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Re: TES Skyrim 0.155

Posted: 14 Mar 2013, 01:30
by valks666
@Patken007 Then you didn't do your homework ;)

There are plenty of people on these forums that have amd cards and enb works fine, and there are quite of few enb guides and places where you can ask for help if you are having problems, google is your friend...

Re: TES Skyrim 0.155

Posted: 14 Mar 2013, 02:47
by Patken007
I will keep trying...

Re: TES Skyrim 0.155

Posted: 14 Mar 2013, 11:01
by valks666

Some basic tips to get enb working. First of all check the readme of the profile your trying to install. They 'should' say what version of enb they are using (which you need to download and install before you try to use the profile), if they are using Skyrim's anti-aliasing, Edge AA, SMAA, and any settings you may need to turn off in Skyrimprefs.ini (for some profiles you have to turn off Skyrim's depth of field to prevent excessive blurring). If they are using Edge AA, SMAA or FXAA (which nearly everyone does in versions later than 119), you need to turn off Skyrim's Anti-Aliasing and probably Anisotropic Filtering as well. If they don't say, you will need to open the enbseries.ini and look for;

EnableProxyLibrary=true <--default is false, so if its true they are using SMAA or FXAA
ProxyLibrary=d3d9_SFX.dll <--default is 'other_d3d9.dll' so if it's anything else they are using SMAA or FXAA

EnableEdgeAA=true <--Edge AA is on and you need to turn off Anti-Aliasing in Skyrim's Launcher.

ForceAnisotropicFiltering=true <--AF is being forced through enb and you should turn off Anisotropic Filtering in Skyrim's Launcher.

If Edge AA or SMAA or FXAA are on you need to turn off Antialiasing in Skyrim's Launcher and if Anisotropic Filtering is being forced through enb you need to turn that off as well. Then you need to check the following settings have a '1' next to them in SkyrimPrefs.ini or enb won't work properly:


Finally in Catalyst Control Centre you need to make sure the settings are as below so enb works as intended;

Mode = Use application settings & Morphological filtering = Off
Filter = Standard

Anisotropic Filtering = Use application settings

Tessellation = Use application settings

Catalyst A.I.

Texture Filtering Quality = High Quality & Enable Surface Format Optimization = Off

Wait for vertical refresh = Off or On, unless application specifies

Anti-Aliasing Mode = Multi-sample AA

OpenGL Settings = Triple buffering off/on (off if V-Sync is turned off, On if V-Sync is turned on)

Thats the basics covered, if the game is still way too blurry then you might want to try turning off Depth of Field in enbseries.ini like this;


If its still not working you might want to verify Skyrim's files through steam, and install the latest direct X from microsofts website as well.

Sorry for the wall of text, havn't figured out how to do spoiler tags yet..

Re: TES Skyrim 0.155

Posted: 14 Mar 2013, 14:08
by Patken007
Thank you for the info,i really appreciate it. I will work on that tonight after work. Sorry if my english isnt not too good, (i am french canadian) :?

Re: TES Skyrim 0.155

Posted: 15 Mar 2013, 16:44
by ENBSeries
Да, подойдет. Если

Code: Select all

float4	ScreenSize;
прописано в шейдерах именно так, то будет работать.

Re: TES Skyrim 0.155

Posted: 15 Mar 2013, 22:07
by Patken007
So far so good, i have installed Bleak unbleak in my skyrim game. Its working better, but i still need to fo some tweaking.

Re: TES Skyrim 0.155

Posted: 16 Mar 2013, 03:47
by ENBSeries
Выглядит как и на всех предыдущих версиях, уже показывал, sss в тени есть и весьма бесит, приходится занулять. Недавно попытался переписать sss, но там столько путаницы с одинаковыми шейдерами на растениях и персонажах, что послал нафиг.

Re: TES Skyrim 0.155

Posted: 16 Mar 2013, 04:15
by spameroo
Yersinia79 wrote:Is there any way to avoid the shadow bleed between sharp angles? Usualy very visible @ exterior when there is sunny with bright background, between fingers, legs sometimes, hair got plenty angles @ neck so its kinda frequent there but very small (sometimes around the head kinda glowing thru the hair I think). Around the throat "front" at angles when hair is covering it, creating sharp angles. It also seem to darken alot more on very sharp angles:> It is very "bleed" like , reminds me o the shade in 1.54 Proudspire in look. Deep and sticks to the background texture "oil look" and also goes away when turning off SSAO/SSIL. Difference from 1.54 Proudspire one is I get it with 1.53 and 1.55 and the shade sticks and do not move (pop back). If this is a natural bi-effect of the way SSAO/SSIL is added I will ignore it:)
I have not changed much on it, like to think I got very subtle SSAO/SSIL settings but i am not 100% sure on that^^

I've spent the past few days trying to solve the same issue. A big part of it turns out to be unrelated to AO, at least directly - it's eliminated by disabling Sky Lighting entirely. I don't know if there's any way around it that still keeps the sky lighting effect.

I had to reduce the SSAO/SSIL settings a lot below where ou currently have them,though, also. I had to take exterior IL amount down below 0.5 in order to eliminate the flashing on walls from my swords in first person. I ended up raising Sampling range to around 1.3 too. Messing around with these settings in-game via the GUI is a big help.

Re: TES Skyrim 0.155

Posted: 16 Mar 2013, 06:50
by valks666

If you are using a 5970 (just saw that in another thread where you mentioned that) you might want to check out the crossfire fix thread in the AMD/ATI section of this forum, as they have a few tricks that may fix your problems with blur/depth of field and other things.

Re: TES Skyrim 0.155

Posted: 16 Mar 2013, 17:55
by ENBSeries
Вообще-то не в ногах дело, по синеве предполагаю что амбиент освещение изменено, но уже не помню совершенно, что менял с ним. Если сбросить в 1 амбиент интенсивность и отключить все эффекты (чтоб не влиял код удаления тумана), будет ли одинаково и можно ли уточнить, с какой версии перестает работать "правильно"? (пока сам не могу проверить, занят). Кажется уже говорил, что шейдеры персонажей не поменялись (листвы заодно тоже), ничего вообще не делаю с ними, просто как любой 3д объект модифицирую параметрами типа ambient, direct, point, spec, изменения будут абсолютно одинаковы для всех объектов, ибо код один на все.