Skyrim Patch 1.5.26 Official Release Grass Problem

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Re: Skyrim Patch 1.5.26 Official Release Grass Problem

Have you read carefully?
It has nothing to to with Enb.

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Re: Skyrim Patch 1.5.26 Official Release Grass Problem

äh sure ?
we need the d3d9.dll for 99% of the good enbs from nexus (DOF, SSAO and other we need the .102 versions) without installed ENBs (.102) , using vanilla or RCRN or something other i dont have this grass bug (100% aproved!)..but i dont have great grafiks too.
with enb + the 102er .dll the bug is still there.
i spend WEEKS to test this shit..
we want to play with dof..we want to play with ssao and this other great settings. without this everyone can still play with RCRN and normal lighting mods.. this looks boring compared to enbs but still with much better performance than 0108 er ENB.dll.

see this? : (post from mowyn kelm)

"This is almost certainly a INI problem." <- no -.-

To disable grass shadows, open Skyrim.ini and under display add <- dont work


These may also help:


If that doesn't work;

Delete/backup Skyrim.ini and SkyrimPrefs.ini from your MyDocuments folder.

Run the launcher, let it reset your settings.

I run ENB/FXAA and have no problems with 1.5 on ATI.

Edit: I run ENB 1.08. <<<<<<-----------------------------------------------------!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TATSUTOSHI EDITION NEEDET for almost EVERY good ENB settings from nexus.. and WITH THIS ..grass bug occurs. :( sure we can use the .108 er but why should we do ? whats the reason why we should use this settings if this dont enable Dof or other great things..

i miss my ENB :( compared with this vanilla/RCRN/RLWC blablabla.. looks like...ass..

äääh..much sry for my bad english. need practice.. :? mein englisch is komplett fuern eimer..entschuldigt herzlichst :(

an dieser stelle will ich "boris V." mal danken. mit ENB sieht das spiel um glatte 200% besser aus. einfach geil..nützt nur nicht viel wenn das gras alles versaut..und zwar KOMPLETT versaut weil man ja oft draussen unterwegs ist.

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Re: Skyrim Patch 1.5.26 Official Release Grass Problem

Yes, I'm quite sure, because some have the grass bug without using enb.
And I dont believe bShadowsOnGrass=0 goes under [Display], I think it belongs to [Grass], but I may be wrong.
And...Dein Englisch ist doch ganz in Ordnung. Muß doch nicht alles 100%ig stimmen, Haupsache, man versteht, was Du meinst.
Wenn Du allerdings Boris danken willst, schreib lieber auf Englisch, ich glaube nicht, das er Deutsch kann.

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Re: Skyrim Patch 1.5.26 Official Release Grass Problem

Danke fuer die Blumen ;)
aber irgendwie glaube ich das nicht.

deinstalliert bzw löscht man alle dateien einer ENB die NIX mit der 018 ter .dll zu tun hat ist das problem rcrn ist es auch nicht da. keine ahnung was die da so noch drauf hatten ums zu testen aber ich hab so ziemlich jede enb einstellung vorgenommen..jeden lighting mod..alles was es so gibt auf nexus um erstmal herauszufinden was den bug verursacht. das hat mich WOCHEN gekostet (muss ja auch arbeiten^^)
das problem tritt nur ein wenn ich die 0102 er .dll benutze..und die braucht man fuer nahezu JEDES gute enb setting auf nexus das tiefenunschärfe und screenspace occlusion usw aktiviert.

ich weiss nicht mehr was ich machen soll..ich weiss nur eins: skyrimm macht ohne enb nur halb so viel spass..und das stinkt mir :( (nicht zuletzt weil ich mir EXTRA fuer n ENB mod ne GTX 580 AMP gekauft habe!!!..)

eine Frage habe ich noch die ich nicht auf englisch stellen kann (bin ich zu doof für)

gibt es eine Grund wieso man statt wie ich momenten "RCRN2.1" + "Dragon Warriors Effects 1,5" auf zB "Stakatos ENB" mit der 0108 ter .dll wechseln sollte die ja bekanntermassen EXTREM abgespeckt wurde damit der bug nicht mehr auftritt (was mich auch drauf schliessen lässt das ENB mit tatzutoshis 0102 er .dll dran schuld ist!)

ich meine: was macht stakatos besser oder anders als meine variante? ich wüsste das echt gern weil seine Bilder die er hier gepostet hat schon sehr gut aussehen; ich aber nicht weiss was mir "mehr" vorteile bringt..bessere optik usw. Kannst du mir da helfen ?

Sry to the english guys.. i cant ask this with my stupid "newborn" english. forgive me plz :>

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Re: Skyrim Patch 1.5.26 Official Release Grass Problem

Back to english, so everybody understands me.
If you ask me, IVIessiah, Stakados Presets are one of the best you can get.
I don't know, what machine he uses, if that are playable presets for him or just for taking screenshots.
I say, take his preset and if you take one with SSAO and its too laggy for you, just deactivate SSAO.
Should still be awsome optics.
If you want to know, what he did to get these awsome pictures and why your preset does not, just compare his and your files:
Download WinMerge, and look at files like effects.txt and enbseries.ini.
I tried Dragon Warrior Effects and RCRN too, but they did not produce my taste of look.
And I doubt, you can ever get the same optics as enb with RCRN or Dragon Warrior.
RCRN Lagacy is quite nice, but not awsome.
And Dragon Warrior isn't very comfortable, settings via magic menu is...stupid.

And I still think, Enb has nothing to do with the grass bug.
There are posts on nexus saying, they never used enb but still have bugs with grass shadows.
How do you explain that?
And if really d3d9.dll is the problem/causing the bugs, then use 1.03, it has no d3d9.dll and still the same features like 1.02.

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Re: Skyrim Patch 1.5.26 Official Release Grass Problem

thanks for the compliment

To my knowledge, the only way to solvethe grass bug is using a enb 108.
the cons, are the loss of enb ssao and dof, but you still achieve ssao by nvidia control panel (i use this)
there is another con, the bright flash that give some surfaces, this can be solved setting bFloatPointRenderTarget=0 in skyrimpfrefs.ini

i think my realistic enb 108 is very nice looking, only need some imaginator tweaks.


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Re: Skyrim Patch 1.5.26 Official Release Grass Problem

i think i will try stakatos enb again because i rly love his pictures here..
to aktivate the nvidia ssao i should open the controll panel and then go to the line called "ambient Occlusion" but i miss this line ?!
is not there.. what can i do ? i installed the latest drivers for my gtx 580 amp.. any idea :( ?
or should i download the ..whats named..: "nvidia inspector" first?

and stakato what do u mean with: " the bright flash that give some surfaces" ? . excuse my english again.
another question..can u send me a copy of your .ini settings? just to compare.. (love the pics you postet here) i rly wish a gamelook like yours. but hopefully without a too bright dungeonlook. i like to use torches ;)

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Re: Skyrim Patch 1.5.26 Official Release Grass Problem


I've been using your ENB Realistic 1.08 + Imaginator for a couple weeks now (it's a great ENB profile without the pesky grass shadow bug), and I find there's no way to enable SSAO using nVidia Inspector *or* nVidia Control Panel.

I've set bFloatRenderPointTarget=0 and bFloatRenderPointTarget=1, and set SSAO to Off, Performance, and Quality in nVidia Control Panel, taken several exact screenshots in several different locations, and the screenshots all look exactly the same -- SSAO isn't showing up at all! I've done the same using nVidia Inspector with the same result -- no SSAO no matter what settings I use. :(

What I *have* noticed is that when I set bFloatPointRenderTarget=1, I get the "flashy textures" you speak of (the bright flashes when certain textures are on screen), but no benefits of SSAO. :(

Is there something I'm missing here, or are you using your 1.02 ENB with SSAO? Any help would be appreciated, because I really, really miss the great SSAO without the flashing textures that 1.02 has! Thanks in advance (and thanks for the great ENB profile!)

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Re: Skyrim Patch 1.5.26 Official Release Grass Problem

tzaar0723 wrote:@stakado

I've been using your ENB Realistic 1.08 + Imaginator for a couple weeks now (it's a great ENB profile without the pesky grass shadow bug), and I find there's no way to enable SSAO using nVidia Inspector *or* nVidia Control Panel.
Since 1.5 you can't use the Skyrim preset for SSAO in nvidia inspector/control panel, UNLESS you also set iBlurDeferredShadowMask=0 in SkyrimPrefs.ini (which makes shadows sharp, which doesn't look all that great). Another option is to just change the "Ambient Occlusion compatability" in inspector to the Fallout 3 preset. It is not quite as good as the Skyrim preset, but lets you keep good looking shadows until Nvidia/Bethesda work it out.
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Re: Skyrim Patch 1.5.26 Official Release Grass Problem

Vond wrote:
tzaar0723 wrote:@stakado

I've been using your ENB Realistic 1.08 + Imaginator for a couple weeks now (it's a great ENB profile without the pesky grass shadow bug), and I find there's no way to enable SSAO using nVidia Inspector *or* nVidia Control Panel.
Since 1.5 you can't use the Skyrim preset for SSAO in nvidia inspector/control panel, UNLESS you also set iBlurDeferredShadowMask=0 in SkyrimPrefs.ini (which makes shadows sharp, which doesn't look all that great). Another option is to just change the "Ambient Occlusion compatability" in inspector to the Fallout 3 preset. It is not quite as good as the Skyrim preset, but lets you keep good looking shadows until Nvidia/Bethesda work it out.

Most excellent! I'll give those two options a try. I can't live without SSAO, haha. Thanks very kindly for your help, Vond! :)
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