best and you can't download magical patch/driver to upgrade any part of your pc.
i9-9900k, 64Gb RAM, RTX 3060 12Gb, Win7

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.120 beta

ENBSeries wrote:Is everyone still believe in fairytales of driver developers, how faster games after each update? Isn't it simple to summarize all those 5-9% twenty times? Of course without any per game optimizations in drivers, they will run much slower, but the stable drivers are the best and you can't download magical patch/driver to upgrade any part of your pc.
Oh, it is not to simple to summarize these up, because if driver version 2 is 10% faster than driver version 1 and driver version 3 is another 10% fast than driver version 2, you get 121%, not just 120%.

I guess, after one year of driver update Skyrim should have 80fps for now and not just 40, like...um, wait, like when it was released?

It's right, there are per game driver optimizations, a game can get faster. But most forget, it's always an "up to x%" and it's always the maximum fps that can be reached, that will increase, not the average fps. Average fps can also increase, but can also stay the same. They won't tell you that.
So yeah, I just can't understand, that people actually believe in this and do always update to the latest driver. Crazy.

Even more: They do want to sell their newest product and sometimes I have the feeling, newer drivers are good for new product, but they slow old GPUs artificially down, so you don want to buy a new graphic card as soon as possible, becuase your favorite game, that has run for one or two years so well on your system, is now oh so slow and looks crappy and...so sometimes I think, best driver for my current graphic card is not latest stable driver, but last driver release, before the next generation GPU was released...but it's just a feeling, I can't proove that.

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.120 beta

best driver for my current graphic card is not latest stable driver, but last driver release, before the next generation GPU was released...but it's just a feeling, I can't proove that.
That's correct, with my experience about this topic.
i9-9900k, 64Gb RAM, RTX 3060 12Gb, Win7
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