TES Skyrim 0.264

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.264

My only Christmas wish this year is ENB would go dx11. ;)
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.264

Thank you for the great work you've done on ENBoost. I've been using v0.262 since I first starting playing TES Skyrim and it has worked perfectly for me. I just upgraded to v0.264 and I almost died when I saw 1162 FPS's on the startup screen. I got into the game and I had 80+ FPS's when I used to have between 30 and 40 with v0.262. I went into enblocal.ini and set EnableFPSLimit=true and FPSLimit=55 but I still have the 80+. Is there something else I have to do to cap the FPS's?

Thank you

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.264

Is it possible the snow or DoF is being drawn in the wrong order? like Objects > DoF > depth pass > particles or Depth Pass > DoF > Objects > Particles?
No, order is always the same. Particles don't have depth, so they are for dof looks like projected on objects or sky.

IBL in my version is very simplified, just blurred sky. I thought about upgrading it to capture image from the ground too, but this have some performance problems, so i decided to keep that for later use as part of global illumination. All such kind of features are in todo list, but i'm afraid to touch them, all about performance. Shadows too.

Bloom is low res, but you may compute high res layer for it in enbeffect.fx, performance is better.

Don't have any ideas why some systems ignore fps limiter, all you can do is to force vsync.

PS: currently i'm in butthurt state because of local currency vs euro/dollar changes, need somehow to get 10k$ to buy appartment asap or will lose a lot of earned money, don't know how much time can find for modding (and mood, mostly).
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.264

boris, nice to hear that you already have those on the todo list. made my day.
personally i would not care about fps loss to a certain degree. i would see it as a feature like putting high quality filter into every process or supersampling for SSAO and so on. it is a choice. you can still do a 60fps ENB if you want you just have to use the low settings.
i mean, global illumination with IBL, shadows... i would just stand there and watch the scenery for hours, no need for good fps ;)
what are the limits of performance? is it directx? skyrim engine? the injection? sorry for stupid question, just interested.

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.264

Game engine is the limitation. Some effects (and shadows) can't be drawed only by using objects which are visible on screen, so it's extra cpu and gpu overhead.
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.264

Hi Boris,
Sorry to hear for your situation. Hope it will be alright.

As for "compute high res layer for it" you mean up scaling/reconstructing bloom texture to full res inside of enbeffect? Is not much faster to compute new blur texture using H+V pass? 13 pix passes seem to be almost for free on reasonable hardware with good amount of shader units.

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.264

It means to use bloom 512*512 output together with another code in enbeffect.fx, which compute bloom at screen resolution for small radius of nearest pixels.
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Re: TES Skyrim 0.264

Oh that should be easy enough, let me give that a go

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.264

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.264

Boris, just a quick question as my memory is failing me. Is there any chance we'll see a return of volumetric mist? I don't recall why development on that stopped so I guess I'm just curious. As I recall, it looked amazing.
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