TES Skyrim 0.122

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*blah-blah-blah maniac*
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.122

Corvo wrote:I tried Mixing Type 1 and it's awesome: a huge quality improvement outside, since AO noise doesn't "shake" anymore when I walk.
Damn, can't wait to get building my preset around the new code.

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.122

Хожу пока с
Ибо если микширование ставлю на 0, то здорово чернеют и без того темные части текстур, значение АО стоит на 0.7, пока лень разбираться что к чему,завтра гляну поподробнее.

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.122

Found another problem, now it's the indoor sky that can be seen through open windows (Like in the Temple of Kynareth in Whiterun) They are totally black no matter what I change in the enbseries.ini. But when I turn Ambient occlusion off, the interior sky reappaers. Also affects light shafts.


SSAO off

And just checked and some of the maps water is blackened for me aswell, but isn't blackened around the edges of the water and land textures.
Last edited by --JawZ-- on 24 Nov 2012, 18:21, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.122

Sky is fixed, but I also have this bug (in both 122 versions): http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/f ... =109928261

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.122

I don't see the download in the download section?!
It's where always it is, try another browser.

Checked now the moon, it's changes ok. May be you have other mods which do something to it? Is it happen with previous version? I didn't anything to moon and it's parameters, but if it's fog issue similar to sky, set fog parameters to something extremely huge and see what happen, if moon will change, then it is and i need to find all objects like that (but as i remember, moon depth not drawed).

You mean
AOMixingType=1, 2, 3 and 4? Or only 1 and 2
AOIntensity=0 to
AOType=1 and 2? Or 1, 2, 3 and 4?
I mean one of any, not all together or any combinations.
Sky intensity unaffected, only if curve parameters of it changed, then it may too (1.0 and 2.0 gives same result), it's because of faster pow() function computation with 5% errors.

It's a shame it won't work as good in interiors.
It works in interiors much more realistic, because ssao is how much environment lights passed to some point on mesh, i hate how it's done in games as ambient occlusion which absolutely ignorant to lighting.
mods that changes interiors lighting adding better, real light sources, could solve the problem?
No, lighting doesn't affect ssao and vice versa. Ambient lighting only affect ssao in AOMixingType 0 or 1, but most interior scenes (and night too) have very low ambient color, only indirect lighting visible in that case, so increase it. It's like in real life.
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.122

AOMixingAmount=0 имеет коррекцию по цвету текстуры объекта, чтоб снег получал гораздо меньше ssao эффекта, ибо из-за белизны он больше отражает света (в снежных пещерах можно видеть достаточно далеко).

I'll try to find windows like that one, because have no idea what kind of math used there.

I'll check it.

Btw, i increased aoamount and ilamount limits to 100.
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.122

Confirm windows and map issues as above...

However, stunning quality AO with Type1 8-)

Need to tweak parameters, but this is the best I've seen this game looking... epic work.
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.122

You can look at the same ones in the Temple of Kynareth in Whiterun. That's where the pictures we're taken. There aren't any windowglass there, just open holes in the interior mesh, that has a skybox around it outside of the interior mesh.

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.122

Strange bug here, none of my DOFs are working anymore :shock:
I tried several enbeffectprepass, verified everything, no DOF is working....

Exactly like DepthOfField set to false.....
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.122

Aye, looks like DOF is not working anymore.

But fucking hell, the SSAO now looks incredible and I love how flexible it is with all the customization options.


Exaggerated here of course, but even so it doesn't make the whole image dark, noisy muck. I'm sure great things are now possible.
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