TES Skyrim v0.106 BETA test

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*blah-blah-blah maniac*
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TES Skyrim v0.106 BETA test

The Elder Scrolls Skyrim (TES Skyrim)

Graphic mod ENBSeries 0.106 BETA test

This version differ from 0.103 only by some optimizations from 0.105 version, but they are not noticable on my PC. Optimizations from version 0.105 can't be implemented for NVidia cards at this moment.
Please, write comparison results between 0.106 and 0.103 versions by performance and if they look the same or not.
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Re: TES Skyrim v0.106 BETA test

So does it means that this version doesn't have the same performance as the 0.105 for Nvidia users? Like me, with Nvidia Optimus GT 335M? And is Depth of Field working properly in this .106 version? I tested it and it is slowing down my fps. Is it because of the Depth of Field or because of the version that isn't optimized? Anyway, thanks for the hard work Boris.

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Re: TES Skyrim v0.106 BETA test

Доф теперь работает, тени так и остались очень темные, фпс упал на 1-2(
GeForce GTX 780 WindForce, Asus Z87-DELUXE, Intel Core i7 - 4770k, Corsair Dominator Platinum 16gb, intel SSD 180. OS - Windows 8

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Re: TES Skyrim v0.106 BETA test

Getting over 8fps improvement on ati with ssao+ssil compared to 102 and over 3fps compared to 103.

btw alexander blade asked on nvidia forums about nvcs, hope they will provide some papers.
i5 2500k @ 4.9GHz(air), GTX 680 SLI, ASUS Maximus V Extreme, W7 + Arch

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Re: TES Skyrim v0.106 BETA test

I get the same overly dark shadows problem as in 0.105 :( Back to 102, I guess.

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Re: TES Skyrim v0.106 BETA test

Why back to 0.102 if i compare to 0.103? Does it also bad or what?
alexander blade asked on nvidia forums about nvcs, hope they will provide some papers.
I asked him to register there, but as you see, nvidia don't want to help.
So does it means that this version doesn't have the same performance as the 0.105 for Nvidia users?
Yes. Back to old version.

To all: make screenshots of same area where shadows are darker than in 0.103, i don't see any difference (or it's just my pc and locations?)
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Re: TES Skyrim v0.106 BETA test

Hi Boris,

I just tried this out and I still get the flickering when turning like I did with 0.105 (pictures posted in the 0.105 thread).

The only difference this time is sometimes it goes whiter aswell.

Performance felt about the same as 102. If you would like a more in depth FPS test it will have to wait until tomorrow evening, though I'd be happy to do it.

As before everything runs fine with 0.102, and even 0.103 (from what I used of it, though I saw no real difference in performance between the two so just stuck with 0.102).

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Re: TES Skyrim v0.106 BETA test

v106 has slightly better framerate for me than 103 like about 8 -10. Less than 105(which gave me tons great frame rate). There are some weird bugs though.

On a side note, the Optimizations that were in 105 worked fine on my Nvidia Card: GTX 460.

Using Confident ENB 1.5 Vibrant settings with SSAO (Depth of Field Disabled)

Weird shadow bug in first person:

If I'm not facing a light source that happens. But in 3rd person, this bug doesnt occur:

More shots of the bug:
ENB: http://i.imgur.com/iQMy0.jpg
No ENB(toggled off with shift+f12): http://i.imgur.com/1KzGJ.jpg

Really Dark Shadow Bug:
Not really sure how to explain this one, but shadows seem a bit too dark at times:

Weird Clothing Bug on some clothes:
I dont know if this is caused by ENB or not, since it shows whether I toggle ENB off or on but I figured I could put it anyway just in case:

Final Bug:
Sometimes the screen seems to change brightness at really sharp intervals. Like one moment it will be really bright, then it will suddenly become darker, or have some other shift in visual appearance. Its never like huge color changes, but it just was like, sometimes the screen would be dark then get really bright, then dark again. Hard to describe it though.

Good things with the mod:
I noticed that the water wasn't really transparent as much in this version. Though just a bit. Also the water has really impressive reflections now.

See here:

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Re: TES Skyrim v0.106 BETA test

Да, баг с тенями в 106, весомая проблемка
http://rghost.ru/36560444/image.png 106
http://rghost.ru/36560445/image.png 103

Теперь результаты теста, бенча фрапса.
http://rghost.ru/36560448 103
http://rghost.ru/36560450 106

В каждом из них, по 2 теста, в пещере и солитьюде. Бегал по одному и тому же пути. С одним и тем же поворотами камеры. Т.е. сопоставить и посмотреть разница легко =) Думаю такой тест тебя устроит. Если что-то надо, где затетстить, напиши ;)

Конфига компа в подписи. Драйвера 12.1(перешел обратно, глючит 12.2 в других играх у меня)

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Re: TES Skyrim v0.106 BETA test

I compared to 102 by mistake. I am using 102 because i am lazy to tweak the 103 and i forgot to switch...
So that means that you won't be able to tweak the SSAO? Is it even possible that noone knows anything about it? :shock:
i5 2500k @ 4.9GHz(air), GTX 680 SLI, ASUS Maximus V Extreme, W7 + Arch
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