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Re: TES Skyrim 0.113

Posted: 30 May 2012, 18:45
by Unreal Warfare
Awesome work Boris. ENB is really coming along in leaps and bounds now. Performance is good and the effects being added are great. Have noticed no issues yet but if I do I will let you know.


Re: TES Skyrim 0.113

Posted: 30 May 2012, 19:16
by Phnx
I have found out that "AntiBSOD=true" removes refraction in my game. You have set it to "false", that's why refraction works now.

Re: TES Skyrim 0.113

Posted: 30 May 2012, 19:25
by mindflux
Thanks Boris, extraordinary stuff once again.

Re: TES Skyrim 0.113

Posted: 30 May 2012, 21:16
by ENBSeries
It will be a gift, not a donation. But i prefer to recieve by parts, because my pc case and psu are one of the best by noise and quality for me. Also price for post services is very huge, useless spending of money. Anyway, i don't care about hardware and prefer to decide myself how to spend money, because if someone will gime me pc, then i should do another mod with it, but why? I'm not a slave and development cost me very much (and affect game projects where i'm working with), better to be free from any duty.

AntiBSOD is still working as it's named, for me at least, even on semidead videocard if i set it false, instead of crash when game became corrupted i have bsod. Also it's a bit performance improvement for some systems. But it's hard to control when game running to fix refraction, at least i know what the problem was.

Re: TES Skyrim 0.113

Posted: 30 May 2012, 22:05
by Bhabha
Hello Boris. Wonderful that you keep working on all of this and all, although having some issues.

I suppose this is more of a "general" issue rather than with this specific release, but I can't get the ENB to work past version 1.03. I've tried every single fix you've suggested, the antibsod fix, using different versions (I've tried all versions past 1.03, all the same issue.), using with and without fake video card. Nothing works.

The issue works like this. I open the game with the injector (the d3d9.dll just insta-crashes my game.) and then I pick my save, let it load then when it's done loading and is about to show the game, it crashes back to the desktop. Any idea what might be causing this? Been asking other people, but they're as clueless as me.

Re: TES Skyrim 0.113

Posted: 30 May 2012, 23:49
by chidosity
@Bhabha - Have you tried running the game with ENB without any mods (unload all esp/esm's, removing all textures/scripts/meshes), and not with a savegame, but instead just start a new game? Have you turned off all external applications running on the machine? It is an infinitesimally small chance that enb is the direct cause. In every case I've seen, it is either a mod conflict, or enb is conflicting with another application that uses d3d9.dll hooks. The fact that it crashes at save-game load usually indicates a mod conflict or a corrupted save. It is also possible that you are just blowing the shit out of your video memory, so disabling all mods, including the removal of texture and mesh mods is critical to troubleshooting this stuff.

Boris, I've been sucked into Diablo, but I just loaded up .113 as I had to experience this. Fuck, dude, I really wish there were more people like you out there in the gaming community, but you are one of a kind. Amazing. Good performance, and no bugs in the hour I spent staring at clouds.

Re: TES Skyrim 0.113

Posted: 31 May 2012, 01:11
by ishmaeltheforsaken
I know that you haven't gotten the "Volumetric sun rays (shadows)" in yet, but could you (or, hey, anyone else who knows :P) describe what exactly that means and how it's better than the simplified rays in 113?

Re: TES Skyrim 0.113

Posted: 31 May 2012, 01:48
by ENBSeries
I don't know what to suggest.

Stalker Call Of Prypyat or Crysis 3 have this effect (which else, don't know, but should be many).

Re: TES Skyrim 0.113

Posted: 31 May 2012, 10:20
by Vond
Bhabha wrote:Hello Boris. Wonderful that you keep working on all of this and all, although having some issues.

I suppose this is more of a "general" issue rather than with this specific release, but I can't get the ENB to work past version 1.03. I've tried every single fix you've suggested, the antibsod fix, using different versions (I've tried all versions past 1.03, all the same issue.), using with and without fake video card. Nothing works.

The issue works like this. I open the game with the injector (the d3d9.dll just insta-crashes my game.) and then I pick my save, let it load then when it's done loading and is about to show the game, it crashes back to the desktop. Any idea what might be causing this? Been asking other people, but they're as clueless as me.
Are you using any programs such as DXtory? Game will crash upon finishing loading a save then like you mentioned with .109+. MSI Afterburner can have the same affect aswell if you use the Overlay function. Most likely there are other 3rd party programs with overlays that have the same effect, so would look into that.

Re: TES Skyrim 0.113

Posted: 31 May 2012, 12:35
by Bhabha
Vond wrote: Are you using any programs such as DXtory? Game will crash upon finishing loading a save then like you mentioned with .109+. MSI Afterburner can have the same affect aswell if you use the Overlay function. Most likely there are other 3rd party programs with overlays that have the same effect, so would look into that.
.. Wow, that was surprisingly simple. Works perfectly now. Thanks.