Skyrim: Flashing Spot bug with 0.108

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Skyrim: Flashing Spot bug with 0.108

The 108 version is really suitable for my comp so far. But I only have this one problem: There's a weird flashing bloom spot bug keep flashing on shining textures like particular hair types or white bright armors or something like that. I still can't pinpoint exactly which causes it because not all of shining textures suffer this bug. Everything's fine with older versions.
Srry about my "Engrish". Hope u can fix this soon 'cause I can play Skyrim normally with 108. Thks.

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Re: Skyrim: Flashing Spot bug with 0.108

Turn down lenz in enbseries.ini
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Re: Skyrim: Flashing Spot bug with 0.108

It was the first thing I thought about and no, not lenz.
I believe it's from within the .dll file, I already mess around with ini but nothing can fix it.
But thks anyway.

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Re: Skyrim: Flashing Spot bug with 0.108

It's bad work of modders, they set too high values for some material parameters and when hdr applied, result is extremely huge intensities. Manually in bloom shader it's possible to clamp colors, but that will be not a proper solution. Open model in CK editor and modify it to not crazy values for specular. Similar happen frequently with gta4 mod, but with cars. Ask modders to reinstall hand driver.
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Re: Skyrim: Flashing Spot bug with 0.108

Forgive me as I dont know much about HDR and effects.

On the download page u wrote that 108 is the simplified version of older versions, that means it just removed complex effects and doesn't really add any new thing. So why only 108 and not also older versions suffer this bug? I hope u can fix it in the next release 'cause I really wanna use some favorite types of hair of mine (and also because I don't know how to use CK to fix texture myself, haha...)

Oh and thanks for the reply.

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Re: Skyrim: Flashing Spot bug with 0.108

All versions have problems with hdr, because it's game like that done and modders. In previous versions i just tried to make a fix by manually limiting wrong values in shaders, that's why almost not appear (but for some users in some areas still buggy with bright colorful dots).
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Re: Skyrim: Flashing Spot bug with 0.108

ok, thank u for wasting ur time. Hope for a fix to this simplified version soon (if u intend).
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