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Re: TES Skyrim 0.109 BETA

Posted: 05 May 2012, 05:36
by Oyama
@Tapioks :
Agree. IMO, even fast mode looks much better. Indeed, I found great improvements have been made on SSAO-SSIL coding.

@Boris :
well, last injector version :

Testing conf :
i7 920 @ 4.4 ghz HT ON
2 x GTX580 3gb vRam each
Last 301.24 beta drivers
Tested with all kinds of AA and TRSSAA (SSAA, Sparse Grid, ect...)
Tested from AA off to SLI 64xCSAA
Tested with GPU AF and ENB AF x16
Tested with negative load bias
Tested with and without SMAA injection
Same for FXAA (looks awful, but tested anyway)
vSync on adaptive
Extreme game inis
uGrids 5,7 and 9
Speedhack ON

FPS boost : +5 average any location
No more black shadows bug
Pitch black shadows areas turn to hard gray ? : still, but less
Smoother, less stutters with adaptation
Less GPU demanding (went from 99% usage to 95%, GPU temps after 1 hour intensive barely go 75% air-cooled)
No color bugs with SSIL

So far, last update is full success !
Continue testing.

I love u man ! (in a manly way !.. :D )

Re: TES Skyrim 0.109 BETA

Posted: 05 May 2012, 06:22
by Vond
Downloaded the new version that you just put up, and I'm afraid it did not fix the "red" issue for me. Don't even need to actually load a save to get it as can be seen below:


Only tested it superquickly now because I don't have time at this moment, but I did notice it existed on books aswell when opening them up to read ingame. My loadingscreens were fine though.

Can hopefully provide some more info if needed later on unless others do so in the meantime, but have to work for awhile. :)
I do use a d3d9.dll from an FXAA injector-mod (RCRN, and no I don't consider it real HDR ;))

Re: TES Skyrim 0.109 BETA

Posted: 05 May 2012, 06:42
by Oyama
@Vond :
if you're using HDR shaders from RCRN with ENB's HDR, that's pure nonsense and kills imagespace, light reflections and a lot of things.
I tried it. Bleurgh. :shock:

Won't speak in Boris's place, but may be the cause of this red bug I don't have on my side.

IMO, only FXAA functions that may be usefull with ENB are
Pre or post-sharpen (assuming you're not already using an ENB effect.txt sharpening addon)
Vignetting maybe
Tonemap maybe for gammas or exposure
Then.... don't see more indeed

The purest the better anyway. :)

Re: TES Skyrim 0.109 BETA

Posted: 05 May 2012, 07:09
by Megerko
солнышко слепит, полюбуйтесь вот

на момент теста включено следующее


Re: TES Skyrim 0.109 BETA

Posted: 05 May 2012, 10:15
by ENBSeries
Is that red bug appear when no other d3d9.dll mods installed (fxaa or any other kind)?

Спасибо. Но баг очень необычный, скорее всего текстура назначена удаленная, но этим не занимался в оптимизации. Проверьте, если SpeedHack=false, AntiBSOD=false поставить, исправляется ситуация? И вообще это всегда так с солнцем или случайно именно на солнечный спрайт попало? Ну и на всякий случай, это после alt+tab или игра в оконном режиме или с первым же запуском такое?

Re: TES Skyrim 0.109 BETA

Posted: 05 May 2012, 10:38
by Megerko
Вы правы, это текстуры.
Видимо НММ некорректно удаляет моды, потому как в папке с текстурами он мне оставил
файлик Пришлось _SPAM_ первый попавшийся мод содержащий в названии этот самый "sunglare".
теперь порядок, спасибо за помощь.

Re: TES Skyrim 0.109 BETA

Posted: 05 May 2012, 12:09
by Vond
@Boris: Tried with SMAA .dll instead, and did not have the issue. It's the only d3d9.dll I have available besides the FXAA one.

Edit: @Oyama: Tried to comment out those settings, I hadn't bothered before as I had my ENBsettings set-up with all that stuff in mind. but it worked, no more red. :)
Edit2: Not sure what I was smoking, disabling the "HDR" from RCRN did not fix it. Still got ze "red issue".

Re: TES Skyrim 0.109 BETA

Posted: 05 May 2012, 13:05
by tapioks

I am having the 'red' issue, but I am not using any other d3d9 mod or anything else. I have noticed:

- It only seems to affect some menu/overlay items, like the main menu icon, load screens, lockpicking interface. The issue does NOT exist at all in the 'gameworld'
- The issue SEEMS to be related to Lens Flare / Bloom power. On load screens, the red is clearly an overloading Lens Flare effect.

Again, not sure what the cause is. It's the only issue I still have with 0.109 ... : /

I tried with different values for AntiBSOD and SpeedHack, but same issue persists. Will post if I learn anything new.


What settings did you comment out to remove the red?? :D

Re: TES Skyrim 0.109 BETA

Posted: 05 May 2012, 13:21
by Andrex
Странно но прироста FPS не замечаю, наоборот FPS больше без enb на 2-3, хотя DOF, SSAO отключал... Видиокарта GTX 560

Re: TES Skyrim 0.109 BETA

Posted: 05 May 2012, 13:43
by nordikwolf
Great job, all is working now Boris. No more super shadows or blocky stuff. Thanks!