TES Skyrim 0.146

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.146

No, ssao amount = 0 do not turn it off. I'll think about this, not exactly like that, but similar.
i9-9900k, 64Gb RAM, RTX 3060 12Gb, Win7

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.146

ENBSeries wrote:No, ssao amount = 0 do not turn it off. I'll think about this, not exactly like that, but similar.
Ok. I had someone ask me if there was a way to have SSAO only on in interiors since it hurts their fps too much in exteriors but they wanted to keep SSAO for interiors. I had actually never thought about it till they asked. Sounded like a good idea for those that wanted it. Told them the easiest way at the moment was to use the DOFSSAO toggler mod. Two button presses everytime you go inside or outside (unless you macro it I guess).

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.146

Either I ran into an odd problem or my GTX 570 SC is dying in a spectacular fashion.
It'd only be my fourth card to die.

It only happens in this specific spot though and depends on the angle.

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.146

I doubt your card is dying, that's an issue some people have been having with the latest Nvidia drivers.

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.146

mindflux wrote:Rainbow
I doubt your card is dying, that's an issue some people have been having with the latest Nvidia drivers.
Really? That's odd. I didn't notice it anywhere until now and I've been on the new drivers for a few days.

Good to know it's not my card though. This one has actually managed to last me a few months.

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.146

It looks like it depends on the ENB settings and game conditions whether the issue manifests itself. Most of the time lowering gamma in enbseries.ini is a pretty efficient way to trigger it.

A few months? You do know overclocking brings bad mojo? :lol:

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.146

mindflux wrote:It looks like it depends on the ENB settings and game conditions whether the issue manifests itself. Most of the time lowering gamma in enbseries.ini is a pretty efficient way to trigger it.

A few months? You do know overclocking brings bad mojo? :lol:
I'll have to mess with settings later to see what causes it. Thanks.

My first card died at stock clocks, my second cards VRMs went up in smoke at stock, and my third cards VRMs blew when I booted my computer up at stock.
The second card died while I was gaming at least. I've just had terrible luck. The 570's are known to have VRM problems but I've had it really bad.

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.146

Rainbow wrote:
mindflux wrote:It looks like it depends on the ENB settings and game conditions whether the issue manifests itself. Most of the time lowering gamma in enbseries.ini is a pretty efficient way to trigger it.

A few months? You do know overclocking brings bad mojo? :lol:
I'll have to mess with settings later to see what causes it. Thanks.

My first card died at stock clocks, my second cards VRMs went up in smoke at stock, and my third cards VRMs blew when I booted my computer up at stock.
The second card died while I was gaming at least. I've just had terrible luck. The 570's are known to have VRM problems but I've had it really bad.
That's why I made the switch to AMD a few years ago. Nvidia cards kept dying on me in a short amount of time. Never had any issues from AMD cards.

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.146

Out of curiosity, is it feasible that there will ever be a good fix for the whole "Night Eye" thing?

I found that little commented-out fix for it in the enbeffect.fx file and tried it out by just un-commenting it (I don't know anything about modifying those settings, I wasn't sure if I needed to comment out the section before that but I didn't and it seemed to work okay). Night Eye works great with that enabled and the lighting looks fine at night -- after I turn the brightness way up and adjust the ambient light levels anyway -- but the colors during the day look absolutely horrifically dull and faded. I know that's the whole problem with the way Night Eye works and why you disabled it, but it's such a shame that with ENB allowing us to make such great-looking immersive nighttime scenes, that it also disables one of the only ways we can function outdoors at night (and certainly the only stealthy one).

Is it really impossible to get it to work? Is there a way to enable that Night Eye fix only during exterior nighttime, when colors really should be less vibrant and pronounced anyway? Or, in the meantime, to make the NightEye fix into a toggle-able setting in the .ini/GUI?

PS: WOW you weren't kidding about performance optimization. I'm on XFire'd 5770's -- I just switched from 0.139 to 0.146 and my framerate improved drastically. I mean, I have better FPS now with SSAO on than I did before with it off and it looks better too. And yeah, I toggled it to make sure it's all working. AWESOME! You're the man, Boris, thanks for your hard work.

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Re: TES Skyrim 0.146

Wolfstryder wrote:
ENBSeries wrote:No, ssao amount = 0 do not turn it off. I'll think about this, not exactly like that, but similar.
Ok. I had someone ask me if there was a way to have SSAO only on in interiors since it hurts their fps too much in exteriors but they wanted to keep SSAO for interiors. I had actually never thought about it till they asked. Sounded like a good idea for those that wanted it. Told them the easiest way at the moment was to use the DOFSSAO toggler mod. Two button presses everytime you go inside or outside (unless you macro it I guess).
Seconding this request. My outdoors runs around 30 FPS. Also wouldn't mind having reflections for interior only.
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