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Fallout 4 0.285 beta

Posted: 03 Dec 2015, 17:07
by ENBSeries
Fallout 4 (TES With Guns)

ENBSeries 0.285 beta (graphic mod) / ENBoost (patch)

Added support of external enbeffectpostpass.fx shader, which is replacement of effect.txt shader. Sample file is included, but file format may change after discussion with modders, so it's just preview. Fixed reported bugs of previous version. Added parameter to toggle post pass shader.

Enbeffectpostpass.fx is similar to effect.txt, but it differ by some features, so you can't just copy and paste content of effect.txt to new standard. Example file have three named techniques and 6 techniques total. Only named (like <string UIName="Blur";>) are listed in shader editor and saved to config, while secondary works the same as they do in effect.txt.
For example technique11 Blur is first pass, it's named and displayed in editor. technique11 Blur1 is second pass, which use result of technique11 Blur as input. If you add technique11 Blur2, then it will use result of technique11 Blur1 as input TextureColor. So on and so on. In other words, you may implement "several" effect.txt in single file. But please do not use more than 128 techniques, it's internal limit.
Format is red10, green10, blue10, alpha2 bits for TextureColor, TextureOriginal, render targets, while old effect.txt had 8,8,8,8 format. I made this choice because 8 bit per channel format have visual color banding artifacts on the sky. Even 10 bit is not enough and toggling mod on/off with weather 15e shows some banding. If it unaccaptable, i can switch to 16,16,16,16 format, but it's slower, at 1920*1080 gf650ti fps reduced from 50.5 to 49 with 64 bit format.

PS: 3 december is birthday of the mod.

Re: Fallout 4 0.285 beta

Posted: 03 Dec 2015, 17:36
by tapioks
HAPPY ENBirthday!


By the way, I think I would prefer 16,16,16,16 if the cost is just 1.5 FPS on 650ti at 1080p. Banding just sucks...

Re: Fallout 4 0.285 beta

Posted: 03 Dec 2015, 17:57
by MaxG3D
Should the example postpass do anything? If yes, it doesn't work for me.

Re: Fallout 4 0.285 beta

Posted: 03 Dec 2015, 19:43
by jobags
Make sure it is enabled, and also be sure to use the drop down under technique to change effects.

Thanks! testing now

Re: Fallout 4 0.285 beta

Posted: 03 Dec 2015, 20:25
by dpeasant
Tested, works absolutely fine, doesnt hit fps with or without UsePatchSpeedhackWithoutGraphics(Ive jumped to current version 285 from 283 right away). didnt notice any glitches so far.
Also, works with ReShade. Ill wait until someone manages to port older skyrim enbbloom file to this version, as the Reshade bloom hits fps too much and is less controllable(turned default game bloom of via ENB).

Re: Fallout 4 0.285 beta

Posted: 03 Dec 2015, 20:44
by ENBSeries
EnablePostPassShader=true turns it on and you need in shader editor window select (and save) any technique, except "DEFAULT" (because default is bypassed, it originally linked to "Draw" technique to avoid crashes of the mod). Code applies blurring, sharpening, blurring and then sharpening. Not useful, but it shows how to use that file for multiple techniques.

Btw, i'm thinking about extra technique executed before any others, which render temporary texture from input data then it's used by all techniques and do not changes. For example can be used to store mask of edges computed from depth or depth based normal, but not recommend it, dof earlier will be corrupted after using any depth manipulations. Also i'm trying to find solution how to blur depth together with depth of field effect and is it worth it. Don't want to waste performance for removing some not very noticable artifacts.

Bloom shader is not yet available, i'll add it after testing this version, don't wanna stuck with the bugs after making too much untested code.

So, who (except tapioks) need 16 bit per channel color processing at higher vram usage and lower performance? Do your really see annoying banding artifacts with 15e weather when toggling mod on/off? Because i see them, but can't say they are so ugly. And adding dithering code to enbeffect.fx output may helps a lot. From other side, 16 bit instead of 10 and 16 bit alpha instead of 4 bits means much more space for compressing data in case of tricky effects. My videocard is not bad by performance, much better than gf 640, 630 or laptop hardware, so 1.5 fps for me means x4 for those cards, i guess. This is depends from scene and video options, but still...

Re: Fallout 4 0.285 beta

Posted: 03 Dec 2015, 22:01
by MaxG3D
Yep, my fault, I didn't change the technique, now everything works properly, sorry about that.

About 16bit... I think it's worth the performance. I can't imagine anybody playing Fallout 4 with weaker GPU than 650 in the first place.

Man, I can't wait for the HDR and bloom, this game needs proper rendering really badly. Just turning off the default awful bloom makes the art much more enjoyable. ;)

Re: Fallout 4 0.285 beta

Posted: 03 Dec 2015, 23:34
by Yersinia79
Happy ENBirthday^^

Thank you for the update :)

Have a look at this place (bloom when it is turned off and "molten metal" with colorfilter off) :>
Same happen with bloom when adaptation is off too, but easier to see when it is on.
Happens with both 0.284 and 0.285.
[Click for normal image]
Savegame ... 2.fos?dl=0
Exiting room leads to another room with similar light sources, but less noticeable.

Hope it helps:)

Re: Fallout 4 0.285 beta

Posted: 04 Dec 2015, 02:44
by MonarchX
I noticed very frequent crashing upon loading a savegame ever since I set "UsePatchSpeedhackWithoutGraphics=false" and began testing ENB (latest versions and all). Otherwise everything works so far - Night-Vision is fixed, Pip-Boy is fixed.

Re: Fallout 4 0.285 beta

Posted: 04 Dec 2015, 03:43
by Wolrajh
I think ... Yeah, with "minimal" but probably exponential framerate loss, 16bits per channel would be a VERY nice addition. 16 is the absolute minimum in video/picture post processing with 32float being the most sought after.
Of course though, 32 per channel would REALLY make things suffer in real time =)

So yeah, I'd rather enjoy 16 per channel. 8 is probably more than enough for most gaming scenarios, but 16 would be a standard for high end machines / screenarchery I think.

On a slightly different but yet very similar topic, are complex Re-shade shaders already transferable over to ENB ? I'm thinking the Ambient Occlusion SSGI, McFly's DoF ( which may not even be completely free to use in something other than Re-shade ) or the two lensdirt effects ( Lensdirt dependant on Bloom and Ambient_light lensdirt ). Or is any further developpement of the ENB suite required ?

And, of course, Boris, happy ENB birthday and thanks so much for your dedication to improving all those games visuals !