Skyrim: Interesting Interaction: FixLag and Trees' Animation

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Skyrim: Interesting Interaction: FixLag and Trees' Animation

With this setting enabled (Fixlag=true) in enblocal.ini, I get a very generous fps boots(+20 or more). But there's an interesting side effect. Tree animation effectively stops if fps is lower than 58. I know that they are supposed to stop at around 30.

I'm mainly posting this one to see if it something reproducible or on my part. Has anyone ever seen this? Maybe somebody willing to check it out? Thanks in advance.

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Re: Skyrim: Interesting Interaction: FixLag and Trees' Anima

Not fps matters, but time of frame. Better don't pay attention to game bugs, you can't do anything with them.
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Re: Skyrim: Interesting Interaction: FixLag and Trees' Anima

Thanks for the answer.
Τime of frame? Care to explain what this is? Is it completely out of my control?

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Re: Skyrim: Interesting Interaction: FixLag and Trees' Anima

Rendering frames is not game logic/physic frames, plus time for every frame is not constant, it can be twice longer than some other rendered frame because game draw some objects not every frame. Animation of trees do not depends from rendered frames, but some other internal frame rate which depends from rendered frame time.
i9-9900k, 64Gb RAM, RTX 3060 12Gb, Win7
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