May be you have installed "Real Clouds" mod? Or some other alpha object like volumetric fog is in there. You can't do anything about that, it's problem of almost all game engines of non dx11.
isn't that stable @ all i got several Windows out of Memory messages
I don't know such messages, at least for WinXP. May be you mean low amount of swap file size? Then you simply don't have enough RAM (or x86 OS) and there is nothing to do with it, enbhost allocated data will be moved to swap instead of keeping in RAM.
Boris, would you mind to look into the infamous Z-fighting on the distant mountains?
No, this unfixable from my side without huge performance cost. Depth precision is already maxed in skyrim, the only way to reduce problem is to increase camera near clip distance, don't know where to set, but guess this possible as i see many screenshots which definetly have much shorter clip plane range than my game setup. Search undocumented skyrimprefs.ini parameters like "near clip", "far clip", "near dist", "far dist", "camera near", etc.
Very lastest update causes CTD when loading any save.
Antivirus, UAC, etc, etc, etc?
Under what circumstances should the enbhost.exe be running?
Antivirus, UAC - problems. And as CruNcher said, unsafe memory hack = true ignore enbhost, but this is mode only for those users, who have x86 OS or <=4 Gb RAM together with a lot of VRAM (some users have configs like athlon xp 2 ghz, 2gb ram, radeon 7850 3 gb).
ugrid many not work for you because you have another ini file where it written, like users have same problem with bFloatingPointTarget not working.
Noticed small files getting made inside enbseries folder sometimes.
I don't know what this could be, except your weather file set incorrectly. Multithreading bugs not acts like that. Try to research deeper.
Performance is low when ReservedMemorySizeMb is low and you have too much textures in current location. If you look at the sky and performance is much higher, then it's exactly that problem. Not optimal texture packs, very high details for distance. I'll release another version soon.
First of all, may be fps is too high or too low (default is 30) that's why loading stuck? Another thing, set quality of textures in video options to low, if that saved game will load fine, simply wait next updates from me (you run out of video memory while loading).
click ok in the message about respect potion or whatever from skyre = CTD
I have no idea what is that and where. Screenshot? And try different setting of enblocal.ini to find what exactly causes this.
Folks, i don't think that ugrid is safe "feature" for this engine. It have internally static arrays for objects, if by mods in some place amount of objects increased to maximal level and ugrid forcing even bigger objects to be loaded and stored, then a lot of chances to have crashes or corrupted data. Can't say for sure, but from many years experience with engines i'm very sceptical. Better to make some new world space only for testing limits for loaded objects, visible to camera, amount of textures allowed for them, etc. By geometry performance game is not utilize power of modern gpu, but if limit really exist, better to make new mod which collapse nearest objects in to single meshes, then performance will be much higher (but it's a lot of work).
Did tests of MSI Afterburner as it screen and video capturing not work starting from 0.177 version. It's bug in Afterburner, it crash at startup when code size of the mod bigger than some limit. I don't see any reason to make workaround by decreasing mod size via several dlls. If you want that program to work, report to authors.
New version of memory reducing almost finished. Made compression (used fastest existing algorithm, but with official hi-res textures loading takes 3 seconds longer) to decrease memory usage even on x86 systems without enbhost.exe. And did dynamic unloading to fix freezing, low fps and black textures, but not yet tweaked properly yet, it may take a lot of time to get statistics, so don't expect this feature will start to work from first day.