i am a bit afraid to ask
what about "Effect lighting RGB filter" or "Sky Statics RGB filter" (could be added under volumetric fog, mountain clouds)? Both are very much important if you alter Weather Colors.
Some Weathermods have weird things, like very blue colored Effect Lighting so Fire Smoke is blue, or yellow Snow Dust Particles at Night because Effect Lighting is yellow. Sometimes it is easy to do those things in Tes5Edit, because you can just script a white RGB for it. But often Effect Lighting has a very usable coloring effect, e.g. Auroras, or at Sundown/rise etc... So it would become hard work again in Tes5Edit. Same thing with volfogs.
Those are the last 2 filters missing to include everything in weathers part i think.
Also i didn't understand your last statement about "distant fog far,near,power,max" about clipping issues. If i alter them in CK/Tes5Edit isn't it the same thing? Everyone does it, some to the extend of no fog at all.
It is not a big deal for me, not to include these. Because after a while you develop a feeling of what values work. But really everything helps to make life much easier.